Epidemiology - lecture

Week 4 Epidemiology of air-borne and blood-borne infections

The main goals of the lesson

  1. to be familiarised with the basic epidemiological characteristics of air-borne infections - types of pathogens, sources and routes of transmission, susceptible persons, occurrence
  2. to study the main epidemiological characteristics of influenza seasonal (types of causative agents and their infectivity for humans, sources and routes of transmission, susceptible persons, risk population, risk for healthcare workers, occurrence, prevention including vaccination)
  3. to learn the main epidemiological characteristics of pertussis, pneumococcal infections, and tuberculosis - pathogens and their infectivity, sources and routes of transmission, susceptible persons, risk population, the risk for healthcare workers, occurrence, and prevention including vaccination
  4. to be familiarised with the main characteristics of blood-borne infections, including HIV and Hepatitis B, C.