Medical Biophysics – General medicine 2021/22 Tue 10,00–10,50, /Thu 12,00–13,40, (B11, 114) Main lecturer: Prof. Mornstein Tuesday September 13^th Medical Physics and Biophysics: Introduction Thursday September 15^th Structure of matter. Structure of living matter Tuesday September 20^th Thermodynamic principles. Thursday September 22^nd Healthcare informatics (Dr. Bourek) Tuesday September 27^th Thermodynamics and life Thursday September 29^th Biomolecular and Cellular Research Devices (Mgr. Vlk) Tuesday October 4^th Resting and action membrane potential Thursday October 6^th Introduction to biophysics of receptors. Biophysics of hearing and vestibular sense Tuesday October 11^th Biophysics of visual perception I Thursday October 13^th Biophysics of visual perception II Sensory perception examination and aids Tuesday October 18^th Biosignals and their processing. Thermometry Thursday October 20^st Nanomedical Devices (Assoc. Prof. Bernard) Tuesday October 25^th Devices for electrochemical analysis. Auxiliary laboratory devices Thursday October 27^th X-ray Imaging Tuesday November 1^st Endoscopes, tissue ablation devices and lithotripters Thursday November 3^rd Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Infrared imaging Tuesday November 8^th Nuclear medicine and radiotherapy I Thursday November 10^th Nuclear medicine and radiotherapy II Tuesday November 15^th Biophysics of cardiovascular system. Biophysics of breathing. Spirography Thursday November 17^th State holiday Tuesday November 22^th Safety aspects of air pressure and gravity changes, and ultrasound Thursday November 24^th Microscopy (Mgr. Vlk) Tuesday November 29^th Devices for substitution and assist of body organs Thursday December 1^st Ultrasound diagnostics Tuesday December 6^th Physical Therapy Thursday December 8^th Protection of the Patient from Ionizing Radiation and Image Quality Outcomes in X-Ray Imaging Tue December 13^th and Thu December 15^th autopsy practice