Světlana Skutilová University Hospital Brno MOVEMENT DISORDERS  Striatum ( ncl caudatus + putamen), palidum, ncl subtalamicus L., substantia nigra, ncl ruber, ncl basalis Meynerti, ncl accumbens  A. HYPOKINETIC- HYPERTONIC SYNDROME  (parkinsonism)  limited voluntary movement  B. HYPERKINETIC- HYPOTONIC SYNDROME  abnormal involuntary movement DYSFUNCTION OF BG  The most frequently cause of parkinsonism (about 70%)  Chronic slowly progressive neurodegenerative brain disease  Etiology: ??  Patology: neurodegeneration pars compacta SN, dicreased production of dopamin (less than 50%), deficit in striatum (dopaminergic receptors, responsibility intact , presynaptic disturbance)  Neuropatologic finding: Lewy bodies in neuron cytoplasma primary in SN (SYNUKLEIN) + locus coeruleus IDIOPATIC PARKINSON´S DISEASE  Prevalence – 360 per 100 000   Incidence - 18 per 100 000 per year  Age of starting - 5. a 6. decenium : 10% early onset  10% late onset  1. DOMINANT MOTOR SYMPTOMS  BRADYKINESIA TREMOR (rest, slowly, asymetric) especially upper limb  RIGIDITY (axial muscles, limb flexors )  POSTURAL INSTABILITY, gait disturbance  Hesitation ….. freezing  Pulse ….. festination CLINICAL FEATURES  2. SIDE MOTOR SYMPTOMS  Hypomimia  Hypokinetic Dysarthria Hypofonia  Micrografia UPDRS Unifed Parkinson disease rating scale  3. NON-MOTOR SYMPTOMS  A) MENTAL Disturbance : ncl b. Meynerti  depression, anxiety 50%  Executive cognitive dysfunction  Wild dreams..(pseudo)halucination..psychosis (side efect of antiparkinsonian drugs ! )  B) SENSORIC Disturbance:  Olfactorial dysfunction  C) AUTONOMIC SYMPTOMS : ncl dorsalis vagi  Constipation  Urinary urgency  Sialorrhoea  Hyperhidrosis  Dysfagia  Ortostatic hypotension  Sleep disturbance, daily sleeping  + motor fluctuation (on-off state)  + dyskinesias (chorea, dystonia)  + dementia PDD ( 40%) LATE STADIUM A. CLINIC NEUROLOGIC EXAM! UPDRS Unifed Parkinson disease rating scale  We do not need……………….  Hemiparkinsonism  Diagnostic-treatment test (DOPARESPONSIBILITY)  (750mg -1g …. 2 months) DIAGNOSTIC B. NEUROIMAGING 1. Brain DAT SCAN  2. Brain MRI  3. (Transcranial duplex sono)  Expensive  Binding radionuklidu  on presynaptic  ending  nigrostriatal  neurons DAT SCAN  NO CURE  NO STOP  SYMPTOMATIC (substitution of dopamin) - significant reduction of troubles  NO Neuroprotectiv drug Individual (age, another illnes, cognitive function..)  Strategy … early contra late stadium TREATMENT OPTIMAL IN SPECIALIZED SURGERY  DA - AGONIST L-DOPA  dopamin prekursor  penetration H-E barrier DOPA-dekarboxylasa  PRAMIPEXOL ISICOM  ROPINIROL NAKOM  ROTIGOTINE MADOPAR  SINEPAR (retard)    HONEY MOON….. FARMAKOTHERAPY EARLY STADIUM  1. MONOTHERAPY L-DOPA (DuoDopa)  or  2. INHIBITORS COMT - ENTACAPON  Blockade of enzym COMT increasse level of L-Dopa STALEVO ( L-Dopa + entacapone)  (3.) AMANTADINE- VIREGYT K, PK-MERZ  Antagonist NMDA receptors, increasse level of dopamin in synapsy  I: choreatic dyskinesias FARMAKOTHERAPY LATE STADIUM  DEMENTIA TREATMENT: ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE INHIBITORS  Donepezil - ARICEPT, KOGNEZIL  Rivastigmin- EXELON (Caution ex py AE)  Galantamin - GALANTAMIN  PSYCHOSIS TREATMENT:  Reduction of antiparkinson drugs – only monotherapy L-Dopa  ATYPICAL! Neuroleptic drugs – Quetiapin,Tiaprid  (do not block DA receptors in striatum)  Typical n. – risk of akinetic crisis or neuroleptic malignat syndrome)  Refractory tremor – BTX  DO NOT prescribe anticholinergic drug (Akineton)  Caution ! sudden take off drug  Lowprotein diet DBS …(Deep Brain Stimulation)  functional stereotactic operation  Bilateral electric stimulation from 1 neurostimulator (PM)  TARGET: STN (ncl.subtalamicus) VIM talamus Palidum  Contraindication: age (more than 70)  serious depression  dementia   BENEFIT : reduction of antiparkinson drug  reduction of motor fluctuation NEUROSURGICAL THERAPY