Public Health I - practice

Module V: Evidence-based Medicine (EBM)


This seminar aims to provide the students with the essential skills of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), i.e., formulating clinical questions (e.g., PICO), building search strategies, critical appraisal of most common medical study designs (cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, and case reports), and interpreting forest plots. In addition, the students should be independently able to evaluate the quality of systematic reviews based on the recent recommendations of Cochrane & JBI.

Pre-Seminar Recording

Please watch this recorded presentation BEFORE you attend the seminar!

Pre-Seminar Homework

Please download the following JBI Checklists and read carefully the explanation of each checklist BEFORE you attend the seminar!


Please find the PowerPoint presentation of the seminar below:

Study Resources

  • Required Resources (compulsory)
  1. Nathan Cantley. How to read a forest plot. Students 4 Best Evidence (S4BE)
  2. Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials. Chapter 14: Knowledge Management
    N.B. In case you are studying from the previous edition (fifth edition) of Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials, you should study Chapter 14: Knowledge Management
  3. Masic I, Miokovic M, Muhamedagic B. Evidence Based Medicine - New Approaches and ChallengesActa Informatica Medica. 2008;16(4):219. doi:10.5455/aim.2008.16.219-225
  4. Kang H. How to understand and conduct evidence-based medicineKorean Journal of Anesthesiology. 2016;69(5):435. doi:10.4097/kjae.2016.69.5.435
  • Recommended Resources (optional)

  1. Guyatt G, Jaeschke R, Wilson MC, Montori VM, Richardson W. What Is Evidence-Based Medicine? Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. McGraw Hill Medical.§ionid=69031458


Please read these instructions CAREFULLY before you start!

1. This is a one-time login application, meaning you can only do the assignment once you click on the application icon below (Evidence-based Medicine).

2. This week's assignment includes 20 multiple-choice questions, and you will be allowed to finish them within 30 minutes.

3. The passing score is 70% (14 correct answers).

GroupOriginal DeadlineExtended Deadline
28Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
29Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
30Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
31Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
32Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
33Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
34Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
35Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
36Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
37Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
38Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59
39Open from 14.11.2022 - 00.01 to 20.11.2022 - 23:59Open from 21.11.2022 - 00.01 to 27.11.2022 - 23:59

Repetition ROPOT is open until January 31st, 2023 - 23:59