Introduction to the respiratory system pathophysiology Structural and functionalpropertiesof airways and lungs - defencemechanismsof airways and lungs Respiration as a processensuringa gas exchange - ventilation & diffusion & perfusion Ventilation– pulmonary mechanics - volumesand capacities - static and dynamicairflow resistance - dynamiccollapse - obstruction vs. restriction Diffusion – principlesand determinants - alveolar-capillary membrane - „oxygen cascade“ Lung circulation – principlesand determinants Warming up questions • (1) WHY do we breathe??? • (2) HOW do we breathe??? – principles of the quiet breathing • (3) WHEN do we breathe??? – all the time/non-stop, the death = „until the last breath“ STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS IMPORTANT FOR PP OF RESPIRATION & PARTICULAR DISORDERS Respiration and gas exchange in the lungs • ventilation = mechanical process – breathing in narrower meaning • diffusion= chemical process – through alveolo-cappilary barrier • perfusion= circulatory process – circulation of blood in lungs 4 deathfromlung disease is almost always due to an inability to overcomethe altered mechanical properties of the lung or chest wall,or both The delicate structure-function coupling of lungs • The main role of the respiratorysystem is GAS EXCHANGE,i.e. extraction of oxygen from the external environmentand disposal of wastegases, principallycarbon dioxide – at the end of deep breath 80% of lung volumeis air, 10% blood and 10% tissue • lung tissue spreads over an enormous area ! • The lungs have to provide – a large surfacearea accessibleto the environment(tennis courtarea) for gas exchange – alveoli walls haveto presentminimalresistancetogas diffusion • Close contact with the external environment means lungs can be damaged by dusts, gases and infective agents – host defenceis thereforea key priority for the lung and is achieved by a combination of structural and immunological means Structure of airways • There are about 23 (18-30) divisions(223 i.e. approx. 8 millions of sacs) between the trachea and the alveoli – the firstseven divisions, the bronchi have: • walls consisting of cartilage and smooth muscle • epithelial lining with cilia and goblet cells • submucosal mucus-secreting glands • endocrine cells - Kulchitsky or APUD (amine precursor and uptake decarboxylation) containing 5-hydroxytryptamine – the next 16-18 divisions the bronchioles have: • no cartilage • muscular layer progressively becomes thinner • a single layer of ciliated cells but very few goblet cells • granulated Clara cells that produce a surfactant-like substance Wall structure of conducting airways and respiratory region Lung defense – multiple mechanisms (details later) Mucocilliary escalator Functional classification of airways • Conducting airways (= anatomicaldead space) – g1-15 • nose (mouth) • larynx • trachea • main bronchi& bronchioles – gas conduction, humidification & warming, defense • Acinar airways (=respiratoryspace) – g16-23 • respiratorybronchioles • alveolarducts& sacs • alveoli – gas exchange • The concept of acinus – the functional3-D unit - part of parenchyma- in which all airways havealveoli attached to their wall and thus participating in gas exchange Alveoli • Thereare approximately 300-400 million alveoli in each lung with the total surface area is 40-80m2 • Cell types of the epithelial lining – type I pneumocytes • an extremely thin cytoplasm, and thus provide only a thin barrier to gas exchange, derived from type II pneumocytes • connected to each other by tight junctions that limit the fluid movements in and out of the alveoli • easily damageable, but cannot divide! – type II pneumocytes • slightly more numerous than type I cells but cover less of the epithelial lining • the source of type I cells and surfactant – macrophages Alveolo - capillary barrier • Alveolar epithelia – type I – type II • Capillary endothelium – non-fenestrated • Interstitium – cells (very few!) • fibroblasts • contractile cells • immune cells (interstitial macrophages, mast cells, …) – ECM • elastin and collagen fibrils (1) PRINCIPLES OF VENTILATION AND ITS ABNORMALITIES Ventilation (breathing) as a mechanical process • Inspiration – an activeprocess that results from the descent of the diaphragm and movement of the ribs upwards and outwards under the influence ofthe external intercostal muscles • in resting healthy individuals, contractionof the diaphragmis responsible formost inspiration – respiratorymuscles are similar to other skeletal muscles but are less prone to fatigue • weakness may play a part in respiratory failure resultingfrom neurological andmuscle disorders andpossibly with severe chronic airflow limitation – inspirationagainst increased resistance mayrequire the use of the accessory muscles of ventilation • sternocleidomastoidandscalene muscles • Expiration – follows passively as a result of gradual lesseningofcontraction of the intercostalmuscles,allowingthe lungs to collapse under the influence oftheir own elasticforces (elastic recoil and surface tension) – forced expirationis also accomplished with the aid of accessory muscles • abdominal wall andinternal intercostal muscles Muscles performing inspiration Boyle-Mariotte law (for ideal gas) Mechanics of ventilation – breathing cycle • pressures and pressuregradients – pressureon the body surface(Pbs), • usuallyequalto atmospheric(Pao) – alveolar pressure(Palv) – „elastic“ pressure(Pel) • generatedby lung parenchymaandsurface tension – pressurein pleural cavity (Ppl) – trans-pulmonarypressure(PL) • pressure difference between alveolusandpleuralcavity • PL = Palv - Ppl – trans-thoracicpressure(Prs) • pressure difference between alveolusandbody surface • determinesactualphase of ventilation, i.e.inspiriumor expirium • Prs = Palv - Pbs Mechanical properties of the chest wall vs. lungs = opposing elastic recoil lung has a tendencyto shrink (surfacetension + lung elasticity) chesthas a tendencyto expand (anatomyof thoraciccavity and muscles) resultingbalance Pneumothorax = the absence of neg. i-pleural P Is negative value of i-pleural P homogenous? situation at the end of quiet expirium gravitation and lung own weight decrease negativity at the bases (and vice versa on apexes) Lung volumes and capacities (tj. ≥ 2 volumes) • The ratio of RV to TLC (RV/TLCratio) in normal individualsis usually less than 0.25 • abnormal = increasedRV/TLC ratio in different types of pulmonary disease – obstructivediseases •  RV – restrictivediseases •  TLC Spirometry • absolutely most common pulmonary functiontest (PFT) • allows to classify ventilation disorders – obstructive – restrictive – combined • usefulfor provocationtests too – COPD vs. asthma  bronchodilator (s-B2agonist) – bronchial hyperreactivity (metacholine) PEFR The most important parameters Spirometry limitation • spirometry can measure almost all volumes and capacities with exception of RV – RV, FRC and TLC normally80%FVC RV (normally 20%TLC) TLC Spirometry in diagnosis of main types of ventilation disorders cannot exhalenormally cannot inhale normally Ventilation • pressurenecessary to distendlungs has to overcome two kinds of resistances – (1) STATIC = elastic recoil • in the respiratorypart of airwaysand lung parenchyma – (2) DYNAMIC = airwayresistance • in the convection partof airways • energy requirementsfor respiratory muscles to overcome these resistances are normally quite low – 2-5 % of a total O2 consumption • but increases dramaticallywhen resistanceincreases (up to 30%) (ad 1) Elastic properties of the lung 27 • lungs have an inherentelastic property that causes them to tend to collapse generatinga negative pressure within the pleural space – the strengthof this retractiveforce relates to the volume of the lung • for example, at higherlung volumesthe lung is stretched more,and a greater negative intrapleural pressureis generated – at the end of a quiet expiration,the retractiveforce exerted by the lungs is balanced by the tendency of the thoracic wall to spring outwards • at this point, respiratory musclesare restingand the volumeof the lung is knownas the functionalresidualcapacity (FRC) the systemof airway elastic fibres The transmural pressure across the respiratory system at FRC is zero. At TLC, both lung pressure and chest wall pressure are positive, and they both require positive transmural distending pressure. The resting volume of the chest wall is the volume at which the transmural pressure for the chest wall is zero, and it is approximately 60% of TLC. At volumes greater than 60% of TLC, the chest wall is recoiling inward and positive transmural pressure is needed, whereas at volumes below 60% of TLC, the chest wall tends to recoil outward Elastic recoil is determined by two kinds of forces • lung compliance(“distensibility”) – a measure of the relationship between this retractive force and lung volume (pressure-volume relationship) – defined as the change in lung volume brought about by unit change in transpulmonary (intrapleural) pressure (L/kPa) • surfacetensionproduced by the layer of fluid that lines the alveoli – determined by the cohesive (binding together) forces between molecules of the same type • on the inner surface of the alveoli there is a fluid that can resist lung expansion • there would be a lot of surface tension because there is an airwater interface in every alveolus • if surface tension remained constant, decreasing r during expiration would increase P and smaller alveolus would empty into large one – this collapsing tendency is offset by pulmonary surfactant which significantlylowers surfacetension Historical misconception Pulmonary surfactant • Complex mixture of lipids and proteins at the alveolar cell surface (liquid – gas interface) reducing surface tension – superficiallayer made of phospholipids (dipalmitoyl lecithin) – deeper layer (hypophase)made of proteins (SP-A, -B, -C, -D) • Surfactantmaintains lung volume at the end of expiration • Continuallyand very rapidly recycles – influenced by many hormonesincl. glucocorticoids • lung maturationin pre-term newborns Pulmonary surfactant adsorption to the interface and surface film formation. Processes that may contribute to transport of surface active surfactant species to the interface include 1) direct cooperative transfer of surfactant from secreted lamellar body-like particles touching the interface, 2) unravelling of secreted lamellar bodies to form intermediate structures such as tubular myelin (TM) or large surfactant layers that have the potential to move and transfer large amounts of material to the interface, and 3) rapid movement of surface active species through a continuous network of surfactant membranes, a so-called surface phase, connecting secreting cells with the interface. Perez-GilJ , Weaver T E Physiology 2010;25:132-141 ©2010 by American Physiological Society Newborn respiratory distress syndrome (nRDS) • hyaline membrane syndrome • surfactant substitution – porcine or modified bovine • sterilized – synthetic – next generation • recombinant SPproteins • indication: nRDS – less convincing evidence for ARDS, aspiration, pneumonia, … Abnormalities of elastic properties • changeof lung compliance(TLC,FRC, RV) –  pulmonary emphysema, aging (TLC, FRC, RV) –  interstitial disease (TLC, FRC, RV) • e.g. pulmonary fibrosis or bronchopneumonia • lack of surfactant(TLC,FRC, RV) – infant or adult respiratory distress syndromes (IRDS or ARDS, resp.), i.e. tendency of lung to collapse – alveolar lung edema (damages/dilutes surfactant) • diseases that affectthe movementof the thoracic cage and diaphragm – marked obesity – diseases of the thoracic spine • ankylosing spondylitis and kyphoscoliosis – neuropathies • e.g. the Guillain-Barre syndrome) – injury to the phrenic nerves (spine C3-C5) – myasthenia gravis (ad 2) Airway (dynamic) resistance • Poiseuille’s law for pressure states that the pressure is – directly proportional to flow, tube length, and viscosity – and it is inversely proportional to tube radius • Overcoming increased resistance requires forced expiration Airflow velocity and pattern Airflow – where is the highest resistance? Airflow resistance • From the trachea to the periphery, the airways become smaller in size (although greater in number) – the cross-sectional area available for airflow increases as the total number of airways increases – the flow of air is greatest in the trachea and slows progressively towards the periphery (as the velocity of airflow depends on the ratio of flow to crosssectional area) • in the terminal airways,gas flow occurs solely by diffusion • The resistance to airflow is very low (0.1-0.2 kPa/L in a normal tracheobronchial tree), steadily increasing from the small to the large airways • Airway tone is under the control of the autonomic nervous system – bronchomotor tone is maintained by vagal efferentnerves – many adrenoceptors on the surface of bronchial muscles respond to circulating catecholamines • sympathetic nerves do not directly innervate them! • Airway resistance is also relatedto lung volumes – because airways are ‘tethered’ by alveoli (i.e. pulled open by radial traction) – visible on bronchoscopy – patients with obstruction benefit from breathing in high lung volumes Airway-Parenchymal Interdependence Airflow resistance – effect of changed airway diameter • theoreticalamplifying effectof luminal mucuson airflowresistancein asthma – (a) Accordingto Poiseuille’slaw,resistanceto flow (R) is proportionaltothe reciprocalof the radius(r) raised to the fourth power. – (b) Withoutluminalmucus, bronchoconstriction toreducethe airway radiusby half increasesairflow resistance16- fold. – (c) A small increasein mucusthickness(tM), which reduces the radiusof the airwayby only one-tenth,hasa negligibleeffect on airflow in the unconstricted airway (comparewithpanel a). – (d) With bronchoconstriction,the same amountof luminalmucusmarkedly amplifies the airflowresistanceof this airway The difference between quiet and forced expiration for the most part of expiration,the flow rateis effort-independent Flow-volume loop: peak inspiratory and initial expiratory flow rates are dependent on effort, whereas expiratory flow rates later in expiration are independent of effort • In forced expiration, the driving pressure raises both the PALV and the PPL – between the alveolus and the mouth, a point will occur (C) where the airwaypressure will equal the intrapleural pressure, and airway compression will occur • equal pressure point – however, this equal pressure point and event. compression of the airway is not fixed during the entire expiration (as the lung volume decreases) – initially, it does not existsince in the absence of lung disease, the equal pressure point occurs in airways that contain cartilage, and thus they resist collapse – later, the equal pressure point moves closer to the alveoli causing transient occlusion of the airway • this, however, results in an increase in pressure behind it (i.e. upstream) and this raises the intra-airway pressure so that the airways open and flow is restored – the airways thus tend to vibrate at this point of 'dynamic airway compression' Why is expiratory flow limited? Mechanism of dynamic compression in forced expiration Pressures,incm H2O, are shown at differentpointsinthe breathing cycle,atmospheric pressure is zero,and valuesforalveolarand intrapleural pressure are giveninthe appropriate spaces. The yellow arrows show the directionand magnitude of the transmural pressure across the lungs. By convention, transmural pressure is calculated as alveolar pressure minus intrapleural pressure. If transmural pressure is positive, it is an expanding pressure on the lung and the yellow arrow points outward. During inspiration,the diaphragmcontracts, causingthe volume of the thorax to increase. As lung volume increases,the pressure in the lungs must decrease. (Boyle’s law)Halfway through inspiration(B), alveolarpressure falls below atmospheric pressure (−1 cmH2O). The pressure gradient betweenthe atmosphere and the alveoli drives airflow into the lung. Air flows into the lungs until, at the end of inspiration (C), alveolarpressure is once againequal to atmospheric pressure; the pressure gradient betweenthe atmosphere andthe alveoli has dissipated, andairflow into the lungs ceases. During inspiration,intrapleural pressure becomes evenmore negative thanat rest. There are two explanations forthis effect: (1)As lung volume increases,the elastic recoil of the lungs also increases andpulls more forcefully against the intrapleural space,and (2) airway and alveolar pressures become negative. Together, these two effects cause the intrapleural pressure to become more negative, orapproximately −8 cmH2O at the end of inspiration. The extent to which intrapleural pressure changes during inspirationcanbe used to estimate the dynamic compliance of the lungs. Normally,expiration is a passive process. Alveolar pressure becomes positive (higher than atmospheric pressure)because the elastic forces ofthe lungs compress the greatervolume of air in the alveoli. When alveolar pressure increases above atmospheric pressure (D), air flows out of the lungs and the volume in the lungs returns to FRC. The volume expiredis the tidal volume. At the end of expiration (A),all volumes and pressures return to their values at rest and the systemis ready to begin the next breathing cycle. EPP and dynamic compression/collapse of airways EPP and dynamic compression/collapse of airways Dynamic compression in various situations • The respiratory system is represented as a piston with a single alveolus and the collapsible part of the airways within the piston • C, compression point; PALV, alveolar pressure; PEL, elastic recoil pressure; PPL, pleural pressure. – (a) at rest at functional residual capacity – (b) forced expiration in normal subjects – (c) forced expiration in a patient with COPD Eupnoea vs. abnormal breathing pattern • eupnoea – f  VT = 12-18/min  500 mL • pathology according to fervency, volume and preferred position of the subjects – tachypnea  hypopnea – orthopnea  platypnea  trepopnea, – dyspnea – apnea Both types of airway resistance influence work of breathing • the pressurenecessary for lunginflation (generated by respiratory muscles)has to overcome two typesof resistances • energy needed for respiratory musclesto deal with resistances is normally very low – 2 – 5% of a totalO2 consumption – but the energy demanddramaticallyincreaseswith the rise of any kind of ressistance(up to 30%) • componentsof work of breathing – non-elasticwork • viscosity= 7 % • airwayresistance = 28 % – increases innarrowingof the airway lumenmay be due to: » a) mucus,cells orother material withinthe lumen » b) thickening of the airway wall that encroaches onthe lumen(hypertrophy) » c) shorteningof smoothmuscle aroundthe lumen (bronchoconstriction) » d) collapse of the airway wall into the lumen(emphysema) – elasticwork = 65 % • work of breathingcorrelateswith dyspnea – it is a subjective symptom of many respiratorydiseases/conditions – it is describedas a feeling of a lack of air or heavychest or difficult breathing Work of breathing Thanks for your attention! Quantitatively • (1) inhaled atmospheric air – 21% O2, 0.03%CO2, 78% N2, watergases 0.6% and the rest other gases (argon, helium, ..) • atm. pressure760 mmHg (101 kPa) • PO2: 0.21 x760 = 160 mmHg • analogically PCO2 = 0.3mmHg • (2) alveolar air (mixture of inhaled and exhaled air) – PAO2 = 100mmHg(13.3kPa),PACO2 = 40 mmHg (5.3kPa), Pwater vapour = 47 mmHg • PAO2 in alveolus slightly lower than atmospheric due to higher CO2 content in alveolus (diffusion fromblood) • (3) arterial blood – PaO2 = 90mmHg (12kPa),PaCO2 = 45 mmHg • diffusion of oxygen not 100% and there is also physiologicalshunt • (4) venous blood – PvO2 = 30 - 50mmHg air (P) alveolar(PA) arterial(Pa) venous (Pv) O2 21kPa/150mmHg 13.3kPa/100mmHg 12kPa/90mmHg 5.3kPa/40mmHg CO2 0.03kPa/0.3mmHg 5.3kPa/40mmHg 5.3kPa/40mmHg 6.0kPa/45mmHg Hypoxia and its consequences • HIF-1α regulation by proline hydroxylation – (a) In normoxia, hypoxia-induciblefactor(HIF)-1αis hydroxylatedby proline hydroxylases(PHD1,2 and 3) in the presence of O2, Fe2+, 2-oxoglutarate(2-OG) and ascorbate. • Hydroxylated HIF-1α (OH)is recognised by pVHL (the productof the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor gene), which, together with a multisubunit ubiquitin ligase complex, tags HIF-1α with polyubiquitin; this allows recognition by the proteasomeand subsequent degradation. • Acetylation of HIF-1α (OAc) also promotes pVHL binding. – (b) In response to hypoxia,proline hydroxylationis inhibited and VHL is no longer able to bind and targetHIF-1αfor proteasomaldegradation,which leads to HIF-1α accumulationand translocationto the nucleus. • There, HIF-1α dimerises with HIF-1β, binds to hypoxiaresponseelements (HREs) within the promoters of target genes and recruits transcriptionalco-activators such as p300/CBP for full transcriptionalactivity. • A rangeof cell functions areregulated by the target genes, as indicated. – Abbreviation: CBP, CREBbinding protein; Ub, ubiquitin. Summary • The physiological structure of the lungs and airways ensures that – the work consumed for mechanical breathing is minimal – the airways and the lungs are able to effectively defend themselves against inhaled pathogens and particles – the area available to a gas exchange is huge, and the diffusion barrier minimal – in order to get enough O2 into peripheral tissues, the exchange of gases in the lungs has to be as effective as possible – maintaining the concentration gradients necessary to keep the passive diffusion going is the principal driving force of ventilation – pulmonary circulation is adapted to maximize gas diffusion through the alveolar-capillary membrane