Examination of arterial system Methods: Invasivity ■ Invasive ■ Non-invasive Modality used in the metho ■ Physical examination ^ff™nctin--- ■ Electromagnetic ■ Magnetic resonance Most methods try to verificate or visuali< stenosis caused by atherosclerotic lesion Physical examinations ■ Can be used in the neck or extremities ■ Inspection - trophic changes in ischemia, pale to „marbled" periphery of an extremity ■ Auscultation - stenosis can be manifested by a murmur (turbulent flow) ■ Palpation - pulse can't be palpated distally of obstruction, difference in temperature between J / healthy and ischemized^— extremity 1 Stress tests Are used to triggering ischemia during the labour of skeletal or heart muscle, which leads into ischemic pain Treadmill or exercise bike can be used to provoke ischemia If there is a suspicion for IHD, 12-lead ECG can be recorded to verificate ischemic changes UltraSonoGraphy (USG) I In the diagnostics of atherosclerosis, two dimensional image together with doppler examination is used (duplex USG) I By common devices, large vessels, vessels of extremities or neck, and renal arteries can be investigated (also the heart) +^^T" I In bh*in arteries, modified transcranial doppler can be used ■ Doppler effect blue^hiu IttLJSHlH The principle is different frequency of waves in front of and behind moving source ^^^^ Electromagnetic waves are used e.g. in astronomy or in police radars (speed measuring), acoustic waves e.g. in sonars or in medical applications In USG, the source and reciever is stationary, but it is reflected by moving particles (blood cells). Frequency is higher when cells move towards the source, lower when they move awap Duplex USG - SIEMENS VF10-5 C-Vascular 5.3 MHz 5580 Hz Filter 1ft7 Hz Update Off DR55dB Map C TintO Sweep 2 Gate 1.0 mm T/F Res F Angle 60 ° 12fps combination of 2D image and Doppler USG 12 mm 60 PI = 1.B5 i I I PS = 92.0cm/s TAmn = 23.5 cm/s J Common Carotid Artery i i i R|l= 0.74 i ' ED = 23.5 cm/s 'S/r/=3l91 i ' TAmx - 37.1 cm/s Color and Pulse Wave Doppler 3 cm Z \ ! The thinner is the stenoSTsTthe faster is the blood flow! Intravascular Ultrasonography (IVUS) Invasive method, used as supplement of angiographic examination The probe is carried by a catheter directly into the vessel to gain more exact information about the morphology of atherosclerotic lesion Angiography In wide sense all methods, where the vessels are visualized using contrast matter In narrow sense, it is used for skiascopy-based methods ^^^^^ ■ Advantages: detailed view of long vessel sections real-time picture ^^^^ \ ■ Disadvantages: invasive method - risk of an injury (on the other hand, this can be an advantage - angioplast^\^ needs expensive equipment ^f000"^ ( radiation load on both patient and staff Less invasive alternatives are CT and MR angiography Angiographic picture mm ffir Normal digiM subriadion pulmonary angiogram gt Ihe right Igng Digital subtraction angiography - th other tissues is digitally removed Coronary angiography After cathetrization, the contrast matter (mostly iodine) is injected into left and right coronary artery The examination of arteries is usually followed by visualization of left ventricle (ventriculography) In case of need, therapeutic intervention on the artery can be performed Coronary angiography 2 Anti-radiation measures must be taken during the examination CathLab - Cathetrization Laboratory CT and MR angiography CT and MR AG can display large parts of arterial system In MR angiography, there is not radiation exposition As a disadvantage, there is not a possibility of real-time picture and of an intervention OCT (optical coherent tomography) Invasive method similar to IVUS Based on echolocation, instead of ultrasound waves it uses IR electromagnetic radiation (Xj^OOnm) _ More exact than IVUS The tissue can be "displayed only up to 1-2 mm after stent implantatio NIRS Near infrared spectroscopy May be combined with IVUS or OCT Valuable in the detection of necrotic core, especially when hiden behind dense material (calcium deposits) Combination of imaging methods NIRS ■ Left Anterior Descending Artery |a3 | I it 1 ■ \;. 1 V 1 V Q IVUS-NIRS - OCT Histology 4/ - fibrous cap with calcifications; # - necrotic core; * - other lipid deposit Blood testing ■ Focused on known risk factors (lipid spectrum, hyperglycemia) ^^^^Br^ ■ In familiar atherosclerosis in young age, it is suitable to perform genetic tests with respect to known risky alleles