Adobe Systems Psychotherapy Pavel Theiner Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Learning outcomes ̶Student is able to define psychotherapy as a treatment method ̶ ̶Student knows variables affecting the effectivity of psychotherapy ̶ ̶Student lists various types of psychotherapy based on therapist approach and psychotherapy setting ̶ ̶Student knows the foundations of important psychotherapeutic schools Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) What is psychotherapy? - -Therapeutical approach to a disease, disorder or anomaly using psychological methods, i.e. communication and relationship tools - -Psychological methods: words, dialogue as well as silence, suggestions, triggering of emotional reactions, learning, non-verbal behaviour, but first and foremost therapeutic relationship ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Who does psychotherapy? ̶Psychotherapist ̶ ̶Originally a physician or a psychologist in the course and after completion of their specialized and certified education (training), of at least 5 years’ duration with a required number of hours of theory, practice and supervision. ̶ ̶Presently other specialists as well •nurses, teachers, social workers, etc. •some training institutes do not require university education ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) History of psychotherapy ̶Psychotherapy developed with the development of psychology starting at the beginning of the 20th century ̶ ̶Psychotherapy was initially linked to medical/psychiatric practice, becoming later an independent specialization ̶ ̶Psychotherapy has thriven chiefly in Europe and the US ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) History of psychotherapy ̶Psychologists were influenced by a variety of cultures and religions, thus different psychologists stressed different aspects of human thinking and behaviour and devised new theories and methods on how to deal with patients suffering from different mental conditions ̶ ̶Within the next 100 years a number of different psychotherapetic approches (or schools) were born, often very versatile in nature as well as in effectiveness when it comes to solving mental conditions Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Goals of psychotherapy ̶Symptom relief ̶ ̶Restructuralization therapy (focused on personality issues) ̶ ̶Well-being ̶Comprehension of reality ̶Emotional stability ̶Performance pertaining to capability ̶Social adaptation Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Focus of psychotherapy ̶Unconscious processes ̶ ̶Conscious processes ̶ ̶Behaviour ̶ ̶Interpersonal relationships ̶ ̶Bodily functions ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) How is psychotherapy divided? ̶Based on therapist approach ̶directive - mentorship ̶non-directive – guidance ̶ ̶Based on setting ̶individual psychotherapy ̶group psychotherapy ̶family therapy ̶marital (couples’) psychotherapy ̶therapeutic community ̶ ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Types psychoterapie ̶ ̶Crisis intervention ̶ ̶Support psychotherapy ̶ ̶Systematic psychotherapy ̶Short-term ̶Long-term ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Effectiveness of psychotherapy ̶Psychotherapy is very effective ̶ ̶Based on various studies, positive outcome is seen in 66-90% patients treated ̶ ̶Rarely worsening of mental state (5%) Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) What helps in psychotherapy ̶Patient’s motivation to change something in their life ̶ ̶Therapeutic relationship ̶ ̶Therapist’s personality ̶ ̶Therapeutic interventions ̶ ̶Setting ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) How much psychotherapy is needed? ̶An average patient attends four sessions ̶ ̶An effect is usually seen after 9th session ̶ ̶50% of patients recover between 11th-21st session ̶ Adobe Systems Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Important psychotherapeutic schools ̶Psychoanalysis ̶Dynamic therapies ̶Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) ̶Systemic therapy ̶Gestalt therapy ̶ ̶And many others ̶ Adobe Systems Take home message ̶Psychotherapy is a treatment approach used in mental disorders ̶ ̶Psychotherapy is effective if administered appropriately, but it can also have negative side effects as any treatment method ̶ ̶Psychotherapists have to be appropriately trained and experienced ̶ ̶Therapeutic relationship is the main factor determining the outcome of psychotherapy Psychiatry – lecture (aVLPY9X1p) Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity 2021 Adobe Systems