Medical psychology and psychosomatics for dentistry

Day 1 - Humanized medicine as a way of addressing the humanity in us: implicit aim of medical psychology education

Study time

20 minutes : VIDEO

Psychology in medicine : Chapter 1


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Chyba: Odkazovaný objekt neexistuje nebo nemáte právo jej číst.

Take home message
  • Compassion is an active approach to the suffering of others, to be helpful and at the same time to protect oneself from shared suffering.
  • Empathy and compassion are skills that can be developed through training.
  • Knowledge of the processes behind empathy and compassion is essential for the practice of a competent health professional.
  • Compassion for others and oneself is a universal principle behind well-being and life satisfaction.
Practitioner points:
  • Humanity and compassion is a skill that can be developed by training and through the reflection of our role in medicine.
  • This mindset increases patient satisfaction with care, shortens treatment times and accelerates recovery, and increases the amount of information that patients tell us.