25 minutes: VIDEO
Day 3 - Psychological factors in health promotion and illness prevention
- Lifestyle and behavior have a significant impact on health.
- Psychological well-being is a multidimensional phenomenon and one of the key factors contributing to disease prevention, health maintenance and treatment success.
- The quality of his interpersonal relationships (social support) plays an important role in the level of mental and physical health of the patient.
- Mental and physical health are closely related to resilience, which can be practically strengthened in patients.
- Knowing which lifestyle factors have the most significant impact on physical and mental health will help you formulate more precise recommendations for patients
- Knowledge of the sources of psychological resilience of the patient and their targeted support will allow you to strengthen his/her ability to better manage the disease and treatment
- Social support has a significant impact on the quality of life and health of the patient. You can use all ways to communicate with the patient: provide clear and comprehensible information, accompany it with expressions of interest, care, and hope, offer material support in the form of medical devices, and strengthen the patient's confidence in his ability to cope with life with health problems.
- Your own mental health and psychological well-being affect not only your life satisfaction but also the quality of your work. It is also an important protective element against burnout. It makes sense to actively take care of your well-being and resilience!