Czech language - Foundation programme

Středa 18.10.

Group 2

Study rules

Czech alphabet

Wordlist Lesson 1 - Appendix

Communication at school.


Personal pronouns

Verbs "být", "dělat" - p. 8

Textbook p. 6 -7/ 2, 3, 4

HW: Wordlist L1, revision of verb forms "být"  "dělat"

        Communication at school

        WB: 64/12,13

Group 1

Pronountiation - listening exercises

HW: Wordlist L1

Revision of verb forms "být"  "dělat"

7/2, 3, 4 - listening and dialogues in pairs

Who is who? Where are they from?


Numerals 1 - 10

HW: 64/15, 16     65/17