ICLC 2023 Final Test Name: Points: _____/50 PM 35 1. Listening. Are the following statements true (ANO) or false (NE)? 5 2. Put the words in brackets in the correct form. 10 Example: Taiki a Mirei jsou z Japonska. (BÝT). Máš mladší sestru? (MLADŠÍ SESTRA) 3. Complete the sentences with a possessive pronoun in the correct form. Example: To jsem já a _______ voda. → To jsem já a moje voda. 6 4. Write opposite expressions. 6 Example: černý - bílý , doprava-doleva 5. Choose the most appropriate verb to complete each sentence. There are two extra verbs that you do NOT need. 7 [DEL: je :DEL] Example: Eirik je ve škole. 6. Answer the questions. 8 Example: Co děláš? Jsem student/ka. 7. Complete the text using words from the box. Don’t change the form of words. Two words you will not need. 8 Example: [DEL: dezert :DEL] word word word word word word word word word word word Dáte si dezert (0)? -Ano, dám si čokoládový dort.