PARKINSON SYNDROME 70% Parkinson´s d. 30% Other disease RED FLAGS  - MEDICATION (NEUROLEPTIC!!)  - positive familial history  - early falls, postural instability  - rapid progression  - nondoparesponsibility  - early autonomic disturbance  - oculomotor disturbance  - serious pseudobulbar syndrome  - early dementia  - separate leg disability  - pyramidal or cerebellar syndrome DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS IPD  A/ other NEURODEGENERATIV Disorders  ( PARKINSON PLUS d.)  - rare,nondoparesponsibility, rapid progression, serious prognossis 1. Synukleinopathy (MSA, DLBD)intracytoplasmatic inclusion alfa-synuklein  2. Tauopathy (PSP, CBD) – intracytoplasmatic inclusion tau-protein   B/ Other NEUROLOGIC Disorders  HD Westphal variant - familial  (Wilson´s disease)  C/ SECONDARY parkinson syndrome  Side effects of drug, vascular, NPH DRUG INDUCED FARMAKOLOGIC ANAMNESIS  TYPICAL NEUROLEPTIC !!  Haloperidol,Chlorpromazin,Chlorprotixen,Tisercin  TREATMENT: Akineton  ANTIEMETIC,PROKINETIC  Cerucal, Degan, Torecan  ANTIHISTAMINIC  Prothazin  BLOCK of Calcium channels  cinarizin, flunarizin VASCULAR  OFTEN  MRI finding: multiinfarct changes status lacunaris  - development gradually or as a stroke  - Pa sy UNILATERAL during the first year after stroke after stadium of hemiparesis  - Pa sy BILATERAL (frontal only gait disturbance  LOWER BODY parkinsonismus  other signs: pseudobulbar palsy, dementia,incontinency  - rapid progression  - TREATMENT : low effect of amantadin  NO! L-Dopa because of postsynaptic DA receptors lesion NORMOPRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS  Disproportion : production X absorption of CSF (liquor pressure is not increased ) Old aged mostly men  Hakimo clinical features :dementia  urinal incontinency  gait apraxia  (bradykinezia,wide base)  MRI comunicated hydrocephalus  TREATMENT- lumbal punction (- 50ml CSF)….  gait improvement ….. V-P shunt MSA MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY  STN ….. first s. parkinson sy MSA type P  OPCA….first s. cerebellar sy MSA type C  Shy-Drager sy….autonomic sy MSA type A  (ortostatic hypotension, incontinency) The possibility : combination or isolated  Initial stadium: 50% autonomic sy  45% parkinson sy  ( 5% cerebellar sy)  SYNUKLEINOPATHY  - prevalence 5-15/100 000, 8% - cerebellar + brainstem SN,striatum,palidum, - ONUF´s ncl (segment S2-S4)  - doparesponsibility in the early stadium 29%...differentiation from PD difficult  Clinical Feautures: dystonia, pseudobulbar palsy, inspiration stridor, polyneuropathy  - no dementia! EXAMINATION  Brain MRI – cerebellar + brainstem atrophy  - EMG anal external sphincter – denervation of Onuf´s ncl.  - EMG for diagnostic Polyneuropathy  - test of Vegetative system (EKG variability R-R interval)  - Orthostatic test (BP while lying down and 1 min after  posture …..differences 30/15) PSP PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY  - prevalence 7/100 000, 7-12%  - midle and old age  - Atrophy mesencephalon + pons tegmentum + F polar part of cortex  TAUOPATHY CLINICAL FEATURES  - pa sy with dominant axial rigidity without tremor  - extended trunk  - early falls due to postural instability  - vertical gaze palsy, hypometric saccades  - apraxia eye lids, retraction of upper eye lids (surprised look)  - subcortical dementia (F lobe)  - pseudobulbar palsy  - dystonia (focal cervical )  - inspiratory stridor  - nondoparesponsibility  - Hearing EP …..central lesion  - Brain MRI… mesencephalon atrophy  enlarged III. ventricule  EXAMINATION DLBD DIFFUSE LEWY BODY DISEASE CBD CORTICOBASAL DEGENERATION  - prevalence 0,5%  - age over 70 years  - unilateral cortical atrophy F+P  - atrophy SN   TAUOPATHY  - contralateral hemiparkinsonism  - cortical (limb apraxia..alien hand syndrome, hemihypestesia, symbolic function disturbance)  - dementia  - cortical myoklonus  - dystonia  - pyramidal syndrome CLINICAL FEATURES EXAMINATION  Brain MRI - asymetric cortical atrophy P + F  Brain PET - (hypometabolism F-P cortex) WESTPHAL VARIANT HUNTINGTON D.  - Autosomal Dominant  - 5% patient of HD  - young age (manifestation before 20 years)  - the first symptom parkinsonism (rigidity + hypokinezia)  - later chorea + dementia  - rapid progression  - genetic test ADVANTAGE OF DAT SCAN IN PARKINSON SYNDROME  PD asymetric re-uptake in striatum   MSA,PSP symetric re-uptake in striatum + postsynaptic disturbance DLBD asymetric re-uptake in striatum VASCULAR pa sy normal DRUG INDUCED pa sy normal