1 Theoretical Bases of Clinical Medicine 2-3 Learning outcomes TBL Lesson: 04 Victoria Meral – Digestive Tract Disorders [Matěj Hrunka] Upon completion of this learning unit, students will be able to: • describe the definition of diarrhea • enumerate the fundamental causes of diarrhea and abdominal pain, and outline differential diagnosis • identify the basic warning signs ("red flags") of severe disease in cases of acute abdominal pain • determine which patient with chronic gastrointestinal disease requires more detailed diagnosis ("red flags") • propose an appropriate diagnostic algorithm for the most common gastrointestinal diseases • list the basic manifestations of celiac disease • distinguish the fundamental differences in treatment of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis • propose basic therapeutic approaches for the most common gastrointestinal diseases • evaluate potential complications of untreated or improperly treated gastrointestinal diseases • list some autoimmune diseases associated with celiac disease