1 Theoretical Bases of Clinical Medicine 2-3 Learning outcomes TBL Lesson: 05 Radim Pára - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [Jana Vinklerová] Upon completion of this TBL lesson, students will be able to: • Describe the physiology and pathophysiology of respiration. o Understand the mechanisms of breathing and lung volumes. o Define the process of gas exchange in the lungs. o Explain the regulation of breathing. o Characterize respiratory failure and respiratory distress syndrome. • Calculate the body mass index and determine its normal and abnormal ranges. • Discuss the impacts of obesity on the respiratory system. • Summarize common pathogens affecting the respiratory tract. • Formulate the pathophysiology of COPD (with emphasis on chronic bronchitis and emphysema), including etiology, risk factors, clinical manifestation, macro and microscopic pathological changes, complications, and differential diagnosis. • Explain the relationship between COPD and Cor pulmonale and between COPD and mild cognitive impairment. • Describe the current classification of COPD. • Interpret current recommendations for the diagnosis of COPD. o Explain how pulmonary function tests are conducted, describe the measured lung parameters, what they indicate, and how they change in COPD. o Describe the significance and purpose of the CAT symptom assessment questionnaire and the modified mMRC dyspnea scale. o Interpret the X-ray results of COPD. o Suggest other possible diagnostic methods. • Propose COPD treatment: o Stable COPD. o Acute exacerbation of COPD. o Define the role of pulmonary rehabilitation. o Describe the treatment of respiratory failure, palliative care, and explain the importance of oxygen therapy. o Explain the significance of nutrition and psychotherapy. o Include treatment of comorbidities. • Explain the COPD diagnosis to a patient and discuss treatment options, including quitting smoking. • Describe the psychological aspects of chronic diseases, including factors affecting the initial reaction, psychological adaptation, and self-management. 2 • Describe smoking and tobacco addiction and their impact on patient health. o Effects of smoking on health, including passive, definitions and forms of smoking. o Explain and calculate "pack-years". o The role of advertising, pricing policies, and health warnings in tobacco consumption. o Origins and characteristics of tobacco addiction, psychological aspects of smoking, withdrawal symptoms. o Prevention of smoking in general practice and an early detection program for lung cancer in a high-risk population. o Smoking cessation, pharmacotherapy for tobacco addiction, and smoking alternatives, reimbursement from the public health insurance system. • List and describe the influence of high-risk jobs on the development of respiratory diseases.