Traffic incident First aid Park safely Watch out for physical danger (traffic …) Set Your hazard lights flashing Put on a high visibility jacket Set up a warning triangle - in a motor way at least 50 m from crashed car - in a speed way at least 100 m - Switch off the engine of crashed car Apply a handbrake Check vital functions of the casualty Call the ambulance Do not move the casualty unless it it absolutely necessary We remove the casualty in a case of fire or in a case of necesary CPR (no breathing, no circulation) In a case the casualty is breathing and is unconscious: we keep him in the same position (holding his neck, because we have to assume he has a neck injury) We stop bleeding and monitor vital signs In a case the casualty is breathing and is conscious: we keep him in the same position and stop bleeding We ask about the pain in back, chest, abdomen, extremities We check active movements and sensation of his extremities