Embryology I OOGENESIS autumn 2024 Development of reproductive system Zuzana Holubcová Department of Histology and Embryology zholub@med.muni.cz Development of reproductive system • 0-7 week - indiferent stage • from week 7 sexual differentiation • mammalian gonads develop as integral part of mesoderm-derived urogenital system • formation of gonads due to interaction of germ cells with mesonefric mesenchyme • genital portion of reproductive system develops 1-2 weeks later XX - Müller (paramesonefric) duct XY - Wolff (mesonefric) duct XY/XX Primordial germ cells timeline week 3 week 4 week 5 week 8 week 7 week 6 week 9 week 10 ➢ Specification ➢ Migration ➢ Colonization of genital ridges ➢ Sexual diferentiation post conception (pc) P R O L I F E R A T I O N - sex cells progenitors = primordial germ cells (PGCs) oogonia (ovary) gonocytes (testis) PGCs specification • In lower species germ line specified based on inheritance of specific area of cytoplasm (germplasm) containing maternally encoded proteins and RNAs (maternal factors) • In mammals, specification occurs within posterior epiblast of postimplantation embryos before gastrulation onset based on inductive cell-cell signalling / WNT WNT BMP FGF? BLIMP1 Fragilis BLIMP1 Fragilis Stella „PGCs-competent“ epiblast Posterior epiblast Move out trough developing primitive streak =PRMD1 PGCs specification priming → commitment → licencing → specification Waddington´s landscape Kobayashi and Surani, 2018. cylindr bilaminární disk PRDM1=BLIMP1 TFAP2C = AP2gamma Azim Surani T=TBXT=brachyury Pregastrulation embryo PGCs specification • Human PGCs first detected in endodermal epithelium of yolk sack wall close to allantois ~21-22 days pc • ~50 cells expressing BLIMP1, Fragilis, Stella and tissue non-specific alkalic phosphatase (TNAP) • Transient extraembryonic deposition allows PGCs to escape from molecular signals inducing somatic differentiation into 3 germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm) and thus prevent their pluripotency marked by expression of Oct3/4 and Nanog (in mice also Klf4 and Sox2) Primitive streak Allantois Visceral endoderm PGCs specification PGCs morphology - large round/oval cells (10-20 m) - large excentric nucleus with prominent membrane - dense a granular cytoplasm - cytoplasmic deposits of glycogen a lipid droplets, round pale mitochondria, abundant ribosomes, ER and GA underdeveloped - glycogen and lipids consumed during PGCs development and the number of mitochondria increases - „nuage“ material – electron-dense granules lokalized on cytoplasmatic side of nuclear membrane - histologically detectable alkalic phosphatase and PAS staining (periodic-acid-Schifft) - imunofluorescence detection of transcriptional factors Vasa (DDX4), Nanos, Oct3/4, Stella, Fragilis, BLIMP1 a glycoprotein surface antigens SSEA-1/SSEA-3/SSEA-4 PGCs migration • passive – ~week 4 pc - embryonic disc is bending and a portion of the yolk sack is incorporated into the embryo body - PGCs are translocated to endodermal epithelium of the hindgut • active – 5-6th week pc - PGCs penetrate the mesenchyme of the hindgut in the 16th somite region and migrate through dorsal mesentery in the lateral direction towards nesonefros - Here, PCGS colonize mesenchymal ground of urogenital ridge in L1-L3 area → genital ridge → basis of paired gonads 12.týden mezonefros ovarium ➢ Active migration towards urogenital ridge ➢ Ligand-receptor chemotaxis - atraction/repulsion signals from coelomic epithelium of gonadal ridge SCF/c-Kit ligand --- c-Kit receptor PGCs SDF1---- CXR4 receptor of PGCs pseudopodia ➢ Migration along autonomous nerve fibres a Schwan cells ➢ Interaction with ECM (1 integrins) ➢ ameboid movement PGCs migration PGCs proliferation - occurrs during migration and intensifies after arrival to genital ridges - mitogen signalling from microenvironment - selective mechanisms → survival vs. apoptosis weeks of gestation PGCnumberperembryo Cotticchio et al. Oogenesis. Springer 2013 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FEMALE MALE Ectopic localisation of PGCs - defects of migration/colonisation/apoptic process can lead to germ cells tumors PGCs colonisation of gonads - (uro)genital ridge - in Th6-S3 area - derived from mesoderm - formed by mesenchyme and covered by coelomic epithelium - gonads develop in L1-L3 region - epithelial cells from degenerating structures of mesonefros undergo epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and contributes to formation of sexually indiferent gonads - Gata4 expresion in somatic tissue of gonadal ridge is critical for PGCs „ licencing“ for sexual differentiation Hu et al 2015 - in Gata4 KO mice PGCs arrive to genital ridge but do not differentiate - somatic portion of gonads is derived from ➢ mezonefric mesenchyme ➢ mezonefric epithelium ➢ coelomic epithelium mesonefros + nerves, vessels, blood elements,... XY XX - first PGCs arrive to sexually indiferrent primary sex cords ~30 day pc and colonisation of gonadal mesenchyme continues in following weeks (6-7th week pc) - PGCs expression of pluripotency markers decreases and so does PGCs´capability to generate pluripotent cells in vitro PGCs colonisation of gonads Sexual differentiation PGCs gonocytes spermatogonia (quiescence) PGCs oogonia oocytes (entry to meiosis) „Ovary-determining genes“ „Testis-determining genes“ „Battle of sexes“ (antagonism) - genetically encoded by Sry and Sry-box (Sox9) genes localized on chromosome Y - expression of testis-/ovary-determing genes in somatic compartment of future gonads is critical for PGCs entry to either male or female gametogensis, sex of germ cells and phenotype of the whole organism Anne McLaren - PGCs have a potential to enter either spermatogenesis or oogenesis - „the phenotypic sex is not determined by chromosomal constitution of germ cells (XX/XY) but cellular environment PGCs are exposed to during embryonic development“ Sexual differentiation McLaren 1988 The sex determining switch - germ cells are dispensable for organogesis of reproductive system! Testis development • Sry-Sox9-FGF9 expresion in somatic cells of indiferent gonadal region induces growth and sprouting of primitive sex cords in medullary region and their differentiation in seminiferous tubules which are colonized by PGCs (gonocytes) • connecting primitive seminiferous tubules to mesonefros forms anastomotic network (rete testis) • Sertoli cells arise from sex cord endothelium and start to produce antimüllerian hormone (AMH) • Leydig cells originate from intermediate mesenchyme and produce testosteron • PGCs immigrated into a developing testis (gonocyty) intensively proliferate, and during 2nd trimestr differentiate to mitotically-inactive prospermatogonia Ovary development • No Sry-Sox9-FGF9 expression • primary sex cords in medullar region undergo fragmentation and are replaced by vascular fibrous tissue • in cortical part of ovary, primary sex cord cells undego secondary diferentiation and surround immigrated PGCs Ovary development • Immigrated PGCs diferentiate to oogonia, which first divide by mitosis and later enter to meiosis but arrest in prophase • clusters of oogonia are surrounded by somatic cells which later invade syncytium • individual meiotically arrested oocytes enclosed by single layer of follicular (pre-granulosa) cells form primordial follicle Asociation with somatic cells is critical for oocyte survival! • Retinoic acid (RA) = meiosis inducing factor - derived from retinaldehyde oxidation by dehydrogenase produced in mesonefric tissue surrounding the gonads - causes activation of nuclear receptors RAR/RXR which modulate transcription of RA-responsive elements - in the ovary RA stimulates oogonia to enter meiosis - in fetal testis RA actively degraded by cytP450 (CYP26B1) Germ cell entry to meiosis Elimination of poor quality follicles From medulla to cortex Meiosis in the ovary Female meiosis timeline Ovarian stem cells Jonathan Tilly - Report about presence of mitotically active ovarian stem cells (OSC) in adult mouse and human ovary - de novo oogenesis in adults? Johnson et al, Nature 2004. White et al, Nature Medicine 2012. v v v Development of reproductive tract MALE FEMALE Development of reproductive tract Leydig cells testosterone development of Wolffian duct Sertoli cells AMH regression of Müllerian duct 8-9th week pc Leydig cells testosterone regression of Wolffian duct Sertoli cells AMH development of Müllerian duct MALE FEMALE gubernaculumLGR8 INSL3 = cranial suspensory ligament gubernaculum ▪ testicular hormone INSL3 activate LGR8 receptor in mucofibrosus genito-inguinal ligament (gubernaculum) which pulls the testes through abdomen and the inguinal canal down to scrotum ▪ cranial suspensory ligament (CSL) regresses ▪ in females, absence of INSL3 prevents gubernaculum grown and shrinkage ▪ CSL persists and keeps gonads in lumbar region AMH, Testosteron Development of reproductive tract UTERUS ← caudal part of Müllerian ducts ← cranial part of uterovaginal canal VAGINA ← caudal part of uterovaginal canal ← cranial part of urogenital sinus (← cloaka ←endoderm) * * Gartner´s canal – remnant of mesonefric duct Hymen Development of female reproductive tract Evolution of female reproductive tract Major et al, 2022 Molecular regulation of PGCs development o PGCs specification o PGCs migration o Genital ridge colonization o Sexual diferentiation Sry Wnt4 Sox9 Rspo1 FGF9 FoxL2 -catenin o Meiosis entry RARLDH (RA) Stra8 Cyt26B1 BMP4/BMP8 WNT FGF? BLIMP1/PRDM1 Sox17 Fragilis Stella TNAP Oct3/4 Nanog SCF/c-Kit ligand - c-Kit receptor SDF1- CXR4 recptor ADAM PECAM1 o PGCs proliferation PTEN WNT Nanos3 Pog Dazl Gata4 Ddx4 Wt1 Gcna1 Reproductive system development overview XY XX INDIFERENT PRIMITIVE GONADS TUBULI COLLECTORII DUCTUS MESONEFRICUS (DUCTUS WOLFFI) DUCTUS PARAMESONEFRICUS (DUCTUS MÜLLERI) PHALLUS PLICAE GENITALES TORI GENITALES testis ovary Fallopian tubes, uterus, cranial part of vagina clitoris, labia majora et minora no SrySry low testosterone regresion low AMH regresion testosterone Sertoli cells Leydig cells AMH (Antimüllerian hormone) DHT (dihydrotestosterone) low DHT penis, scrotum ductus efferentes, ductus epididymidis ductus deferens ductus ejaculatorius 5-alpha reduktase Germ cells meiosis entrypremeitic stage