Embryology I OOGENESIS autumn 2024 Folliculogenesis Zuzana Holubcová Department of Histology and Embryology zholub@med.muni.cz Folliculogenesis overview - Follicle = female germ cell + somatic cells - symbiotic syncitium, functional unit of the ovary - oogenesis (female gamete development) a folliculogenesis (follicle development) are interconnected processes - endocrine, paracrine and autocrine regulation - first germ cells colonize primordial ovaries in 5. week of gestation (wg)/ 3. week post conception (pc) and divide completely producing fully separated oogonia - second division wave is characterized by incomplete cytokinesis, daughter cells remain connected by intercellular bridges syncitium germ cell nest/cluster ➢ Proliferation of oogonia Primordial follicles formation - surrounding somatic cells invade syncitium a enclose individual oocytes which entered meiosis - prenatally in humans (15-22. wg), perinatally in mouse ➢ Germ cell nest breakdown Primordial follicles formation primordial follicles (PF) ➢ Germ cell nest break down - primordial follicles represent extremely long-living symbiotic unit - somatic cell supply germ cells (oocytes) with nutritients and signalling factors - oocytes dictate follicular cell function = diplotene non-growing oocyte surrounded by a single layer of flattened pre-granulosa cells Primordial follicles formation - thin sheet-like structure that surrounds and protects primodial follicle - formed from extracellular matrix and mesnchymal cells of indiferent gonad - components: colagen IV + laminin (+ fibronectin only later in antral stadium) ➢ Basement membrane Primordial follicles formation - Selective resorption/degeneration of germ cells/follicles during oogenesis Germ cell syncytium Somatic cell invasion Primordial follicle Primary follicle Preantral follicle ATRESIA ATRESIA ATRESIA Granulosa cells Oocyte Zona Pellucida Oocyte Pregranulosa cells Invading somatic cellsApoptotic oogonia Oogonium Somatic cells BEFORE BIRTH AFTER BIRTH • 4-5. gestation month: 6-7 milions of germ cells • at birth: ~ 1-2 milion of germ cells • at puberty: ~ 400.000-500.000 of germ cells Atresia - Cell death mechanism? - apoptosis – rarely observed (rapid progression)? - autophagy - increased lysosomal activation detected - Purpose? - Required for germ cell nest breakdown and individualization of primordial follicles? - Degenerated cells nurture survivors? - Quality control mechanism - elimination of defective germ cells (e.g. gene mutations, aneuploidy, non-functional mitochondria,...) Atresia Activation of primordial follicles ➢ Dormant follicles =„quiescent“/„resting“ PFs - localised in the cortical region of mammalian ovary - long survival due to local inhibitory signals (weeks, months, yeas, decades in different species) - dormant state sustained until recruited for growth by activating signal or receive signal to undergo atresia (>90% !) - compact units, relatively resistant to environmental factors a cryopreservation - number of PFs defines fertility span - exhaustion of „ovarian reserve“ (<1.000 primordial follicles) → menopauze - proliferation and diferentiation of flat pregranulosa cells into cubic granulosa cells (GCs) - emergence of zona pellucida - only little portion of PFs is activated (~1.000 per month) Primary follicle = single layer of cubic granulosa cells enclosing diplotene oocyte with zona pellucida Activation of primordial follicles - a selective process by which a dormant PFs are selected for further development in preparation for fertilization Activation of primordial follicles ❑ 2 categories of PFs - Medulla - Postnatal activation - Fast growth - Early specification of preganulosa cells - Cortex - Dormant until puberty - Periodical activation - Late specification of pregranulosa cells - Activation progresses form medulla to cortex Follicular development Follicular develoment Follicle growth - continual long-lasting irreverzible process of follicle enlargement - disproportional growth of follicle and oocyte - surrounding stroma cells align with basal membrane of secondary follicle an differentiate to theca cells - weakening of cell contacts between granulosa cells produces multiple fluid-filled foci, they expand and coalesce giving rise to large central cavity called antrum with follicular fluid 40 m 100 m 200 m 400 m 4 months 2-3 months corpus luteum preantral phase antral phase 17 - 26 mm (!) Graafian follicle mural cells Follicle growth ➢ Theca (lat. a case) - vascularized somatic layer which provides nutrition, mechanical support and protection to the follicle, and plays the role in follicle ruture during ovulatory process - recruited from surrounding stromal tissue by factors secrted by activated primary follicle ❑ Theca interna - inner layer in contact with basal membrane - endocrine cells responsible for synthesizing androgens ❑ Theca externa - external part made up of connective tissue - smooth muscle-like cells and fibroblast-like cells producing ECM Mural granulosa cells „2 hormones – 2 cells concept“ Amstrong 1979 - under control of LH, thecal cells synthesize androgens - stimulation of FSH receptors in granulosa cells leads to activation of aromatase, which converts androgens to estrogens Follicle growth Follicle selection Initial recruitment Cyclic recruitment Primordial follicles Primary follicles Secondary follicles Antral follicles Preovulatory follicle ATRESIA depletion Continuing initial recruitment time - Cyclic rise of circulating FSH allows group of follicle to escape atresia - dominant follicle selection based of abundance of FSH receptors (FSHR) at granulosa cells - rollicle with the highest number of FSHR gows faster - dominant follicle secrete estrogens and inhibin → lower pituitary FSH release → the growth of other follicles slowed → apoptosis Follicle selection Dominant follicle faces LH peak → resumption of meiosis → oocyte maturation → ovulation → luiteinisation of GCs Follicle selection Regulation of folliculogenesis ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles formation Ge et al 2019 SDF(KL) -cKit - coordinated expression of genes in both somatic and germ cells - interplay of secreted factors - depletion of primary follicles - oocytes at birth not surrounded ny preGCs - sterility -/- decrease of cells adhesion selective atresia follicle formation ↓ E-catherinproliferation Oocyte-specific genes ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation - not completely understood - ratio of local activation and inhibition signals - (1) oocyte-secreted factors - (2) granulosa cells-secreted factors - (3) paracrine inhibition signals from other growing follicles - (4) endocrine signalling? Insulin? Primordial follicle Primary follicleTransition Stromal cells Regulation of folliculogenesis ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation ❖ PI3K signalling - growth factors stimulate receptor tyrosine kinase which phophorylates-activates PI3K - PIP3 formed from PIP2 binds and activates PDK1 - PDK1 phosphorylates Akt - Akt inactivates transcription factor Fox (translocation from nucleus) PTEN FOXO3 P27 TSC1/2 PIP3 Akt PDK1 mTORC Pten-/- Foxo3-/- Pdk1-/- premature activation - depletion of primordial follicles - premature ovarian failure (inferility) Regulation of folliculogenesis ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation ❖ TGF signalling - binding of hetero-/homo-dimeric ligand on outer domain of receptor kinase I and II - formation of heterotetrameric complex - receptor´s subunit II phophorylates subunit I which activates SMAD pathway regulating transcription ▪ AMH – Antimüllerian hormone - produced by GCs of preantral follicles - negative regulator of folliculogenesis - prevents activation and growth of PFs - prevents proliferation and diferentiation of GCs - inhibits aromatase - suppresses FSH-stimulated growth of antral follicles Amh-/- loss of dormant PFs - untimely activation Activin BMPs GDFs TGFs Regulation of folliculogenesis ▪ AMH as a clinical marker - indicates presence of dormant PFs cohort during reproductive lifespan - the level decreases with reproductive aging in correlation with the exhausion of ovarian reserve - circulating level used a predictor of response to hormonal stimulation in ART - extremely high levels imply risk of PCOS and OHSS - inappropriately advertised as a marker of female fertility (!) - contraception potential? Regulation of folliculogenesis ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation and growth ▪ GDF9 (Growth differentiation factor 9) ▪ BMP15 (Bone morphogenic protein 15) - oocyte-secreted factors from TGF family of growth factors - synergic activity (formation of homo-/hetero-dimers) - major positive regulators of GCs growth, proliferation and diferentiation - inhibition of apoptosis, stimulation of secretion of paracrine growth factors in GCs - regulatory feedback loop promoting follicule growth - Oocyte-secreted factors stimulate GCs proliferation and secretion of KL (Kit ligand/SDF) - KL activates oocyte´s c-Kit kinase promoting oocyte´s growth Oocyte growth Granulosa cell proliferation BMP15/GDF9 KL/cKit Regulation of folliculogenesis ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation and growth • mutace GDF9/BMP15 spojené s předčasným ovariálním selhání a neplodností • GDF9 mutace spojené s familiárním výskytem dyzigotických dvojčat • Abnormlání exprese BM15/GDF9 u PCOS • Polymorfismus BMP15 u OHSS • Gdf9-/- development arrested in primary follicle stage - infertility • Bmp15-/- decreased ovulation frequency - subfertility • Gdf9+/-Bmp15-/- low numebr of growing follicles - infertility Differences between mono- a poly-ovulatory species?• BM15 overexpression – depletion of folllciles - infertility • Bmp15-/- i Gdf9-/• Bmp15+/- i Gdf9+/• mutation fo BMP15 receptor • immunisation against BMP15 High fecundity Regulation of folliculogenesis ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation and growth Robert Gilchrist Poly-ovulatory species have higher GDF9:BMP15 ratio than mono-ovulatory species Non-covalent homo/heterodimer Regulation of folliculogenesis Single point mutation causes latency of human GDF9 Robert Gilchrist Supplementation of IVM media with recombinant cumulin ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation and growth Regulation of folliculogenesis Robert Gilchrist Development of low-molecular drug promoting short-term BMP15+GDF9 pairing would allow natural selection of multiple best quality oocyte from the cohort for IVF purpose... Availability of BMP15 and altered ratio of GDF9:BMP15 heterodimer changes the timing of LH receptor expression Reduced level of BMP15 • Smaller and more follicles acquire LH receptors • More follicles „see“ the LH surge and are selected for ovulation cumulin ➢ Regulation of primordial follicles activation and growth Regulation of folliculogenesis Normal level of BMP15 Increased fertility ➢ Role of gonadotropins - stimulation of antral follicles - preantral phase of folliculogenesis is regarded as gonadotropin-independent BUT some data indicate that in prenatral stage FSH effect is transmitted via local factors and acts in synergy with paracrine factors produced by ovarian tissue Regulation of folliculogenesis Insuline? Estrogen? Progesterone? Hyppo signalling pathway microRNA Regulation of folliculogenesis ❖ Hyppo signalling - Tumor supresor signalling pathway regulating organ size - limits proliferation and induced apoptosis during organogenesis - dysregulation leads to tissue overgrowth - Hpg gene (MST in mammals) named after mutant Drosophyla phenotype which head resembles a hippo - normal follicle growth requires suppression of Hyppo pathway Regulation of folliculogenesis ❖ microRNA - small non-coding RNAs involved in regulation of gene expression in ovarian cells - influence development of gonads, folliculogenesis, ovulation, steroidogenesis, luteinisation and apoptosis - stage-specific oocyte/GCs miRNA profiles - pathophysiological miRNA profiles Reviewed in Nouri et al., Cell Commucation and signaling, 2022 Regulation of folliculogenesis Bidirectional communication between oocyte a follicular cells - coordination of (1) oocyte growth and maturation (2) granulosa cells proliferation and differentiation (3) steroidogenesis (4) metabolism (5) apoptosis Paracrine signalling Communication via: (A) Paracrine signals (growth factors, microRNA) (B) Extracellular vesicles (C) Transzonal projections Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction ❖Extracelular vesicles = mebrane vesicles - exosomes (40-100 nm) ← fusion of endosomes with plasma membrane - microvesicles (>100nm) ← released from cell membrane Chen et al, 2023 - transfer of membrane and cytosolic proteins, lipids, nc-RNAs, microRNA,.. - present in follicular fluid - potential biomarkers of oocyte quality? Pietro et al., JARG 2016 Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction - thick extracellular coat surrounding mammalian oocytes - composed of 4 glycoproteins ZP1-4* - ZP-2 and ZP 3 form long chains - ZP-1 and ZP-4 (its paralog) crosslinks the chains - sialylation and sulfation → acidic character - FUNCTION: - protection of oocyte (and early embryo) - storage of biactive molecules - receptivity and sperm attachment during fertilization - prevention of polyspermy ❖Zona pellucida (ZP) Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction *u myší jen ZP1-3 ❖Transzonal projections (TZP) - projections of cumulus GCs enabling their communiation with oocyte through ZP - FUNCTION: (1) mechanical contact (2) intercellulra signalling (3) supply of nutrients - presence of cytoskeletal structures (actin/acetylated microtubulin) stabilizes TZP and facilitates intercellular transport of molecules Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction ❖Transzonal projections (TZP) Beana and Terasaki 2018 Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction ❖Transzonal projections (TZP) prenantrallargeantral - prominent during preantral stage (oocyte growth) - retracted in late antral stage - maintain meiotic arrest - mechanical removal of cGCs → spontaneous resumption of meiosis in denuded oocytes Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction ❑ Gap junctions - transmembrane channels - made of two „connexomes“ (hemichannels) located on both apposed membranes - each connexom composed of six connexins with 4 transmembrane domains - connection: (A) between oocyte and GC (B) between two GCs functinal syncitium Cx 43/Gja1 Cx 43/Gja4Cx 37/Gja4 cGC Cx 43/Gja1 cGCcGC Oocyte Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction ❑ Adherent junctions - bridge neighboring plasma membranes via transmembrane glycoprotein cadherin - cytoplasmic face linked to actin - E-cadherin and N-cadherin involved in physical contact of GCs with oocyte´s ZP Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction ❑ Cilia of granulosa cells - primary cilia (9+0 pairs of microtubules) - communication between oocyte and GCs - senzoring cumulus microenvironment Shu et al, 2023 Daugther centriole Oocyte and granulosa cells interaction Folliculogenesis disorders ➢MOF – multiple oocyte follicle syndrome Gaytan et al 2014. - presence of multiple preovulatory follicles within one follicle - failure of follicle individualisation - two oocytes of different maturation stage enclosed by one ZP commonly observed in cohorts of oocytes retrieved for IVF ➢EFS – empty follicle syndrome - no oocytes obtained from preovulatory follicles during IVF procedure despite normal hormonal response and UZK monitoring - usually technical problem during COCs aspiration and/or hCG trigger administration - genuine absence of oocyte very rare ((„genuine EFS“ - 0.0016%) - Possible cause? - COC stick to follicle wall due to insufficient LH/hCG trigger which causes COC expansion and detachment - Oocyte degeneration - genetic predisposition for proapoptotic genes expression in GCs - defect ZP leading to impaired GCs-oocyte communication Chen et al., 2017. Folliculogenesis disorders ➢Premature ovarian insuficiency (POI) = premature ovarian failure - POF Cause? - genetic mutations (e.g. Figla, Nobox, Sohlh) → failure of oocyte individualisation and apoptosis of oogonia non-surrounded by follicular cells → deregulated activation of primordial follicles and depletion of ovarian reserve - poor prognosis, gonadotropin stimulation inefficient, usually necessary to become a recipient of donor egg Folliculogenesis disorders → premature depletion of ovarian reserve (<40 years), early menopause and infertility - 1% women - amenorrhea, hypoestogenism, low AMH, elevated FSH ➢Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - enlarged ovaries with thickened sclerotic capsules (ultrasound visible cysts) - high number of small antral follicles (2-9 mm), but no preovulatory - oligo-/a-menorrhea, dysmenorrhea, anovulation, subfertility - ↓FSH, ↑LH, ↑ androgens (hirsutismu, acne), extremely high AMH - inzuline resistance, obesity, hypertensis - 5-10 % women in reproductive age (12-45 years) - Difficult hormonal stimulation, risk of OHSS Cause? - defect of growth and/or selection of dominant follicle - genetic predisposition - altered miRNA profile Lean vs. obese PCOS Folliculogenesis disorders Folliculogenesis disorders Possible to „unleash“ development of small follicles? ➢Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) ❖Ovarian drilling Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis - historical empiric technique for fertility treatment of PCOS patients - mechanical disruption of ovariant tissue integrity - surgical multiperforation or laparoskopic diathermy - risk of adhesions, vaskular changes, bleeding, tissue damage (1) Mechanical fragmentation of surgically removed ovarian tissue (2) Cryopreservation of ovarian strips (3) In vitro treatment with activating substances (4) Autologous transplantation of ovarian tissue ❖In vitro activation (IVA) of primordial follicles Mature oocytes for IVF - method of last choice for POI patients Kawamura et al. PNAS 2013 Kazuhiro Kawamura Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis - experimental intervention technique ❖In vitro activation (IVA) of primordial follicles - „drug-free“ IVA Vo KCT, Kawamura K. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Kawamura K. Et al, RMBO. 2020 Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis - overactivation of Hyppo signalling pathway blocks growth of follicles in PCOS patients - tissue irritation induces reparation and actin polymerization which inactivates Hyppo signalling Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis ❖In vitro activation (IVA) of primordial follicles ❖In vitro maturation (of follicles) - clinical strategy involving collection of immature oocytes surrounded by follicular cells from small or mid-sized follicles (2-10 mm) and their in vitro culture obtain fertilizable eggs - follicle in vitro culture for 24-48 hours in maturation media suplementaed with gonadotropins (FSH, LH/hCG) - mature (MII) oocytes fertilized by ICSI (IVF not recommended du to ZP hardening) - relatively low efficiency - method of choice - in patients with risk/history of OHSS (e.g. PCOS) - oncological patients (fertility preservation) - in „poor-responders“ Hormones** nutritients antioxidants serum/HSA growth factors* * např. GDF9, BMP15, KL, cumulin,... Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis ❖In vitro maturation (IVM) MII ~ 50% MII ~70% hCG „priming“ in vivo – oocyte maturation in vitro - Poor/delayed response to stimulation, maturation incomplete in 36hours after hCG „Rescue“ in vitro maturation , EGF Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis - in cancer patients (including children!) undergoing radiotherapy and/or gonadotoxic treatment - cryopreservation of ovarian tissue containing primordial follicles followed by autologous transplantation or in vitro culture ❖ Fertility preservation - hormonal replacement therapy? - reimplantation of thawed tissue graft might constitute risk of reintroducing malignant cells and cancer remission! Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis ❖Egg development in vitro option for prepubertal cancer survivors with high risk of cancer cell reintroduction from frozen-thawed tissue Telfer et al 2023 Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis ❖In vitro foliculogenesis Evelyn Telfer Optimalisation of in vitro folliculogenesis (A) isolation of follicles from stroma (B) cultivation in media containing grow factors, low-molecular inhibitors, hormones, nutrients, antioxidants,... (C) supporting 3D biomatrix, nonadheren culture conditions Suboptimal quality of in vitro grown oocytes Therapeutical strategies to improve folliculogenesis ❖In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) Future prospects - experimental technique of making female/male gametes outside of body - full recapitulation of gametogenesis in vitro - use of reprogrammed somatic/embryonic cells - co-culture of in vitro-produced gametes and gonadal somaderived cells - chance of having biological child for cancer survivals - possibility to rescue endangered and/or revive extinct animal species - efficiency and safety? - ethical and legal aspects ❖In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) Saitou and Hayashi, Science 2021 Future prospects ❖In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) Yamashiro et al.,Science 362, 356–360 (2018) Hwang et al., Nature Communication, 2167–2179, 2021 Mitinori Saitou Kotaro Sasaki Future prospects ❖In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) Future prospects ©Johnatan Boncristiano LinkedIn