Embryology III PERIMPLANTATION DEVELOPMENT autumn 2024 Zuzana Holubcová Department of Histology and Embryology zholub@med.muni.cz Preparing uterine tissue for implantation Uterine tissue remodeling Mutter et al 2023 ~28 days ~ 400 cycles per reproductive life - day 1 = 1st day of menstruation bleeding ❖Menstrual cycle = cyclical endometrial tissue turnover and rejuvenation Scar-free repair RegenerationShedding Endometrial remodelling ❖Menstrual cycle - coordinated with the ovarian cycle and estrogen (E2) and progesteron (P4) secretion Cyclic endometrial changes Salamonsen et al 2021 Functionalis - hormone sentitive - comprises luminal epithelium and vertical glands - sheds during menstruation Basalis - unresponsive to hormones - comprises horzontal glands network, stromal cells, vasculature and stem cells - intact during cycle vertical Cyclic endometrial changes - tissue shedding, bleeding, and rapid scar-free repair (~48 hours ) of zona functionalis of endometrium - highly regulated inflammatory response to P4 withdrawal - absence of anti-luteolytic signal hCG Menstrual phase ↓P4 Inflammation Vasoconstriction ECM degradation Hypoxia activation of MMPs e.g. cathepsin, elastase Menstrual phase → secretion of ▪ cytokines ▪ chemokines ▪ prostaglandin synthesizing enzymes ❖INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE massive influx of immune cells ECM degradation and tissue breakdown Evans and Salamonsen et al 2012 local vasoconstriction hypoxia Functionalis Basalis Myometrium - caused by local vasonstriction Maybin et al 2021 Critchley et al 2006 - women with heavy menstrual bleeding have decreased HIF-1 during menstruation - genetic and pharmacological reduction of endometrial HIF-1 in mice causes prolonged menstrual bleeding - hypoxia-induced stabilization of HIF-1a physiologically drives endometrial repair after shedding Hilary Critchley Menstrual phase ❖HYPOXIA Salamonsen 2021 (modified) Menstrual phase ❖MENSTRUAL BLEEDING Stem cells/progenitors - menstrual fluid environment + preservation of basalis → no scarring - the restoration of an intact epithelial layer - re-epithelialization of denuded areas occurs simultaneously with tissue breakdown and is completed within ~48 hours of initiation of shedding - no scarring due to preservation of basalis Martinez Aguilar et al 2020 Menstrual phase ❖ENDOMETRIAL REPAIR 1) resurfacing of luminal epithelium 2) angiogenesis in sub-epithelial stroma 3) repair of damaged transverse arteries Menstrual phase Luminal epithelium resurfacing ← migration of epithelial cell progenitors from exposed horizontal endometrial glands in basalis ←stomal cell transformation to luminal epithelium = MESENCHYMAL-TO-EPITHELIAL TRANSITION (MET) ❖ENDOMETRIAL REPAIR Menstruation Proliferative phase Cousins et al 2022 - post-menopausal period (starts ~ day 4, last ~ 10 days) - increase of endometrial linning thickness (from ~ 0.5 mm to ~ 7-8 mm) - rapid regrow and regeneration of functional layer due to massive cellular proliferation - activation of growth factor signaling pathways, high vascular perfusion, and transient tissue edema - positional proliferation, cell specification, and angiogenesis - can occur only once the epithelial surface is covered Proliferative phase Salamonsen et al 2021 - E2-dependent - E2-receptor present in epithelial and stromal part + role of androgens (initiate gland reformation) - E2 induces cell proliferation and expression of P4 receptor → endometrium thickening and priming for the structural changes that will undergo during the secretory phase Proliferative phase Proliferative phase - rare clonogenic population with high proliferative potential - capable of self-renewal and differentiation to one or more lineages of specialized tissue cells - reside predominantly in basalis endometrial layer (epithelial + stromal compartment) ▪ Epithelial progenitors → glandular epithelium ▪ Endometrial mesenchymal stem cells (eMSCs) → stromal and endothelial cells ▪ Side population (SP) cells → epithelial, stromal, and endothelial cells ❖UTERINE STEM CELLS - essential for endometrial, stromal and vascular regeneration following menstruation and parturition - distinct populations giving rise to different endometrial cell types, multizonal differentiation hierarchy - repopulate functionalis and generate proangiogenic and paracrine factors promoting angiogenesis and immunosuppression - dysregulated function leads to cancer Proliferative phase ❖UTERINE STEM CELLS Chen et al. 2022 Proliferative phase ❖LYMPHOID AGGREGATES - reside in the basal endometrial layer - clumps of several hundreds of immune cells - core of B-cells surrounded by a circle of T-cells and a halo of macrophages - established in each cycle by the recruitment of circulating immune cells - regulate spatial responsiveness of endometrial tissue to ovarian hormones Shen et al 2021 Proliferative phase Muter et al 2023 - cellular specification and tissue patterning in endometrial tissue • INF secreted by activated T-cells residing in lymphoid aggregates is a potent inhibitor of estrogen and P4 signaling and cellular proliferation • WNT signaling (WNT7A) expressed predominantly in luminal epithelium promotes ciliogenesis in response to estrogen Endometrialgrowth fast slow Cytokine and morphogen gradient: → cyclic tissue remodeling restricted to superficial layer → spatial patterning for P4 action in the secretory phase - elevated replication stress and senescence markers in epithelial and stromal cells are associated with pathologically thin endometrium, E2 resistance and implantation failure Features: - ↓ endometrial cell proliferation - ↑ adhesive capacity of epithelial cells - ↑ glandular secretion - differentiation of stromal cells - development of spiral arteries - stromal edema - stem cell recruitment - influx of immune cells Salamonsen et al 2021 Secretory phase - post-ovulation stage (~ day 14-day 28) - Ovulation → rapid drop of estrogen production (↓E2) → secretion of progesteron by corpus luteum (↑P4), peaks in mid secretory phase (+7-8 days) IMPLANTATION WINDOW - profound mophological and functional tranformation of endometrial stromal cells - P4-dependent process acting on E2-primed cells - spontaneous in humans - regulates tropholast invasion during implantation → essential for establishing pregnancy - decidua (lat. „deciduus“) = maternal uterine tissue, shed off during parturition and in non-conceptous cycle Secretory phase ❖DECIDUALIZATION (= DECIDUAL REACTION) Deryabin et al 2020 decidual markers Secretory phase ❖DECIDUALIZATION Jan Brosens Essential role of cAMP signalling G-protein-coupled receptors - cAMP analogs, activators of adenylate cyclase (AC) and PDE inhibitors are potent inductors of decidualization in vitro - pharmaceutical modulation of cAMP signallng pathway can affect implantation efficiency P4 activation of its nuclear receptor (PGR) is critical for maintaining decidualization process but insufficient for initiation of differentiation process Trigger mechanism: Yoshie et al 2015 - morphological change: Secretory phase ❖DECIDUALIZATION Gellersen and Brosens 2003 - accumulation of glycogen, lipids and glycoproteins - the presence of giant mitochondria, prominent rER and GA, and dilated sER cisternae - tendency to polyploidisation - connection by gap junctions - ↓ tissue roughness and stiffness Cornillie, et al 1985 fibroblastic-phenotype Spindle-shaped cells large rounded cells with large nucleii and abundant cytoplasm * * deciadualization starts around spiral arteries - decidualized cells express a variety of cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and angiogenic factors - altered expression of steroid hormone receptors - metabolic changes (e.g. P4-induced downregulation of DIO2 critical for ↓T4-to-T3 conversion, silencing of stress- activated signaling and increasing ROS scavenging activity) - upregulation of ion channels and protein transporters (→ increased absorption of uterine fluid facilitating embryo-endometrial interaction during implantation, increased vascular permeability ) - secretion and remodeling of extracellular matrix (→ deposition of hyaluronan → water perfusion → stoma edema and reduced stiffness) - release of proinflamatory regulators (particularly in decidual-like senescent cells damaged by replication stress in the proliferation phase) - accumulation of uterine NK cells (uNK) Secretory phase ❖DECIDUALIZATION - functional change: IL-6, LIF Secretory phase ❖DECIDUALIZATION Glycogen • Uterine Natural Killer cells (uNK) - subset of immune cells abundant in secretory endometrium and decidua of pregnancy - tissue-specific characteristics - derived from circulating NK cells - differentiation in response to local clues - affect uterine spiral remodeling and immunological tolerance - alteration in uNK number/function causes infertility, miscarriage, or pregnancy complications Muter et al 2023 Secretory phase ❖DECIDUALIZATION • Uterine Natural Killer cells (uNK) - switch from pro-inflammatory phenotype to immunomodulatory, cytokine-producing, and angiogenic phenotype KIRs+ (killer cells immunoglunoglobulin-like receptors) CD56bright CD16− CD39+ CD9+ CD49a+ CD57− Ki67 nuclear proliferation marker - maintain endometrial homeostasis by selectively eliminating senescent decidual cells - the activity of uNKs is affected the quality of implanting embryo Farag and Caligiuri 2006 Menstruation versus pregnancy ↓P4 ↑P4 Endometrium → decidua bed of pregnancyEndometrium breaks down → menstruation Senescent decidual cells - damaged by replication stress during the proliferation phase - fail to differentiate into decidual cells during the secretory phase - insensitive to progesterone - produce complex secretome - P4 sensitive decidual cells engage uNK to eliminate senescent cells Muter et al 2021 - paracrine induction of senescence in neighbouring cells → sterile inflammation and ECM breakdown Menstruation versus pregnancy Menstruation versus pregnancy Endometrial receptivity - uterine lining preparation for an embryo implantation - WINDOW OF IMPLANTATIN (WOI) = limited time interval (3-6 days, ~day 20-24 of the cycle ) during the mid-secretory phase, when the endometrium is ready to receive an embryo - optimal timing for IVF embryo transfer Endometrial receptivity ✓COMPACTION OF ENDOMETRIUM - post-ovulatory decrease in endometrium thickness (during luteal phase increases density of endometrium but not its volume) - detectable by ultrasound - indicative of P4 responsiveness and degree of decidualization ✓PINOPODES - surface protrusions facilitating embryo implantation - appear on apical side of luminal epithelial cells in the mid secretory phase (~day 20-21, but ~5 day inter-individual timing variation!) - their development is associated with level of P4, expression of implantation promoting factors (L-selectin ligand, LIF, V3 integrin) Luddi et al 2020 Muter et al 2023 - gene expression profiling assays - NGS of 248 genes related to endometrial receptivity identification of patient´s WOI for personalized embryo transfer - inter-patients differences in WOI transcriptomic signature - inconsistency between individual patient´s cycles (E2 and inflammation) - invasiveness of biopsies (mini inavasive procedure) - NGS results available with a delay - cost burden ✓ ENDOMETRIAL RECEPTIVITY ARRAY (ASSAY/ANALYSIS) – „ERA“ Endometrial receptivity Uterine microbiome - uterine cavity is not sterile - inter-/intra-individual species diversity - dysbiosis associated with adverse reproductive outcomes - ideal composition? - benefits of species diversity? Molina et al . 2020 Inverseti et al . 2023 Uterine microbiome Zhu et al . 2022 Uterine microbiome ❖ Uterine microbiome diagnostic tests Cyclic changes of junctional zone - specialized layer of circular smooth muscle that surrounds the endometrium (inner myometrium) - visible of high-resolution ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging - undegoes homone-dependent contraction and remodelling during the menstrual cycle ➢ trans-differentiation stromal fibroblast to myocytes ➢ cervico-fundal contractions facilitate → sperm transport during the fertile window; fundo-cervical contractions → flow of effluent during menstruation stratum basalisjunctional zoneouter myometrium Triple line measurement Role of uterine cyclic remodeling Brosenset al 2009 - brief exposures of any organ to low levels of stress confers resistance to stress levels that otherwise cause tissue damage - repeated menstruation cycles might precondition the uterus for future pregnancy ❖ Inflammatory ‛memory’ Menstrual disturbances ➢Menopausal amenorrhea ➢Thin endometrium ➢Abnormal uterine bleeding ➢Intrauterine adhesions ➢Asherman syndrom ➢Endometriosis - thin (<4 mm) endometrium consisting of stratum basalis only - glands are sparse and have low secretory activity, could be dilated and produce cysts - stroma is less cellular, and contains more collagen fibers - no apparent mitotic activity (senescence) - physiological postmenopausal amenorrhea - stem/progenitor cells are in a dormant state - quiescent stem/progenitor cell can be reactivated by exogenous E2 during hormonal replacement therapy, but their clonic efficiency is lower than in premenopausal endometrium postmenopausal endometrium normal endometrium (late proliferative phase) Menopausal amenorrhea = fall in estrogen production due to ovarian reserve exhausition → atrophic endometrium Thin endometrium Triple line ultrasound measurement Thin endometrium Possible Causes - Low estrogen levels - Luteal defects - Advanced age - Fibroids - Genetic factors - Intrauterine Adhesions - Poor blood flow - Pelvic surgeries/inflammation - Iatrogenic effect Symptoms - Irregular menstrual cycle - Painful or inadequate menses - Fertility issues Treatment - Hormonal therapy - Uterine surgeries and interventions (e.g. endometrial scratching) - Growth factor (PRP) therapy - Sildenafil (off-label) (fibroids) - altered tissue oxygenation and HIF-regulation are suspected to underlie AUB conditions Martinez Aguilar et al 2020 Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) - damage of basalis layer and loss of stem/progenitor cells Intrauterine adhesions (IUA) → failure of adequate repair and regeneration Cen et al 2022 Intrauterine adhesions (IUA) MSC-secreted exosomes - anti-inflammatory - anti-apoptic - proangiogenic - immuno-modulatory →↑ epithelisation and wound healing →↑collagen maturity →↓ scarring - wound healing therapeutical potential ❖ STEM CELLS/PROGENITORS CELLS THERAPY - non-invasive harvest from the menstrual fluid - short-lived - risk of off-target migration and tumor growth Cen et al 2022 Asherman syndrom - etiology unknown, risk factors include uterine surgery, pregnancies, trauma, pelvic infections, genital tuberculosis, and obesity - excessive intrauterine adhesions, scarring and synechiae - causes dysmenorhea, irregular cycles, miscarriages, and placental anomalies - regenerative potential of stem celll demonstrated in clinical trials Carlos Simon Endometriosis Endometriosis lesions origin ✓ retrograde menstruation (shedding fragments of endometrium containing uterine stem cells into the Fallopian tube and pelvic cavity) ✓ ectopic adhesion and survival of uterine stem cells (enhanced by genetic background, eMES/ePSC population composition and proliferation profile, and/or local environment) ✓ persistence and invasion of small superficial lessions (dependent on proliferation, penetration, migration, proinflamatory and angiogenic capacity of deposited endometriotic cells) Masuda et al 2021 Dysmenorrhea and AUB Dyspareunia Painful defection and urination Pelvic and back pain Infertility = presence of cycling endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity Chronic inflammation Caroline Gargett - occurs in ~5% of newborn girls (typically post-term) - results from P4 withdrawal from neonatal circulation upon birth - cervix blocked → premenarchial retrograde uterine bleeding - visible bleeding from the vagina indicates intense tissue shedding with a higher risk of retrograde menstruation - possible predisposition for early onset of endometriosis in adulthood Endometriosis Gargett al 2014 ❖ Neonatal „menstrual-like“ bleeding ➢ ENDOMETRIAL ORGANOIDS - hollow spherical structures consisting of multiple cell types, including epithelial, stromal, glandular, and vascular cells - spontaneous self-organization in a defined serum-free medium („assembloids“ ) - responsiveness to E2 and P4 - lack of complex organization of endometrial tissue Research of endometrial physiology ❖ 2D in vitro models ← primary endometrial cells from biopsies ← endometrial cells isolated from menstrual fluid ➢ endometrial cancer cell lines - Ishikawa, ECC-1, KLE, RL95-2 And Hec50co - genetically abnormal, single-cell type ➢ biopsy material - heterogenous character - different cycle stage - individual genetic background Disease modeling Drug screening Embryo-endometrial cross talk research ❖ 3D in vitro models Research of endometrial physiology Cousin et al 2022 Opportunity to model complexity of uterine tissue regeneration Matrix-based systems for co-culture of multile cell types