Adobe Systems Professor Vojtěch Mornstein, Dept. of Biophysics, Medical Faculty MU 1 The Foundation Course on Physics Alternating current Glencoe pp. approx. 680-693 ransformer-hightolow_smaller.jpg Adobe Systems Alternating current ̶What is an electric current? What is direct and alternating current? nt.svg.png By Zureks - Own work, Public Domain, i and v are instantaneous values of current and voltage Adobe Systems Alternating current Alternating current (AC) is used for powering various electrical devices. It is also efficient to be used for long-distance delivery of electrical energy (when using high voltage lines). To describe alternating currents or voltages, we can use similar mathematical formalism as used in the description of a simple harmonic motion: The cycle is one complete waveform. Period T [s] is the time duration of one cycle. Frequency f [Hz = s-1] is the number of cycles per second. Adobe Systems Alternating current Amplitude is the maximum value of positive or negative current (or voltage). Instantaneous values of alternating current and voltage are: It = Ip·sin(2pft + f) [A] and Ut = Up·sin(2pft + f) [V], where It and Ut are the instantaneous values of current or voltage, Ip and Up are the amplitudes of current or voltage (their peak values). f (phi) is the initial phase angle which defines the values of I or U at time t = 0 ̶ Voltage is also denoted by the symbol of „V“ instead of „U“. There are some advantages and disadvantages of both ways. 2p·f = w ! Adobe Systems Alternating current By Saure 11:52, 2. Jul. 2009 (CEST) - selber gezeichnet, Public Domain, .png A sinusoidal alternating voltage. 1 = peak voltage, also amplitude, 2 = peak-to-peak voltage, 3 = effective value of voltage (root mean square, rms) – see next slide 4 = Period, T Average value of alternating current or voltage is zero, because their variation with time is sinusoidal. Country Voltage Veff [V] Frequency [Hz] Czechia 230 50 United Kingdom 230 50 United States 120 60 Japan 100 50, 60 Saudi Arabia 230 60 Tonga 240 50 Adobe Systems Effective Voltage and Electrical Power The effective voltage (current) is that value of direct voltage (current) which would produce the same expenditure of electrical energy in the circuit as the respective value of direct voltage (current). The following equations hold (under condition of sinusoidal time-course): and where Ip and Up are the amplitudes of current or voltage (i.e. their peak values). ̶ Adobe Systems Effective Voltage and Electrical Power Electrical power of alternating current: P = Ueff·Ieff = [W = V·A watt = volt-ampere] The Ohm’s law in its simplest form (U = R·I) is valid for AC only when using effective values of voltage and current. ̶ Adobe Systems Reactance and Impedance Reactance can be described as “resistance to the flow of electric charge in AC circuits”. Impedance is the total reactance. In general, the reactance and impedance Z depend on the frequency of the alternating current. Reactance of a capacitor in an AC circuit: where XC is the reactance of a capacitor with capacitance C [F], f is the frequency [Hz] of the alternating current, and w is angular frequency. The higher the frequency of an alternating current, the smaller is the reactance of a capacitor. Note: In biological systems, membranes behave like capacitors! ̶ When uncharged, i.e. when the voltage across capacitor plates equals zero, the capacitor starts to be charged by the greatest current. ̶ This means that the voltage is delayed with respect to the current with a phase difference of +p/2, i.e. the amplitude of the current occurs by T/4 earlier than the amplitude of the voltage. ̶ Adobe Systems Reactance and Impedance Reactance of an inductor (called also solenoid or coil) that is a part of an AC circuit: XL = w·L = 2pf·L [W] where XL is the reactance of an inductor, and L is the self-inductance [H] of the inductor. The higher the frequency of an alternating current, the greater is the reactance of an inductor. The alternating current passing through the winding of the solenoid produces a magnetic field. This field induces a voltage in the solenoid which has an opposite polarity to the voltage of the source (see Lenz’s law). This means that the current is delayed with respect to voltage with a phase difference of –p/2, i.e. the amplitude of the current occurs by T/4 later than the amplitude of voltage. ̶ Adobe Systems Impedance of a Circuit It is often necessary to calculate the impedance of complex parts of electric circuits. For example, the following formula can be used for a resistor, capacitor and inductor (RCL) connected in series (Fig.): [W] where R is the resistance. The current in such an electric circuit is able to oscillate, which is very important for production and transmission of electromagnetic waves (radiofrequencies). The strongest oscillation (resonance) occurs when the impedance of the circuit is minimal. ̶ physics19-RCL Fig. A resistor (R), capacitor (C) and inductor (L) connected in series. Adobe Systems Resonance in an RCL circuit According to the last formula, the smallest Z can be reached when (XL – XC)2 = 0, It means that XL = XC. (R does not depend on frequency, remains constant.) This condition allows to find the resonance frequency: ̶ Adobe Systems AC Transformer This device is used for transformation of electric alternating voltages from high to low values and vice versa. A transformer consists of two solenoids with common core, i.e. primary (p, input) winding, the secondary (s, output) winding, and the soft iron core – see Fig. “Soft” means here that the iron is not permanently magnetised due to the magnetic field produced by the primary winding. ̶ Fig. The AC transformer. ̶ The iron core is grey-coloured. ̶ During real transformation, a part of the electric energy is lost, mainly by conversion into heat. Therefore, ideal (efficiency = 100%) and practical transformers can be distinguished. Physics20-transformer Adobe Systems AC transformer The following formulas are used for some practical calculations on transformers: where V [V] is the voltage across the primary (P) or secondary (S) winding I, and is the current through the winding [A], and N is the number of turns in the winding. Thus, in the transformer shown in the Fig., the voltage is reduced to one half and current increased twice (np = 4, ns = 2). Physics20-transformer Adobe Systems AC transformer The transformer efficiency η (eta) is given by relationship between the output and input power: [%] There are “copper” and “iron” energy losses in the transformer. The first ones are due to Joule’s heat in copper winding wires, the second are due to some magnetization and demagnetization processes in the iron core. Working transformers are heating! ̶ Adobe Systems Transformer ̶By BillC at the English language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, d_col3.svg.png Adobe Systems Transformer – real look ransformer-hightolow_smaller.jpg Windings are usually arranged concentrically to minimize flux leakage Související obrázek Adobe Systems Transmission System Související obrázek Power plant transformation transmission transformation consumption Adobe Systems Measuring instruments ̶The construction of instruments for measuring electric currents, voltages and other electric quantities are beyond this lecture’s scope. However, it is absolutely necessary to know that: ̶Voltmeters are characterised by very high intrinsic (e.g. internal) resistance. They must be connected in parallel to a “resistor” or “appliance” of which the voltage difference is to be measured. The measuring range of a voltmeter can be increased by “series resistors”. ̶Ampere meters (ammeters) are characterised by very low intrinsic resistance. They must be connected in series into a circuit. The measuring range of an ammeter can be increased by “shunts” – small resistors added in parallel. ̶ Adobe Systems A circuit with a voltmeter and ammeter Symbols Used in An Electrical Circuit | Revision Systems, Inc ... Cell – source of electric energy (we can use also AC source!) A – ammeter, ampermeter – very low impedance Lamp – appliance, resistor V – voltmeter – very high impedance Adobe Systems Výsledek obrázku pro impedance joke February 2025