obligatory study literature
Organisation information
Intensive care medicine is divided into Practice and Lectures.
References and study materials
Intensive Care Medicine lecturers prepare a short summary of each topic and present it as an interactive curriculum. Its content contains essential information to provide a basic overview of the topic but does not replace the obligatory study literature and video lectures.
Bonus materials have been prepared to help those interested in intensive care medicine gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
We are aware of the differences in the various national and international guidelines, especially on the issue of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. As a reference source for Intensive Care Medicine and subsequent practice on the European continent, we use the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) materials as a reference.
Intensive Care Medicine - Practice
It is a course in two subsequent weeks.
What to do before practice?
- Study the corresponding pre-learning for the lesson.
This requirement allows us to teach in a modern, interactive way, which is more effective than a lecturer's presentation of the subject with the passive participation of students. The essential requirement is the student's theoretical knowledge to participate actively in the lesson. Very often, the class involves group cooperation with other students. One unprepared team member can make the whole lesson impossible. Therefore, the lecturer has the possibility and authority to exclude the student from the lesson with the necessity of substitution in case of discovering a fundamental absence of knowledge of the given topic. - Successfully pass the ROPOT.
You must pass the ROPOT before every lesson to be able to participate.
ROPOT:- It contains 10 questions.
- Only one answer is correct.
- You must answer 7 out of 10 questions correctly to pass the ROPOT.
- You have an unlimited number of attempts to pass the ROPOT (you need to repeat until you reach 7 correct answers out of 10 questions)
- You must complete the ROPOT before 24:00 on the day preceding each lecture.
- Passing the ROPOT before each lecture is checked, and in case of non-compliance, you will unfortunately not be able to attend a specific lecture, and you will have to replace it.
- Study the organizational information about a particular lesson.
The information about the location of a particular lesson can be found in IS.
Lessons take place at 4 different localities: Simulation Centre (Campus Medical Faculty, Masaryk University), Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation (KDAR, Children´s Hospital Brno), Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine (KARIM, University Hospital Brno) and Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ARK, St. Anne´s University Hospital Brno).
- Every department has its own rules. You need to follow them (e.g. requires indoor shoes, scrubs or white coat...). This information can be found below.
- You must be ready for the lesson on time.
If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, you will not be able to participate in this lesson and will need to substitute. - Possible absence, attendance
At the beginning of each practice, everyone's presence will be recorded. You must complete 80% of the exercise to receive credit. One unexcused absence and one excused absence are allowed. Other absences must be excused and replaced.
Excuses are always made through the Office for Studies, which will enter them into IS. The lecturers do not have the authority to accept excuses.
Please note that we will not tolerate late arrivals of more than 15 minutes, and if a student arrives after the attendance register, that particular lesson will not be considered attended. This is because late arrivals are unfortunately very disruptive to the whole nature and quality of the lesson. - The guarantor and his delegates handle hours substitutions. For autumn 2024, it is MUDr. Marek Kovář.
What to do during lessons?
Consider the topic even if you are not personally included in the simulation to maximise learning outcomes. The fidelity of the simulation is not endless, so you could encounter some things that are not the same as in real life. (For example, we know the mannequin is made of rubber, but real patients do not. There is no need to call the toy manufacturer for consultation.) Try to overlook the differences and behave like the patient is real to get maximum from the simulation. Read the subsection about simulation medicine to get familiar with the rules of simulations.
What to do after the lesson?
Consider going through the crucial information of a particular lesson to ensure everything is clear. If something gives you trouble, you can ask about it at the beginning of the next lesson.
Conditions required to grant credit:
1. The student successfully completes all 10 ROPOTs.
This also applies to lessons during which the student had both excused and unexcused absences.
2. The student successfully completes the attendance requirement.
That is, one unexcused and one excused absence is possible.
ATTENTION: to accept an excused absence, it is necessary to meet the conditions specified in the MU study regulations and to have it properly recorded in IS through the study department. Other absences must be replaced.
3. The student will complete the final evaluation after the end of the block.
The evaluation will be opened after the completion of Lesson 9.
Credit will be granted by Wednesday after the end of the block lessons. If the student has not met the credit requirements by then, credit will not be awarded. Further action will be handled on an individual basis.
Intensive care medicine - lecture
It ends with an OSCE test and an oral exam.
The test and exam may include topics taught in the practice.
It will be taken during the exam period at the end of the semester for operational, capacity, and staffing reasons.
Exam test
It will be conducted one week prior to the OSCE oral exam. Topics will include questions from the Intensive Medicine Practice. It will contain 50 questions with one best correct answer. The test will be conducted online, and the time limit will be 75 minutes. It can be repeated 3 times. A score of 60 % is required to pass the test. Each question is awarded 1 point if answered correctly, 0 points if answered incorrectly, and 0 points if unanswered. If a student fails the test, he/she will not be allowed to take the OSCE exam that semester.
A proctored exam that consists of several stations immediately following each other. All exam dates will be during the exam period. More detailed information about the exam will be provided during the semester.