Intensive Care Medicine

Simulation based education

Simulation-based education is used during Intensive care medicine practices. The rules of simulation-based education are below. 

A Feedback-providing/receiving culture is crucial for simulation-based education and clinical practice. Below are tips for providing and receiving feedback. 


Feedback is information that helps people change how they think or behave to improve themselves.

Feedback helps us to:

  • identify the mistakes we make and improve in the concerned areas of study
  • clarify learning objectives since feedback mainly focuses on what is required of the student (it helps us specify and fulfill the objectives)
  • motivate and even strengthen what we do correctly

Feedback is mainly about communication, e.g., lecturer–student or student-student communication.
Working with feedback, i.e., providing and receiving it, is a skill that can be learned, and we will work on it together.

10 tips on how to work with feedback effectively

When someone gives you feedback:

  • 1. Try to listen actively and do not butt in while it is being communicated.
  • 2. Do not take it personally. Always remember that the other person wants to help you improve, not to criticise you.
  • 3. Do not try to defend yourself or advocate your performance or work. Do not argue with the person who gives you feedback.
  • 4. Remember that it is always up to you to decide how to handle the feedback.
  • 5. Show that you are appreciative of the other’s feedback.

When you give feedback to someone else:

  • 6. Be as specific as possible. What did your colleague do well in particular? And what could she/he change for next time? No reports that she/he worked well or otherwise can help her/him improve further.
  • 7. Use neutral expressions and phrases. Try not to evaluate. Avoid statements like “That was rather a poor performance of yours.” Avoid the sandwich method, which always wraps negative information in praise.
  • 8. Tell your colleague only what you have observed yourself, not what the others have said to you. Focus on the facts, not the impressions or assumptions.
  • 9. Always try to give feedback when the issue is hot, and do not put it off without reason. The only exception is an emotionally tense situation, e.g., when you are angry or upset; when it is better to wait with the feedback until a bit later.
  • 10. Respect each other. Please do not spread the information you share, as it only undermines mutual trust.
The text above is from First Aid e-learning. 

Process of simulations 

The briefing will be done before every High-fidelity simulation (HFS). Optimally, three volunteers will participate in the particular HFS, and the rest of the students will watch the stream from the simulation in the debriefing room. 

Watching or participating in a simulation is associated with a different stress level. Watching the simulation makes you calmer, and you can see or think about things the participant may not have noticed. Do not forget this when providing feedback to your colleagues. 

If you want to gain the most from simulations, be serious but tolerant of your or your colleagues' mistakes so you can learn in a safe learning environment. 

Taking any pictures or making videos during simulations is forbidden.