- Neurological disorders (p. 444-446)
Definition: sudden, uncoordinated muscle contractions.
- Tonic.
- Clonic.
- Tonic-clonic.
- Trauma.
- Intoxication, withdrawal syndrome.
- Strokes.
- Epilepsy.
- Infections - CNS infection, febrile seizures in children.
- Metabolic disorders (hypoglycemia, electrolytes disorders...).
- Tumor.
- Hypoxia.
- Congenital disorders.
- Neurodegenerative diseases.
- Idiopathic.
- Antiseizures-medication - benzodiazepines (initially, 10 mg diazepam IV for an adult), antiepileptic.
- Therapy of precipitating cause.
- Symptomatic therapy during ABCDE approach.
Status epilepticus
Status epilepticus (SE) = seizures lasting longer than 5 minutes (generalized convulsive) or 10 minutes (focal with impaired consciousness)
Established SE = not terminated with benzodiazepines.
Refractory SE = not terminated with benzodiazepines and two types of antiepileptics.
1.) ABCDE approach - symptomatic therapy (O2, monitoring: ECG, NIBP, SpO2), IV access, take labs, and start differential diagnosis.
2.) First-line medication: Benzodiazepines - first chose Diazepam IV.
3.) Repeat benzodiazepines.
4.) Second-line medication: first choice antiepileptic - phenytoin, levetiracetam.
5.) If the seizures still persist, call for help. Experienced physicians should take the next steps.