- Metabolic disorders (p. 506-514)
Intensive Care Medicine
Glycemia disorders
Glycemia = glucose level in blood.
Normal levels 3,9 - 5,6 mmol/l.
Definition: glycemia below 3,9 mmol/l.
Symptoms: depends on hypoglycemia severity.
- A: if the patient is unconscious, the airway could be obstructed (inspiratory stridor, grunting)
- B: pale; if the airway is patent, the breathing is mostly not seriously affected.
- C: tachycardia, hypotension, sweating.
- D: agitation, confusion, tremor, fatigue, hunger, somnolence, sopor, coma, glycemia below 3,9 mmol/l.
- E: look for diabetes mellitus in patient history and last insulin administration.
- 1.) If the patient is responsive, make him drink or eat fast-acting carbohydrates.
- 2.) If the patient is unresponsive and has a glucagon injection (spray) on him, use it according to the manual. Do not forget that glucagon is short-acting, and the patient needs glucose supplementation.
- 3.) Cannulate the vein or secure IO access and administer glucose (f.e. 20 ml of 40% glucose).
- 4.) Look for the causes - adjust the insulin dosing...
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Definition: complication or first manifestation of diabetes mellitus, mostly type I. This state is a characteristic triad of hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, and ketonemia.
- A: fruity-scented breath; if the patient is unconscious, the airways could be obstructed.
- B: tachypnoea, Kussmaul breathing.
- C: tachycardia, hypotension, polyuria; lab tests: hyperglycemia, ketonemia, normal osmolality, severe metabolic acidosis in ABG; Lab urine: high concentration of ketones and glucose.
- D: nausea, vomiting, fatigue, somnolence, sopor, coma.
- E: patients history: diabetes mellitus type I or thirst, often urination, weight loss, fatigue.
- 1.) Symptomatic therapy according to vital function alteration in ABCDE.
- 2.) IV fluids - bolus 1000 ml balanced crystalloids within 1 hour.
- 3.) Potassium substitution.
- 4.) ICU admission. Insulin should be administered when the potassium levels are above 3 mmol/l. Experienced physicians should manage insulin administration. Too rapid correction of hyperglycemia can lead to a sudden drop in serum osmolality, and it could lead to cerebral oedema.
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)
Definition: a complication of diabetes mellitus, mostly type II. This state is characteristic of severe hyperglycemia, hyperosmolality, and dehydration.
- A: if the patient is unconscious, the airways could be obstructed.
- B: hypoventilation.
- C: tachycardia, hypotension, Labs blood: hyperglycemia (more severe than in DKA), high osmolality, mild or no metabolic acidosis in ABG, Labs urine: high glucose concentration.
- D: somnolence, sopor, coma.
- E: patient´s history: diabetes mellitus type II.
- 1.) Symptomatic therapy according to vital function alteration in ABCDE.
- 2.) IV fluids - bolus 1000 ml balanced crystalloids within 1 hour
- 3.) Potassium substitution.
- 4.) ICU admission. Insulin should be administered when the potassium levels are above 3 mmol/l. Experienced physicians should manage insulin administration. Too rapid correction of hyperglycemia can lead to a sudden drop in serum osmolality, and it could lead to cerebral oedema.
Oxford Handbook of Critical Care. SINGER Mervyn, WEBB R. Andrew