- The student identifies a patient in circulatory shock.
- The student defines circulatory shock.
- The student explains the pathophysiology of hypovolemic shock.
- The student identifies the massive bleeding.
- The student describes the initial management of massive bleeding.
- The student knows the basic steps in the treatment of trauma patients.
- The student diagnoses tension pneumothorax.
- The student describes the technique of emergency thorax decompression in case of tension pneumothorax.
Intensive Care Medicine
Day 6: Hypovolemic shock
Learning outcomes:
Hypovolemic shock is a state of serious loss of intravascular volume. Hypovolemia causes a decrease in preload and, therefore, decreases stroke volume and cardiac output.
There are two types of hypovolemic shock: hemorrhagic (internal and external bleeding) and non-hemorrhagic (burns, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhoea,...).
- for practice participation is required to fill in the ROPOT form
- please fill in the ROPOT form no later than midnight of the previous day