Lesson and exam - questions and answers Read carefully! Dear students, there is always an increasing number of requests about very basic issues considering the exams. I hope, I will answer all common questions. 1. All the exam dates will be published probably during October. They will be accessible for all en rolled students. These dates are final and cannot be relied upon to be added. 2. The pre-term date will take place on December (will be in IS). Consider very well to enrol this date. 3. All students (including students repeating biophysics in the 3rd semester) start the exam with w ritten test. 4. The threshold test value (number of points) to continue with oral part is following: - for the students in the 1st semester: 14 – the first attempt, 14 – the second attempt, 11 – the t hird attempt. For the repeating students in the 3rd semester: 14 – the first attempt, 11 – the seco nd attempt. The maximum possible number of points is 25. 5. The students with some specific study problems (i.e. students under the supervision of the Teire sias centre of MU) are examined as recommended by Teiresias. 6. If the student will not come to the registered date, without excuse accepted by International De partment, the date is lost. The relevant excuse is an official medical certificate, a message from the embassy, an official confirmation of flight cancellation, and the like. Please send your excuse s as soon as possible to the International department (you can also send us a copy of the email). 7. Any problem connected with practicals must be solved by colleagues teaching in practicals. 8. The attendance to lectures is not registered but it is highly recommended! I mean it seriously. 9. It is also highly recommended to get acquainted with the general study rules of University. Frequently asked questions and answers (Please read the text. Maybe you find your future question): Where will take place the exams? The location of the written test will be specified before the exam - read your emails and IS info. It can sometimes change. The oral part follows in the Department of Biophysics, building F01B1, the 4th floor Can I come to the exam without credit from the practical exercises? No. You must have credits from the practical exercises first. Will be added more first attempt exam dates? Usually, they won't. Don't ask for them. Our time and personnel capacities are limited. Will be added resit exam dates (second and third attempts)? Yes, during January/February. Will be added any exam dates in the summer exam period? Yes, but only resit dates. These dates will only be for persons who had a relevant reason to postpo ne the resit exam. What is the deadline for cancelling my reservation? Until 31/12/2024 if not otherwise stated. Can I cancel the reservation or change the reservation after 12/31/2024? You can't (with the exception of an official excuse accepted by the study department). What happens if I don't come to the exam and I don't apologize. You lose this term, which is equivalent to a fail score. Additional information about the exam Organisation of the exam: The exam consists of a written and an oral part. The exam starts with the written part (the TEST) and continues with the oral part (answering the chosen questions plus debate). The oral part can take place only after the successful answering the test questions. TEST – it is a choice of a right answer from five offered possibilities (there is one or no right answer in each test question). Time available for the test solution is 35 min, number of questions is 25 so that the maximum number of points is also 25. The limiting numbers of right answers are: regular date - 14 points, the first resit - 14 points, the second resit - 11 points. * In the second resit is also accepted a variant in which the 11 points were not reached but in one of the previous attempts this number was reached. This exception is possible only in the regular examination period of the 1^st semester. In the summer and the so-called prolonged examination period cannot be the results of tests from the 1^st semester accepted in this way. Two questions are chosen for the oral part. These questions are published in the study materials page in IS. The examined student must be able to discuss about the content of the questions in the debate. During the exam, it is strictly forbidden to use any aids except of a pencil or pen. We recommend to avoid postponing the exam dates, and to exploit the offered capacity of published dates. It is an important duty of any student to be acquainted with the study regulations https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/official-notice-board/mu-study-and-examination-regulations?lang=en. To solve any problem on the exam, the student must address the Head od Department. Without the credits of practical exercises, the exam sitting is impossible!