5.12.20241 Blood types. Budínská Xenie 2 Functions of the RBC ̶ Transport of respiratory gases ̶ Buffering system ̶ Maintaining blood viscosity ̶ Immune function 3 Blood groups ̶ Is a classification of blood, based on the presence and absence of antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. ̶ Antigens (depending on the blood group system): ̶ proteins ̶ carbohydrates ̶ glycoproteins ̶ glycolipids ̶ Some of these antigens are also present on the surface of other types of cells of various tissues. 4 Blood groups ̶ 45 human blood group systems are recognized by the International Society of Blood Transfusion: ̶ ABO System (Antigens: A, B, O). ̶ MNS System (Antigens: M, N, S, s, U). ̶ Rh System (Antigens: D, C, c, E, e). ̶ Lutheran System (Antigens: Lua, Lub). ̶ Kell System (Antigens: K, k). ̶ Lewis System (Antigens: Lea, Leb). ̶ Duffy System (Antigens: Fya, Fyb). ̶ Kidd System (Antigens: Jka, Jkb). ̶ Landsteiner-Wiener (Antigens: LWa, LWb). ̶ Chido/Rodgers System (Antigens: Ch, Rg). ̶ H System (Antigens: H). ̶ … 5 Blood groups H antigen 6 Agglutinogen ̶ The ABO gene is located on chromosome 9 and exists in three allelic forms: ̶ The A allele encodes an enzyme that adds Nacetylgalactosamine to the H antigen. ̶ The B allele encodes an enzyme that adds galactose to the H antigen. ̶ The O allele does not produce a functional enzyme, so the H antigen remains unchanged. A type 0 type B type 7 "Bombay phenotype" ̶ in 1 of 10,000 individuals in India ̶ 1 in a million people in Europe ̶ H antigen deficiency ̶ Hemolytic disease of the newborn??? 8 Agglutinin ̶ γ-globulin (IgM) ̶ after births almost zero concentration in blood ̶ production of agglutinins begins 2-8 months after birth: ̶ stimulation by antigens similar to agglutinogens – in food, in GIT bacteria ̶ maximal concentration of antibodies is reached in 8-10 years, decreases gradually with age 9 AB0 system ̶ Antigens on the surface of RBCs (agglutinogens): A, B ̶ Antibodies in the blood (agglutinins): anti-A, anti-B (IgM) Immunization against A and B happens during the first months of life (these antigens are also in the diet) – agglutinins are then in the blood for the rest of the life AB0 system 0 (-, anti AB) A (A, anti B) B (B, anti A) AB (AB,-) RBC 0 (-) V V V V A (A) - V - V B (B) - - V V AB (AB) - - - V Plasma 0(anti AB) V - - A(anti B) V V - B(anti A) V - V AB(-) V V V V 11 Rh factor ̶ Antigens D, d (also C,c, E, e, which are weaker) are only on RBCs ̶ The strongest one is an antigen D – if present → Rh+ blood group ̶ In recessive homozygotes (dd) → blood group Rh- (17% in Europe, <1% elsewhere) ̶ in Rh- blood, antibodies (anti-D, IgG) develop only after immunization ̶ The first reaction is weaker, the next encounter with Rh+ blood will trigger a stronger immune response → hemolysis I. Rh- + Rh+ => N II. Rh- + Rh+ => hemolysis Rh+ Rh+ Rh+ Anti-D (IgG) Anti-D 12 Blood products for transfusion ̶ Whole blood contains red cells, white cells, and platelets suspended in blood plasma: ̶ Trauma, Surgery ̶ RBCs ̶ Anemia, Any blood loss, Blood disorders, such as sickle cell ̶ Platelets ̶ Cancer treatments, Organ transplants, Surgery ̶ Plasma ̶ Burn patients, Shock, Bleeding disorders ̶ Cryoprecipitated Antihemophilic Factor (Cryo) ̶ Hemophilia, Coagulation abnormality 13 Tests conducted before a transfusion: ̶ Blood Typing (ABO and Rh Typing). ̶ Antibody Screen (Indirect Coombs Test). ̶ Crossmatching: ̶ Immediate Spin Crossmatch. ̶ Full/Extended Crossmatch. ̶ Complete Blood Count (CBC) ̶ Coagulation Tests. ̶ Infectious Disease Screening (Usually performed on donor blood): ̶ HIV ̶ Hepatitis B & C ̶ Syphilis ̶ Direct Coombs Test (Direct Antiglobulin Test - DAT) 14 Blood transfusion. Early Complications. ̶ Hemolytic reactions (immediate and delayed) ̶ Non-hemolytic febrile reactions ̶ Allergic reactions ̶ Reactions secondary to bacterial contamination ̶ Circulatory overload ̶ Air embolism ̶ Thrombophlebitis ̶ Hyperkalemia ̶ Hypothermia ̶ Clotting abnormalities (after massive transfusions) 15 Blood transfusion. Late complications. ̶ Transmission of infection ̶ Viral (hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, CMV) ̶ Bacterial (Salmonella) ̶ Parasites (malaria, toxoplasma) ̶ Graft-vs-host disease ̶ Iron overload (after chronic transfusions) ̶ Immune sensitization (D antigen)