LYMPHATIC SYSTEM • Lymphoid tissue, lymphoid nodule (follicle) ➢ Lymphoid organs: Central thymus, (red bone marrow) Peripheral lymph node spleen tonsils mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue /MALT) ➢ Lymphatic vessels lymphoid nodule (follicle) in the intestinal mucosa afferent lymphatics capsula fibrosa + septum sinus subcapsularis or marginalis sinus corticales around nodules LYMPH NODE cortex paracortex medulla sinus medullares around cords of Ly lymh nodules /B-Ly medullary cords /B-Ly artery vein efferent lymphatic H I L U M /T-Ly Lymph node Lymph node – capsule, subcapsular (marginal) sinus, cortex Lymph node – capsule, subcapsular (marginal) sinus, cortex Lymph node – cortex, medulla Spleen HE Blood circulation in the spleen Spleen (HE) – white and red pulp, trabeculae Spleen (HE) – white and red pulp, central artery Spleen (impregnation) white pulp white pulp red pulp Spleen (impregnation) – red pulp Thymus - young (HE) cortex medulla Thymus young – cortex and medulla, Hassal´s corpuscles Thymus in involution - missing cortex/medulla border - lymph tissue replacement with CT + fat) - Hassal‘s corpuscles Lingual tonsil crypt mucous glands (of Weber) Palatine tonsil crypts LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Slides 66. Lymphonodus (HE) 67. Lien (HE) 68. Lien (impregnation) 57. Thymus - young (HE) 58. Thymus - in involution (HE) 4. Tonsilla lingualis (HE) 6. Tonsilla palatina (HE) Atlas 88. Pharyngeal apparatus