Tutorium ze základů lékařské terminologie II

Lesson 5 (forming a Latin phrase and translating)

Lesson 5 PLAN

  • analyzing Latin sentences
  • translating from Latin and English

Five tasks:

A Identifying word functions in Latin

B Identifying word functions in English

C Word order

D Sentence analysis

E Translation step by step

Before starting the tasks

1. Word functions
Before tasks A and B
2. Word order
Before task C
3. Sentence analysis
Before task D
Sentence analysis (interactive text)
Functions as an interactive version of the 3. Sentence analysis pdf.
Translation Step by Step (presentation)
Functions as a double to text 4. Preparing for translation.

Tasks (as Word documents)

All tasks require an introduction, which you will find above. Do NOT go in blind.

Lesson 5, task A
Versions 1-2
Lesson 5, task B
Versions 1-3
Lesson 5, task C
Versions 1-3

Tasks (as pdfs)

All tasks require an introduction, which you will find above. Do NOT go in blind.

Lesson 5, task A
Versions 1-2
Lesson 5, task B
Versions 1-3
Lesson 5, task C
Versions 1-3