MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA V BRNĚ Lékařská fakulta/Medical School I. neurologická klinika, Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny v Brně Attendance list - Neurology – General Medicine (VL-A) Surname and given name: Indentification number (UČO): E-mail or phone number:______________________________ WEEK 1 1. Propedeutics in neurology Date and teacher‘s signature: Diagnosis in neurology. History in neurology. Reflexes. Lower and upper motor neuron lesion. Cranial nerves examination. Bedside examination of cognitiveš functions. 2. Propedeutics in neurology Date and teacher‘s signature: Cerebellar examination. Examination and phenomenology in movement disorders Examination of somatosensory system. Meningeal signs. Examination of spinal column. Examination of comatous patient. 3. Morning clinical round- at an in-patient or out- patient ward of the department. According to a schedule. Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher signature: 4. Morning clinical round at an in-patient or out- patient ward of the department. According to a schedule. Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher‘s signature: 5. Morning clinical round- at an in-patient or out-patient ward of department. According to a schedule. Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher‘s signature: WEEK 2 6. Stay at the Department of Children Neurology.. Neurological diseases in children (KDN – DFN FNB- Children’s hospital) Date and teacher‘s signature: 7. Stay at the Department of Children Neurology. Neurological diseases in children (KDN – DFN FNB - Children’s hospital) Date and teacher‘s signature: 8. SIMU – Simulation centre of Masaryk University Date and teacher‘s signature: 9. SIMU – Simulation centre of Masaryk University Date and teacher‘s signature: 10. SIMU – Simulation centre of Masaryk University Date and teacher‘s signature: WEEK 3 11. Morning clinical round- at an in-patient or out-patient ward of the department. According to a schedule Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher‘s signature: 12. Morning clinical round- at an in-patient or out-patient ward of the department. According to a schedule Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher‘s signature: 13. Morning clinical round- at an in-patient or out-patient ward of the department. According to a schedule Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher‘s signature: 14. Morning clinical round- at an in-patient or out-patient ward of the department. According to a schedule Doctor‘s stamp: Workshop Date and teacher‘s signature: 15. Graded credit, neurological examination: Date: Questions: 1. 2. 3. Grade-credit: Teacher’s signature: Oral exam from Neurology. Date: Questions: 1. 2. 3. Final grade: Teacher‘s signature: