Mechanisms of respiratory insufficiency - Introduction Mechanisms of respirator insufficiency - introduction - necessary values: tidal volume (TV) 500 me breathrate (BR) 1 41 min gases anterial central renow y C02 40 mm4g 46 100 40 ↑ o2 1) C hypoxia ↳alsolar hypoxemia 240/hypencapma under normalsituation the gas exchange on almoto- capillary membrane is perfect P I composition of acterial and alveolar gasses is the same 4 A0z = 4a82 i pAC02 = paCon ↑e feet ⑧ ↓ the same exchange -- composition -T Further we wie,darinema ofrespirator insufficiency Antionof restiein sufficiency - paon 60 many (w9oz -paCO2> 50 mang - 90%) saturation curve of hemoglobin 2- 60-90 Sa 9 Fin 1) meof 3 libs - > pain an inspiriem -> superficial breathing 7 = low TV I -> compensator teasphoe minute (v)TV. BR = ventilation ↳ or mal: 500. 14=7000ml/min FX of:250.28 =7000 Me/a- ribs ↓ total ventilation is the same attendbene We mustconsider anatomic dead space, approx. 150 me. Real almost ventilation is: normal: (500-150).14- 1900inFxof ribs.(250 - 150).28 = 2800m - min relationship between al role 4 a CO2 in t In case of his Fx the pacient has hypercapnia. This mechanism is called ① molarhypoventilation type 2 results: - - respiratory 1) T4aC02 I insufficient- 2) ↓pa O2 J =ventilatory failure - hypercapaic ces of causes file) muscle weakness, myasthenia gravis, yogaeaeopathy, opiates, yathology of C Ns, o beberation of airways, unstable chestwall, pain... 2 - 5 further mechanisms reset really in resin insuff #normal 17 ↓ 02 but 2) on even 202 lowen E I ↳yoxemia faile 3= oxygenation dysfunction airtig Type 1 lung is ill Type 2 lung is healthy, but other - on extwe ne respiratory illness components an ill of lung 2) monaryemboss Je/min -endead ② space - ↳ embolus 5-2) min I Rightlung is ventilated, ' butnotperfused with blood! -space washed ventilation!-> i -> actually A powertreation (2.5?) => ↑ 202 ↓02 -> compensatory hyperventilation ↳ Why does hypoventilation decrease ? 3100, although total or delivery is sufficient, 3)Loban premonia- iy e ovale + pulmonary ypertension I exchange preserved perfusion M dright-to-left) ⑤Enemonamyshant -02 I both inflow- 4cor, and outgro is venous blood prcO2 11 compensatiny penventilation ↑O *w. i y ox-; ble 4 ↑ A 02 puCOn I mixed blood ↑ C02 > 4 C02 > PACO2 4202 -402 <4A02 causes · meumonia, severelung edema, atlectasis, alwolambleedina re1s intrap we no any shant? 1) Sp eventilation of healthy a soli -> will decreate CO2 - does not change P2 (why ?) 2) delivery of external oxy from -> does not change 2 (Why?) -> does not change 20(why?) -> actually compensation is almost impossible - > necessary to that transe premonia -> ATB ↳ a telectasis -> bronchoscopy Cdrainage of pleural effusion 4) -nary fibrosis wide me d alsolo--> capillary membrane -> mireddiffusion ( less importantmechanism gas concentrations I normally, the in alveoliand blood are equiliit backed in as of the capillary long th - problem more for ↓ Or than for 202 big tional dyspnea reserve and hypoxemia 20PD, asthma, & failure- inhomogeneity of lung impairment -> somewhere lower ventilation (i), somewhere lower perfusion (a) ⑤ -perfusion mismatch -> 3 = vamismatch) -the most importantmechanism shuntand dead space are extreme variants - Anemonaryvasoconstrictionoptimizes aratios without h.p.r. the lang function would be impaired even in healthy lungs C esmin norm - I B· .e/min 0.5 l/min evailing I ↑ revailin I g perfusion ventilation over ventilation b fusionOwen ve =renous -wasted admixture ventilation 2.shurt"] E 17 dead -paa" 1)itis possible to compensate · for it with hyperventilation on with a delivery of [Why?I 0xzse4