Department of Pathophysiology1 Principles and ethics of experimental use of laboratory animals Ing. Hana Holcová Polanská, Ph.D Mgr. Lucie Válková, Ph.D. Department of Pathophysiology2 Use of live systems The idea of using animals in experiments Claude Bernard (1813-1878) – physician ̶ 1867 publication l'Introduction à l'étude de la médecine expérimentale (Introduction to the study of experimental medicine) ̶ „ The principles of experimental medicine are the principles of all experimental sciences.“ ̶ laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) ̶ laboratory rat (Rattus norvegicus) ̶ laboratory rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) ̶ golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) ̶ guinea pig (Cavia apperea) ̶ pig (Sus scrofa) ̶ African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) ̶ fish - e.g. striped danio (Danio rerio) Department of Pathophysiology3 The most commonly used exp. animals Figures from: & Department of Pathophysiology4 Animal production systems for experiments 1. Open ̶ Free entrance of animals, persons and material, barrier-free 2. Closed a) Barrier housing • animals separated from the outside environment by a barrier and hygiene loop, not separated from humans • SPF animals b) Isolator • animals confined in isolators, which separates them from the outside environment and humans • axenic, gnotobiotic animals Department of Pathophysiology5 According to housing method ̶ Conventional ̶ common facilities, open breeding and housing system, control of pathogens transmissible to humans ̶ SPF ̶ closed breeding and housing system, Specific Patogen Free animals ̶ Axenic ̶ closed breeding and housing system ̶ NO micro-organisms ̶ Gnotobiotick ̶ “gnotos” (known) and “bios” (life) ̶ closed breeding and housing system ̶ axenic animal + defined microorganism (mono-, di-, poly-xenic) Department of Pathophysiology6 Barrier housing - scheme MATERIAL INPUT FOR STERILIZATION CLEAN CORRIDOR AUTOCLAVE CLEAN ROOM SOILED ROOM ANIMAL ROOM ANIMAL ROOM ANIMAL ROOM ANIMAL ROOM ENTRANCE FROM THE HYGIENE LOOP SOILED CORRIDOR Department of Pathophysiology7 Isolators University of Calgary Ohio State University Department of Pathophysiology8 Animal models – a genetics perspective Inbred ̶ colonies formed by at least 20 generations of brother-sister breeding that can be traced back to a single founding pair Outbred ̶ crossbreeding colonies that have been geographically separated (different breeding facility) until they reach the same range of genetic variation Hybrid ̶ by crossbreeding two inbred strains. This cross produces hybrid animals that are more resistant to disease, have higher survival rates under stress, live longer and have larger litters than the parent strains Trangen ̶ used in almost every therapeutic and disease research area ̶ DNA modification (knock-out functional gene, knock-in a non-functional/muted gene, inserting a piece of foreign DNA, …) Department of Pathophysiology9 Animal models – immune system perspective Immunocompetent ̶ no changes in the immune system Immunodeficient ̶ animals with different levels of immunodeficiency and phenotypic characteristics Humanised animal models ̶ induced human immune system of various levels Department of Pathophysiology10 Using animals in the experiments The 3Rs principle ̶ 1959 Russel a Burche › Reduction › Replacement › Refinement More information about the history of the 3Rs principles at: Department of Pathophysiology11 Reduction ̶ any procedure that results in the same amount of information being obtained using fewer animals or maximising the information obtained from a single animal ̶ appropriate experimental design and adequate analysis of the resulting data, with due consideration of statistical principles, can increase the precision of the results and equally allow the use of fewer animals to develop the data ̶ a small pilot study will indicate whether or not it is appropriate to proceed to the main experiment Department of Pathophysiology12 Replacement ̶ any experimental method that does not require the use of a whole, live animal ̶ some of these methods only partially replace ̶ humane killing of animals to obtain cells, tissues or organs for subsequent studies in vitro Other methods substitute fully, as they do not require any biological material obtained from a fully developed vertebrate. Department of Pathophysiology13 Animal experimentation alternatives ̶ Consistent mining of existing experimental data ̶ Models, computer programs ̶ Physico-chemical techniques ̶ Invertebrates, plants, microorganisms (lower organisms) ̶ Early developmental stages - bird egg germarium, embryos ̶ Human volunteers, epidemiological data ̶ Cell, tissue and organ cultures (relative surrogates - require freshly obtained cells or tissue) Department of Pathophysiology14 Refinement ̶ modifying any procedure that interferes with the life of a laboratory animal from birth to death, so that the pain and suffering experienced by the animal is minimised and its standard of living is raised ̶ staff should be well trained and skilled in the handling of the species of animals used ̶ anaesthesia and analgesia should be used wherever appropriate and possible Department of Pathophysiology15 Regulation of use of experimental animals ̶ Animal Protection Act No. 246/1992 Coll. (which is the implementation of Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes) ̶ Central Commission for the Protection of Animals (ÚKOZ) ̶ Expert Committee for Ensuring the Welfare of Experimental Animals Ústav patologické fyziologie16 Expert Committee for Ensuring the Welfare of Experimental Animals ̶ at every supplier, breeder and user facility ̶ provides consultancy on the welfare of experimental animals, the 3Rs, ... ̶ establish, monitor and review internal operating procedures ̶ monitor and control the progress and results of experimental projects Department of Pathophysiology17 Central Commission for the Protection of Animals (ÚKOZ) ̶ protection of livestock animals ̶ protection of pet animals ̶ protection of wild animals ̶ protection of experimental animals Department of Pathophysiology18 Animal Protection Act No. 246/1992 Coll. § 3 Terms a) an animal is any living vertebrate except a human being, but not a fetus or embryo, … j) experimental animal 1. a living vertebrate animal which is or is to be used for experiments, other than a human being, including self-feeding larval forms and mammalian fetuses from the last third of their normal development, or 2. a live cephalopod which is or is to be used for experiments; an experimental animal shall also be considered to be an animal which is at an earlier stage of development than that referred to in point 1, if the animal is to be allowed to live beyond that stage of development and, as a result of the experiments carried out, is likely to suffer pain, suffering, distress or permanent harm when it reaches that stage of development, Department of Pathophysiology19 Animal Protection Act No. 246/1992 Coll. § 18 Purposes of the experiments (1)Experiments may be carried out for these purposes only: f) higher education or training to acquire, maintain or improve professional skills Department of Pathophysiology20 Probator laparotomy - animal model Ing. Hana Holcová Polanská, Ph.D. Mgr. Lucie Válková, Ph.D. Department of Pathophysiology21 Probator laparotomy Department of Pathophysiology22 Hands-on 1) Animal in full surgical tolerance 2) Place the animal in the supine position it on the operating table 3) Laparotomy 4) Observation of the organs of the abdominal cavity 5) Suture of the muscle layer 6) Suture of the skin layer Department of Pathophysiology23 Hands-on 1) Animal in full surgical tolerance = under deep anaesthesia - No further addition of anesthesia will be necessary Department of Pathophysiology24 Hands-on 2) Place the animal in the supine position on the operating table - Use a rubber band to fix the thoracic and pelvic limbs - To fix the head, fasten the rubber band behind the upper teeth Department of Pathophysiology25 Hands-on 3) Laparotomy - Do a laparotomy in abdominal region. 1. Open the skin layer 2. Open the muscle layer. - The incision will run from the processus xiphoideu almost to the symphysis. Be careful not to cut into the thorax! Department of Pathophysiology26 Hands-on 4) Observation of the organs of the abdominal cavity ̶ caecum vs. Stomach ̶ kidneys (both) + vena renalis ̶ aorta abdominalis + vena cava caudalis ̶ urinary bladder, … Department of Pathophysiology27 Hands-on 5) Stitching of the muscle layer - Use of the continuation stitch - Round needle on the cross-section - Distance between stitches about 5-7 mm - Tighten the stitches properly so that the edges of the tissues fit tightly together - Do not over-tighten the sutures to avoid tissue ischemia (reducing healing) Department of Pathophysiology28 Hands-on 6) Stitching of the skin layer - Use of individual stitches - Triangular needle on the cross-section - Distance between stitches about 5-7 mm - Shorten the ends of the stitches to approx. 5 mm - Tighten the stitches properly so that the edges of the tissues fit tightly together - Do not over-tighten the sutures to avoid tissue ischemia (reducing healing) Department of Pathophysiology29 Notes If you become unwell (for any reason), do not worry and report this to the teacher immediately (to prevent an accident). If the animal begins to move on its own at any time (showing signs of anesthesia wearing off; eg. move its tail, or raise its paw/s), report this to the teacher immediately. Department of Pathophysiology30 Eating, drinking and smoking are forbidden in the laboratory areas Department of Pathophysiology31 It is forbidden to take ANY records from the laboratory areas