estorative dentistry III. Anterior I. Aesthetics is a science about beauty. Iti is connected with sensual perception. Rules are changing during the time a there are differences in various regions. . Aantique philosophers tried to define the beauty Beautiful is everything that is useful (Xenofon) 4 Penta en arithmo" (Pythagoras) 1/1,618 = 0,618 Golden cut (Harmonious relation between the unit and its part) Perception of the object Composition Single items Harmony Symetry Dominance Lines Dentofacial harmony Imaginary lines - stuctures must have harmonious relation to them Teeth are in harmony with the face, they can attract our attention and distract it form other structures 7 Profile: Rickets E-P!ane Nasolabial Angle ■ Balance of lip, nose and chip. Nasolabial angle: 90° - 95 °men 100° - 106° women Rickets line: 4 mm before upper 2 mm before lower lip Line of smile Connects incisal edges of upper frontal teeth and touches mesiobuccal cusps of upper molars. Lower border is lower lip. Line of lower lip is parallel to line of smile Upper central incisors should be in touch with the wett part of upper lip. Line of smile Bilateral negative space Enlarged Dental harmony Inclination of long axis Slight mesial inclination of long axis Slight inclination vestibulary Position of contact points: They become smaller and move apically (50:40:30) Their elongation can optically widen teeth 14 Dental harmony Interincisal spaces become smaller in distal direction They become smaller in younger individuals Relation between width Width of upper central incisor is 70-80% its height 1,0 10,4-11,2 mml 0,8 16 Optical size of the tooth Optical height optical width N Position and length of the contact area Position of proximal walls length = 0,618 width+length Dental harmony Shape of crown principally corresponds to shape of the face Shape of the face: angular, oval a triangular Corresponding shapes of teeth Harmony of the teeth and gingiva Rember! Check always red and white aesthetics! Remember! Interdosciplinary cooperation Periodontology Orthodontics Prosthetics Always take in account Patient's requierement Possibilities and limits of direct and indirect restorations Periodontal considerations Orthodontic considerations Prosthetic considerations Harmony of Tooth structures Basic terms -optic We can recognise depht of the colour because of dispersion of ligth inside the air and water Light Elektromagnetic undulation Beam - reflection - deflection Various velocity of the light in various environment Relation of these velocities in two various environments is index of refraction The light is absosbed and irradiated back in very short time 1012 s. Special, „live" appearance od dentin Opalescence Special effect on incisal edge Result of translucency of enamel Mamelons Opalescence Halo efekt 42 'tu ■ Color classification systems in dentistry ■ Albert Henry Munsell: Atlas of the Munsell Color system Three aspects of colors Chroma Value Hue ■ 3 Variables of colour Hue- colour. Result of wavelength Chroma - result of amplitude Value - cleanliness chroma Optical reading of the crown colour Desaturation Opalescency Tvar mamelons .Halo efekt Spots, special chracterizations Hue - color category to which the dentinal body tends 51 Chroma - color saturation of the dentinal body 52 Value - opacity,transparency and degree of whitness of the enamel 53 Intensives - spots that are frequently found in natural enamel. White, blurred stains of different types - points, clouds, bands, flakes.. Opalescentes - blue or gray transparent effects found in the incisal third and/or interproximal enamel (dentin-free zone) 55 Characterizations -existing colour characterization present in teeth, such as white or amber bends, enamel cracks, colored mamelons and stains Dental shade guides Remember: I shade guides are made of materials that are not the same as the composite resins and ceramics. They are useful only as a basic reference. Vita shade quide ■ Is the most commonly used in dentistry ■ Four categories according to their incidence: Orange -red: A Orange - yellow: B Brown - gray: C Brown: D Chromatic scala of composite materials Dentin shades Enamel shades Special effects Natural tooth ■ Dentin Color of teeth Is derived from the dentin ■ Enamel Increases the brightness (value) and acts as a selective light filter Reproduction the tooth —■ Inner layer (In): dentin shade. Imparts chromaticity. Opacity, Sight svattering, fluorescence, yellowish tooth appearance. External layer (Out): enamel shade which is responsible for regulating the tooth's value, luminosity and transparency. It modifies the final colour of the tooth. Reproduction the tooth —Intermediate layer (Mid): Is used to reproduce special features that occur spontenously in netura enamel and are located in the midddle of the stratification (opalescentes, intensives, characterizations). 65 Enamel shade Dentin shade Desatu ration (loosing of the hue saturation) Shape - tooth morphology ■ Tooth morphology 1. Outline: Global tooth shape 2. Primary anatomy: Anatomical ceown shape given by the transition angles determinates the curvature and the fine tooth shape Shape - tooth morphology ■ Tooth morphology 3. Secondary anatomy Macrosurface - consequence of tooth development. Vertical texture. 3. Tertiary anatomy Microsurface. Developlemntal gooves become evident as small lines that cross the vestibular surface horizontally. Horizontal texture / x phis W/.V)i>»-