male 96* - attacked and hit in the face fct. mandibulae duplex - proc. articularis l.dx. et anguli mandibulae l.sin., trough -8. Male 93* •+6 radix relicta (tooth root that is broken after extraction and left in situ, eventually root of destroyed tooth) •Partially retinated 8--8 Male 62* Yesterday in the morning he ate a hotdog, there was a crunch in the left part of lower yaw and pain.Since then he can not freely open his mouth. N:\RDK\Ždánská\atm rtg 4 otevřená.jpg Related image female 71* Odontom benign tumor containing all tooth components we distinguish composite and complex odontom Composite odontom especially the frontal section of both jaws consists of several teeth of different sizes 2. decenium manifested by gaps and pruning disorder Complex odontom irregular tangle of dental tissues angle of lower jaw, tuber Odontoma is one of the most common lesions of the lower jaw and the most common odontogenic tumor of lower jaw. Xray/CT characteristics: Composite odontom we can distinguish the developmental stage of teeth developed teeth have an enamel cap Complex odontom irregular shading bounded by brightening female 91* Clinically: arching of hard palate, fluctuation, size 2x1cm. No pain female 91* •OPG extensive cystic brightening in area +12345 extending into the maxilla, with compression of the left nasal pass way. • •Radicullar cyst – inflamatory • •forms about 75% of all odontogenic cysts. • •It is formed apically or laterally, from granuloma or chronic dentoalveolar abscess. Condition is presence of an avital tooth. The content of the cyst is a clear, serous liquid with small cholesterol masses produced by the epithelium and multiplied by transudation from the surroundings. •91* male -3 days swelling in oral vestibule at bottom right •6- external radix resorption, periapical lucency •Radix relicta +5 •Small periapical lucency 7- -7 male 76* •from Saturday to Sunday attacked in ebrieta by unknown attackers with a kick to the lower jaw area on the left. • ENT specialist- X ray of skull 2.Day OPG in our Hospital on Dental clinic •Mandibular angle fracture on the left side, fracture line passing trough -7 •Oblique infraction of mandibular body on right side regio 3-. Male 60* •since december the pain of the left half of the mandible • •the teeth in the lower left quadrant were extracted by the dentist • •but the trouble has not gone away 1/2019 •Histology: spinocellular carcinoma • •10/19 was made resection of left part of mandibulla with reconstruction with bone graft. female 85* •to exclude the focus of the infection before initiating biological therapy for MS •-8 caries destruction, 6+ caries female 45* - She complains of pain in the frontal section under total dental replacement. •Maxillar cyst regio 1++1 size 15x15mm, according to CBCT arising from canalis nasopalatinus • •Histology: Benign cyst, finding admits cyst of nasopalatin duct • •cyst of nasopalatin duct is the most common non -ontogenous cyst of the upper jaw. It is based on the epithelial residues of the nasopalatinus duct. female 82* - Longer time crunching when opening the mouth on both sides. Last six months more intensively. She has no pain. . •OPG-ATM: Without degeneration, hypermobility on both sides male 43* - back pain, in the oral cavity without pain - check after tooth extraction female 61 • in june this year she woke up with limited mouth opening • •Gradual normalization of the mouth opening condition • •pain persists, at night waking up from sleep female 40* - pain of lower jaw Histology: Ameloblastoma •is a rare, benign tumor of odontogenic epithelium •m/w 1:1 •in a region of caudal molars (80%) •long-term relaps = radical resection •variable histological image – many of variants •RTG –multilocular –multicystic –bubble transparency with septum around –compacta thin out •slow growth, painless •oedema, facial asymetry Male 38* - without problems, OPG in prevention Folicular cyst •They arise spontaneously in the crown area from a supernumerary or regular tooth due to irritation • •They fit on the cemento - enamel border and surround the entire crown • Male 58* – without problems, OPG within prevention •Flebolits or sialolithiasis behind the lower yaw angle • male 67* Sent to dentist for edema of right side of lower jaw to incision. The swelling lasts about 4 days. About 9 months ago there was tooth extraction. Further treated by a dentist for pain, however, pain did not stop after extraction. • residual teeth in III. quadrant of lower yaw and in the upper jaw - caries • •Osteolysis and sclerotic changes of lower yaw. • •Osteomyelitis with absces female 67* – fall from the bike No trauma • Male 89* – OPG within prevention •Histology: Keratocyst • •Keratocyst is a benign but locally aggressive developmental cystic neoplasm. It most often affects the posterior mandible Male 90* •Sialolithiasis in Wartin duct. •Sialoadenitis purulenta Male 87* – headache Sinusitis maxillaris, numerous focuses in the oral cavity Female 94* – pain in lower right area Pain of ATM - female 70*