VLCKOVA, K. Foreign language learning strategies. In ECER. Vídeň : University of Vienna & ECER/EERA, 2009. 1 Foreign Language Learning Strategies ECER - Vienna - 2009 2 Strategies Katerina Vlckova Contents State of knowledge on learning strategies – concept, classification, problems Methods – research questions, research method, sampling, analyses Results – use of strategies, factors influencing use of strategies, effect of strategies on achievement Discussion – comparison of results over time, across age groups and countries Conclusion – for instruction and research 3 Theoretical background Learning strategies Strategic competency Competency to learn Strategic behaviour Learning patternsLearning patterns Learning style, cognitive style, learning techniques Foreign language vs. second language Language acquisition and learning strategies Effect of strategies on achievement Variables influencing the strategy choice Individual differences in strategies 4 Theoretical background Strategies are viewed as • set of actions or steps taken by learners – to enhanced their learning, – to improve the development of their language skills (Oxford 1992) • the way in which the learner selects, acquires, or integrates new knowledge (Weinstein, Mayer 1986) An intensive focus on learning strategies is connected with the development of cognitive psychology. (Weinstein, Mayer 1986) Problems in the research field of strategies • problems with agreement on what strategies are („moving target syndrome“) • strategies vs. techniques • learner strategies (Ellis, Tarone) vs. learning strategies (Cohen, Oxford) • conscious vs. unconscious • problems with classification • conceptual links between strategies and learning styles, personality and demographic variables 5 Research on Strategies The early research started with successful learners. Successful learners • tend to apply strategies in an orchestrated way relevant to their own needs and characteristics of the task (Cohen 1990, O'Malley, Chamot 1990, Oxford 1990, Wenden, Rubin 1987).O'Malley, Chamot 1990, Oxford 1990, Wenden, Rubin 1987). Less successful learners • sometimes do not know what strategies they use, • are aware of just a few non-communicative strategies (Nyikos 1987), • employ strategies in a random manner (Vann, Abraham 1989). 6 Development of strategy research Early research Current research 1980s/1990s swung between two ends of a continuum (good - less successful learners) •General patterns of desirable behaviour with high level of within subject variation •Specific examples of behaviour with little scope for within subject variation, related to Recent work has focused on specific examples of strategic behaviour in the contexts of specific tasks and skills. 7 scope for within subject variation, related to non-specific tasks. Earlier work suggested that a successful learner had a vast repertoire of strategic behaviour. Why is it that certain learners are able to combine strategies more effectively than others? Unproblematical linking strategies with achievement. Independent variables (learning stage, beginning of learning, rate of progress, achievement level relative to peers etc.) affect or are related to the strategy deployment. Taxonomy of language learning strategies I. O'Malley (1985) Metacognitive strategies – planning, thinking about learning process, monitoring, evaluating learning, directed attention, selective attention, self-evaluating learning, directed attention, selective attention, selfmanagement, functional planning, delayed production etc. Cognitive strategies – repetition, resourcing, translation, grouping, note taking, deduction, recombination, imagery, auditory representation, key word, contextualization, elaboration, transfer, inferrencing Socio-affective strategies – cooperation, questions for clarification (Brown 1987) 8 Taxonomy of language learning strategies II. Rubin (1987) direct – indirect strategies Learning strategies • Cognitive LS – clarification, verification; guessing, inductive inferrencing; deductive Stern (1992) • Management and planning strategies • Cognitive strategiesinductive inferrencing; deductive reasoning; practice, memorizing; monitoring • Metacognitive LS – planning, setting goals, selfmanagement etc. Communication strategies – participating in conversation, getting meaning across, clarifying etc. Social strategies 9 • Cognitive strategies • Communicativeexperiential strategies • Interpersonal strategies • Affective strategies Taxonomy of language learning strategies III. Language learning strategies • Identifying material that needs to be learned • Distinguishing the material to be learned from other material • Grouping material for easier Strategies by language skill areas • Listening • Reading • Writing • Speaking Cohen, Weaver (2006) – Strategy comparison 10 • Grouping material for easier learning • Practising • Monitoring the results of their efforts Language use strategies • Retrieval strategies • Rehearsal strategies • Communication strategies • Cover strategies • Speaking • Vocabulary and translation strategies Strategies by function • Cognitive • Metacognitive • Affective • Social Direct strategies Indirect strategies Memory Cognitive Compensation Metacognitive Affective Social Creating mental linkages Practising Receiving, Guessing intelligently Centring your learning Lowering your anxiety Asking questions Taxonomy of language learning strategies III. linkages Applying images, sounds Reviewing well Employing action Receiving, sending messages Analysing, reasoning Creating structure for input and output Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing Arranging and planning your learning Evaluating your learning Encouraging yourself Taking your emotional temperature Cooperating with others Empathising with others R. L. Oxford (1990) 11 Research questions • Is the SILL inventory working in Czech conditions? • How do upper secondary students in the Czech Republic use FLLS? • Are the results comparable to other countries?• Are the results comparable to other countries? • Do the results support the theory of FLLS? – Factors influencing the choice of FLLS? – Effectiveness of FLLS? – „A good language learner“ theory? • Have the results changed compared to year 2004? – According to the Czech curricular reform? 12 Method SILL (Oxford 1990) – Strategy Inventory of Language Learning – one of the most widely used strategy inventory – 6 scales Examples of itemsExamples of items „To understand unfamiliar words, I make guesses.“ „I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly) then go back and read carefully.“ „I find the meaning of an English word by dividing it into parts that I understand.“ 5-point frequency scale 13 Reliability Cronbach alpha 0,96 N = 1014 (Mis. 24 – casewise deleted) Items 67 and 6 scales Response „I don't know“ was included. scales coefficient number of sum of 14 scales coefficient Cronbach α number of cases sum of items memory 0,82 1030 10 cognitive 0,86 1028 19 compensatory 0,84 1033 8 metacognitive 0,78 1030 15 affective 0,71 1030 7 social 0,88 1030 8 Data sampling 22 schools 22 – 73 students per school Area of the South Moravia Students of upper secondary comprehensive schools in the Czech Republic (grammar schools) – Penultimate year of study • e. g. third year of the four- year grammar schools (70 %) • the seventh year of the eight-year grammar school (19 %) • the fifth year of the six-year grammar school (11 %) Data collection trough instructed administrators 15 Participants Number of respondents • 1038 Gender • 657 women, 372 men – 9 respondents didn't answer Age • 17 - 22 years old• 17 - 22 years old • mostly 18 – 19 • data collection in 2006 Year of birth • 1984 (1 student), 1985 (3), 1986 (14) • 1987 (449), 1988 (558) • 1989 (3). 16 Data analyses Descriptive statistics Kolmogorow-Smirnov normality test Non parametric techniques – Kruscal-Wallis H-test, Mann-Whitney U-test Spearman correlation coefficient Software – Statistica 6– Statistica 6 Missing data – N differs depending on the analysis Level of significance – p < 0,05 – in most cases p = 0,00 17 Results • Characteristics of participants and their learning • Strategy use • Variables influencing the choice of strategy• Variables influencing the choice of strategy • Effect of strategy use on achievement • Stability of results 18 Characteristics of participants • Most of the students were studying 2 languages (61%), some 3 (31%) • 98 % of students learned English, 72 % German, 27 % French, 15 % Spanish, 10 % Russian, 17 % Latin • Almost everybody started studying the first foreign language before the age of 10. • The strategies were assessed in a „preferred“ langue of the students: 70 % of students proffered English, 20 % German 19 Learning to learn. Competency to learn • 37% of students reported that teacher never tells them how to learn. • 39 % students reported that teacher never practises how to learn with them.how to learn with them. • 32 % of students wrote that they didn’t know how to learn, 38% students only partly knew. • 37 % said they were not good at languages. 20 Strategy use Strategies are at average used at the point 2,92 (N = 1033, SD = 0,37) on a 5-point scale (5 almost always). The 6 groups of strategies are used Box & Whisker Plot 3,0 3,2 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,2 strategies are used significantly differently: ANOVA Chi-square (N = 1028, df = 5) = 2295,013, p < 0,00. Compensatory strategies are most used, affective strategies are least used. 21 Mean ±SE ±SDprum strat prum P prum KG prum K prum M prum A prum S 1,4 1,6 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,0 Strategy use Most used strategies (over 3, 5 on the scale) Overviewing a set of materials Noticing and learning from errors Selecting topic (directing the communication to the themes with known vocabulary) Least used strategies (under 1,5 on the scale) Mind mapping Using physical responses or sensations to the themes with known vocabulary) Adjusting (simplifying) one's messages Guessing Using a circumlocution or synonym Highlighting Using of dictionaries and encyclopaedias Repetition Getting help (asking for the missing expression) 22 Over 2 on the scale were used: Using mechanical techniques Using imagery (remembering by means of visual images) Planning and setting goals of learning Variables influencing strategy choice Gender Girls used strategies more (R = -0,21, p = 0,00) • Boys only used 2 strategies more than girls: combining of known phrases (R = 0,14, p = 0,00 ), guessing (R = 0,08, p = 0,01). Teacher Language Students learning English used more cognitive strategies. Students learning German used more memory strategies and social strategies than students learning English. Number of learned languages The more languages students reported to learn, the more strategies were used (R = 0,15, p =Teacher If teacher tells students how to learn , they use learning strategies more. If teacher practises, the relation is a bit stronger. Self-efficacy If students report they learn effective, they know how to learn, they use more strategies (R = 0,32, p= 0,00). If they stated they were good at the language, they used strategies more (R = 0,24, p = 0,00). 23 the more strategies were used (R = 0,15, p = 0,00). Time of learning No influence found, only by single strategies. Time of starting learning first language The earlier they started, the more they used memory strategies and social strategies. The later they started, the more they used compensatory strategies Effect of strategies on achievement Knowledge • The more the students applied strategies, the better knowledge was reported. Social strategies were the most relevant (R = 0,20, p = 0,00). • There was a negative relation between knowledge and compensatory strategies. School gradesSchool grades • The more the students used strategies, the better their school grade was. • There was negative relation with affective strategies, which were most used by learners with worse grades. Effectiveness of learning • The more the students used strategies, the higher the effectiveness of learning was. 24 Discussion SILL application in the Czech Republic SILL worked well and highly reliably in the Czech Republic. Some items seem to be culturally specific and not used• Some items seem to be culturally specific and not used in the Czech Republic (like writing diaries about language learning, mind mapping or employing action) 25 Discussion Comparison with results for the Czech Republic from the year 2004 • Most used and least used strategies are similar. • The most used group of strategies (cognitive) and the at least used (affective) are the same. • On average, strategies were less used in 2004 (2,26) than in 2006• On average, strategies were less used in 2004 (2,26) than in 2006 (2,92). • Effect of strategies on achievement partly differs: – Effect on the learning effectiveness in both years (2004: R = 0,15, p = 0,00 N = 437) – Effect on knowledge found in both years. – Effect on school grades found in 2006, in 2004 only for cognitive strategies. In 2006 negative effect for compensatory strategies, in 2004 for affective strategies. 26 Discussion Comparison with results for the Czech Republic for children at the age of 10 and 14 Pupils use strategies most at the age of 10, less at the age of 17, and least at the age of 14. The most and least used strategies are similar.The most and least used strategies are similar. Variables influencing the strategy choice work across age: – gender, number of acquired languages, teacher, good at language, I know how to learn, early language learning, Effect of learning strategies on achievement works across age: – school grade; knowledge (not for pupils at the age of 10) 27 Discussion Comparison with other studies and countries • The most used strategies are compensatory strategies, the least used ones are affective and memory strategies (Oxford 1987, Green, Oxford 1995, Bremmer 1999). • Cognitive strategies show the best effectiveness (Oxford, Green 1995). • Practising is the key strategy (Bialystok 1978,1979, Huang, van Narssen 1987, Oxford 1987). 28 Discussion Support for FLLS theory? Controversies? Gender • In many studies girls use more strategies and different strategies than boys (Oxfrod 1986, Oxfrod, Ehrman 1987, Oxfrod, Nyikos, Crookall 1987). Might be a socio-cultural determination. Sometimes men overdo women in some strategies. Time of language learning • The influence is not found in all studies. Some influence is found (Oxfrod, Nyikos, Crookall 1987). Attitudes and beliefs • Studies show the influence of self-concept, self-evaluation and self-efficacy, selfperception (Dahl, Bals, Turi 2005, Oxford, Nyikos, Crocall 1987, Wen, Johnson 1997) Teacher expectations • Studies show that teacher expectations pronounced through teaching methods and examining determine the choice of strategies (Oxford 1990, 1994). Instruction of the learning strategies • The results in this area are contradictory. May be because of methodological reasons. The simpler the strategies used by the learner, the more difficult it is to re-train the learner to use different ones (Brown et al. 1983). 29 Conclusion • When learning a foreign language, strategy use is unavoidable. • Strategies on upper secondary comprehensive level in the Czech Republic are used unsystematically and there is a spaceCzech Republic are used unsystematically and there is a space for improvement. One of the reasons being the fact that 1/3 of the students admit not knowing how to learn. • Results of the Czech Republic do not differ in basic aspect from results from other countries. And the SILL inventory might be used successfully in the Czech Republic. 30 Thank you for your attention and questions 31 Katerina Vlckova Masaryk University - Brno - Czech Republic vlckova@ped.muni.cz