Seminar 10B -- Tasks / Worksheet 10 I. Questions 1. Explain the difference between attributive and predicative use of adjectives. Give examples. 2. Some adjectives are called central and some are called peripheral. Explain and give examples. 3. Explain the feature of gradability. Give examples. 4. Name some typical adjectival suffixes + give examples. 5. The normal adjective -- adverb distinction (e.g. slow --slowly) does not work always. Make sentences using the following words as adjectives and adverbs: fast, late, early + is `lately' also possible? 6. Are both the following sentences correct? a) I talked to that kind old man. b) I talked to that kindly old man. + Use `kindly' as an adverb in a sentence of your own 7. Words such as `daily' or `monthly' can belong to more word classes. Which ones? Give examples in sentences. 8. Adjectives that end in --ly do not take another --ly ending. How do we express the adverb meaning? 9. Give examples of adjectives beginning with a-. Are they typically used attributively or predicatively? 10. Give examples of conversion from adjective into noun. 11. There are many adjectives that have the same endings as participles (-ing, -ed). All the following sentences contain adjectives, not participles. Are they attributive or predicative? a) Her children must be downhearted. b) Her downhearted children sat quiet in the room. c) The escaped prisoner hasn't been arrested yet. 12. Are the underlined words adjectives or participles? a) She is very calculating but her husband is frank. b) She is calculating our salaries, so don't disturb her. c) You are frightening the children. d) You are very frightening. e) The window was broken by our neighbours' sons. f) The window was broken. 13. Are the underlined words used attributively or predicatively + are they subject or object complements? a) He is quite responsible. b) He is a responsible student. c) He seems responsible. d) I find him responsible. e) What she did was responsible. 14. Explain the term `postpositive adjective' -- give examples. 15. What's the difference between the following? Are they both correct? a) This is the best use possible. b) This is the best possible use. 16. With some expressions the attributive v. postpositive adjective involve a change in meaning. Explain the difference: a) The present members agreed. b) The members present agreed. 17. Give examples of adjectives used as heads of noun phrases. 18. Change the underlined clauses into verbless clauses: a) As she was bored with the film, she went to bed. b) Being glad to accept, he nodded his agreement. 19. Verbless clauses can also be subordinate. Change the following sentences: a) When he is asked for help, he always tries to do his best. b) If they are dirty, these clothes should be dry-cleaned. 20. Give examples of exclamatory adjective clauses with and without the initial wh-element. II. PRACTICE 1. Put the adjectives in the appropriate position: 1. This is the only treatment. (possible) 2. It is an offer to club members only. (available) 3. All the people approved of the decision. (present) 4. The conference was successful and I'd like to thank all the people. (concerned) 5. I was asked for my address. (present) 6. The situation cannot be allowed to continue. (present) 7. Kevin always seemed such a boy. (responsible) 8. The rivers in the area have been polluted. The companies must pay a fine. (responsible) 2. Some of the following sentences are wrong. Correct them. Consider the position of the adjectives: 1. Ben has a back injury and Peter faces an alike problem. 2. Everyone I know is afraid of Harry's dogs. 3. Within a few minutes she was asleep. 4. The police forced their way through the afraid crowd. 5. The asleep children lay peacefully in their beds. 6. When he was alive, he was poor and unknown. 7. No one really believes there are alive creatures on Mars. 3. Choose the right word: 1. I arrived late / lately for the concert. 2. He behaved very cowardlily / in a very cowardly way. 3. Do I need to change trains in York? -- No, you can go direct / directly. 4. He saw Susan direct / directly ahead. 5. He kicked the ball high / highly over the goal. 6. She worked really hard / hardly and passed her exams. 7. The door was wide / widely open. 8. Everyone thinks high / highly of her work. 9. It's not difficult to get the book. It's wide / widely available. 10. I could hard / hardly hear what she way saying. 11. I've always great / greatly enjoyed his novels. 12. The leaflet is available free / freely from the town hall. 4. Which of the following sentences in each pair is correct? a) My watch was among the things taken. My watch was among the taken things. b) None of the candidates applying was accepted. None of the applying candidates was accepted. c) (after a flood) Food and medical supplies are being taken to the affected areas. Food and medical supplies are being taken to the areas affected. 5. Complete the sentences with the right preposition: 1. I'm a little concerned ______ your exam results. (=worried) 2. This section of the book is concerned ______ adjectives. (=it is about) 3. She's very good _____ languages. 4. You should drink this. It's good _____ your health. 5. This committee is answerable only _____ the President. 6. She felt a little annoyed _____ the delay. 7. Janet had always been afraid _____ flying. 8. She felt good ______ winning the prize. (=pleased with herself) 6. What's the meaning of the underlined words? Match A + B: A B 1. The concerned doctor phoned for an ambulance. a) complicated 2. The doctor concerned is on holiday at the moment. b) who was blamed 3. It is a very involved question. c) here now 4. The person involved has left the company. d) with a sense of duty 5. Present employees number 3,000. e) worried 6. The employees present should vote on this. f) now employed 7. Janet is a responsible girl. g) connected with this (2x) 8. The girl responsible has been expelled.