SEMINAR 9B - PRONOUNS 3 (SGEL 6.21 -- 6.28) (Chalker: ex. 67 - 69, GRAMMAR I -- ex. 204 -- 232 (all kinds of pronouns) ) Indefinite pronouns -- compound v. of pronouns; universal -- assertive -- non-assertive - negative Indefinite pronouns - express quantity, from totality (`all') to its converse (`nothing') - reference sometimes reflects gender, i.e. items in --body are personal, items in --thing are nonpersonal - quantification -- reflects countability and number, e.g. each+ sing C nouns (e.g. each boy), both + dual C nouns( both her parents), some + U or C pl nouns (some water, some students) - they can sometimes combine with elements of definite meaning, e.g. the ones, the few, the other - the indefinite pronouns are quantitative - they have universal or partitive meaning Major indefinite pronouns a) universal -- everyone, everybody, everything; each, every, all, both b) assertive -- someone, somebody, something, some c) non-assertive -- anyone, anybody, anything, either, any d) negative -- no one, nobody, nothing, none, neither, no Compound pronouns - are composed of two morphemes: a determiner morpheme every-, some-, any-, or no- and a nominal morpheme --one, -body, -thing - all the compound pronouns are singular and so take singular verbs, although notionally they may denote more than one thing or person: e.g. Everybody / Everyone over eighteen now has a vote. Nobody / No one was willing to get up and speak. Has anybody / anyone got anything to say? - the forms in --one are more common in written usage, in speech the forms in --body are more frequent - the pronouns in --one and --body have a genitive e.g. Safety is everyone's responsibility. It seems to be nobody's fault. There's somebody's glove on the floor. - a postmodifier `else' can be added to the compound pronouns --e.g. everyone else, nobody else; the genitive ending is added to else, not the pronoun itself: e.g. I must be drinking someone else's coffee. Her hair is longer than anybody else's. Note: Notice the difference between everyone (=everybody) v. every one Compare:1) Everyone enjoyed the party. X He is invited to a lot of parties and he (=everybody) goes to every one. (= every party.) 2) Every v. each The rooms weren't the same. Have you read all those books? Each (or Each one) was different. Yes, every one. (*not: Yes, every.) I have read each of them. I have read every one of them. (*not: each one of them) (*not: every of them) I have read each of the books. I have read every one of those books. Of- pronouns The remaining indefinite pronouns which are not compounds are by some grammarians called Of-pronouns (all, each, both, some, many, more, most, few, one, either, none, neither, little + (of)) a) they can be followed by a partitive of-phrase e.g. Some of us were tired and hungry. (*not: Somebody of us...) None of them wanted to help me. (*not: Nobody of us...) b) they can be used as substitutes for nouns phrases: e.g. Many children learn to read quite quickly, but some need special instruction. UNIVERSAL PRONOUNS All and both - with `all' we make plural reference = more than two - with `both' dual reference = two only - `all' and `both' have a predeterminer function: e.g. All these cars are for export. Both the suspects were arrested. - the converse of `all' is `no' (`none'); the converse of `both' is `neither', usually with sg verb concord: e.g. The two suspects were interviewed but neither was arrested. or Neither suspect was arrested. ! with the `of-phrase' + a plural nouns both the sg and pl verb forms are possible compare: Neither restaurant was expensive. Neither of the restaurants was / were expensive. - `all' and `both' (and `each') can appear medially (= in mid-position) -- after the subject if there is no operator, or after the operator e.g. The cars were all for export. X The cars all cost more than ... The two suspects were both arrested. The suspects both denied ... - `all' and `both' when used with `the' can be followed by of, but don't need to! e.g. All (of) the boys want to become football players. Both (of) the boys want to become football players. - used alone, `all' can be equivalent to everything, but not always, normally, we don't use `all' alone: e.g. All is not lost. = Everything is not lost. e.g. He thinks he knows everything. (*not: all) but: He is a real know-all. (=an idiomatic phrase) - we don't normally use `all' to mean everybody / everyone: e.g. Everybody liked the party much. (not: All liked....) All the guests liked the party. - before a sg countable noun `all' is formal and is frequently replaced by a construction with `whole': e.g. The whole (of) civilized world denounced the invasion. They weren't able to stay for the whole concert. - the phrase `both the boys' can be replaced by `the two boys / both boys' Each and every( + none) - they have singular reference, can be used irrespective of gender (people or things) - they are singular in number e.g. Many members hesitated but although each was pressed to act, none was in the end willing. - `each' (but not `none') can also function as a determiner: e.g. Each (Every) candidate will be individually interviewed. - `each' is more targeted on the individual among the totality whereas `every' on the totality itself - with `almost, nearly, virtually, etc. we use `every' not `each' e.g. Almost every visitor stopped and stared. - `every' is used to say how often something happens: e.g. Ann gets paid every four weeks. There's a bus every ten minutes. - `none' can also be used with plural, although some users object to that, singular form is usually more formal (BrE): e.g. Hundreds were examined but none were acceptable. None of the parcels have / has arrived. None of the children was / were awake. None of my friends live / lives here. ASSERTIVE PRONOUNS - these pronouns are used in the `assertive territory' e.g. I can see someone / somebody climbing that tree. There's something I want to tell you. There are nuts here; please, have some. All the students speak French and some speak Italian as well. - `some' occurs typically with plural and uncountable nouns: e.g. Some rolls have been eaten. / Some bread has been eaten. Some (of the rolls) have been eaten. / Some (of the bread) has been eaten. - as a determiner, `some' can occur with singular countable nouns, especially temporal nouns: e.g. Some day, I'll tell you a great secret. (= one day) - with other singular nouns, `some' has the meaning of `a certain': e.g. I hear that some rare animal has escaped from the zoo. Some man stopped me to ask the way. - assertive forms can be used in non-assertive territory -- i.e. `some' in questions or requests or offers -- when the presupposition is positive: e.g. Can you see someone in the garden? (=there is someone, can you see him/her?) v. Can you see anyone in the garden? (=neutral) Would you like some wine? (=I invite you to have some wine), = offer Can I have some water? = request Quantifiers - increase or decrease the implications of `some' - many (= a large number) v. a few (=a small number) - much (=a large amount) v. a little (= a small amount) I know many / a few people in Boston. Many (of my friends) were there. I have eaten too much / a little (of the food). Much has been said about the cost of medicine. - `much' is used rather in non-assertive territory -- questions and negatives, i.e. not in affirmatives, unless it is accompanied by a modifier, e.g. too much, very much, so much - `many' can be used in assertive territory (i.e. in all kinds of sentences) e.g. She has many / a lot of good ideas. ..... a lot of / lots of / plenty of good ideas. -- `a lot of / plenty of' are normally preferred She has a lot of money. (but not: She has much money.) She has very much / too much money. - there are objections against the use of `less' and `least' with plural nouns, but they are widely used in informal English: e.g. There used to be more women than men in the country, but now there are fewer / less. There were less / fewer than 20 students at the lecture. Many, much, etc. as intensifiers - many / much / a few / a little can precede the comparative forms more, fewer and less: e.g. We have many more apples this year. / much more time We have had a few more plums ................ It was much / far better. We have had much less rain .......... It is a bit cheaper / a bit more expensive. / a little cheaper / slightly cheaper With superlatives we can use `by far' e.g. It is by far the best film I have ever seen. One `One' in its numerical sense fits into the list of indefinite pronouns at this point, but it is a versatile word that has a number of different functions a) numerical one -- one b) substitute one -- one, ones c) generic one -- one, one's, oneself -v a) numerical one - the cardinal numeral `one' is naturally singular and countable - can occur as a determiner (one boy = a boy) or the head of a nouns phrase (one of the boys) - it also occurs in contrast to `the other' or `another' in correlative constructions - `one ... the other' is used with reference to two: I saw two suspicious-looking men. One went this way, the other that. One of his eyes is better than the other. - `one ... another' or `one .... the other' is used with reference to more than two: e.g. We overtook one car after another / the other. I've been busy with one thing or another. b) substitute one - the substitute pronoun `one' has the plural `ones' and is used as a substitute for a countable noun: e.g. I'm looking for a book on grammar. -- Is this the one you mean? I'd like a drink, but just a small one. - it can be easily combined with determiners and modifiers: e.g. those ones I like the old one in the kitchen - the combination ` a one' can occur when `one' (=jednička) is used as a noun: e.g. I couldn't make out whether the number was a seven or a one. (=number one) c) generic one - occurs chiefly in the singular and with personal gender - it has the genitive one's and the reflexive `oneself' - its meaning is `people in general', often with particular reference to the speaker e.g. I like to dress nicely. It gives one confidence. - the use of generic `one' is chiefly formal, it is often replaced colloquially by `you': e.g. One would think they would run a later bus than that. (or You would think) Half, several, enough - `several' is always plural, indicates a number slightly greater than `a few' - `enough' contrasts with `too little' and `too few' e.g. Half (of) the class / children were girls. I've only read half (of) the book. We had to wait for half an hour. Several (of my friends) attended the conference. There is enough water to last several weeks. Other and another - `other' as a postdeterminer follows other determiners, including quantifiers, also numerals e.g. all the other women several other trees two other letters many other ideas - as a pronoun, is can occur with the same determiners, and it also occurs in a plural form: e.g. Some people complained, but others were more tolerant. (not `the' others -- it's general) Where are all the others? (people, books, etc., `the' means that the number is limited and somehow determined) - `others' is also used in an absolute sense: e.g. We should be considerate to others. (=other people generally) `another', although spelt as a single word, is a combination of `an' and `other'! -- therefore, `another' is not normally used with plural nouns (*another students) unless we refer to periods of time, money, etc. as one entity (i.e. another three weeks) e.g. I've sold my bicycle and bought another (one). - apart from its usual meaning, `another' also means `a further' or `one more'; in this sense, `another' can be followed by a numeral and a plural noun: e.g. May I borrow another piece of paper? They decided to stay for another three days. - `other, others and another' can be used with of-constructions, although rather rarely: e.g. I saw another of those yellow butterflies yesterday. Some members of our expedition wanted to climb to the summit, but others of us thought it too dangerous. - the genitive is not common with `another': e.g. She has another person's coat. (instead of another's coat) NONASSERTIVE PRONOUNS - in addition to the compound pronouns `anybody, anyone, anything' there are two non-assertive pronouns -- any and either Besides `not', the negative forms whose scope favours non-assertive forms includes: a) words negative in form: never, no, neither, nor b) words negative in meaning: i) adverbs, determiners -- hardly, little, few, only, seldom ii) the `implied negatives'- fail, deny, prohibit; reluctant, unlikely Compare: There was a good chance somebody would come. There was little chance anybody would come. John was eager to read some (of the) books. John was reluctant to read any (of the) books. Some v. any - some contexts are considered non-assertive (negative, interrogative and conditional) and yet assertive forms are possible in them; it is the meaning that governs the choice of `some' or `any' e.g. Freud contributed more than anyone to the understanding of dreams. (= Nobody contributed as much to the understanding of dreams as Freud.) Did somebody telephone last night? (= `somebody' suggests that the speaker expected a telephone call) - we often use `any' after `if', or if the sentence has the idea of `if': e.g. Let me know if you need anything. I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. (= If I have caused any trouble...) We apologize for any inconvenience .... The following examples are superficially non-assertive and yet `some' is appropriate: e.g. If someone were to drop a match here, the house would be on fire in two minutes. But what if somebody decides to break the rules? Will somebody please open the door? Why don't you ask some other question? Any and either - any -- the choice is between three or more - either -- the choice is limited to two (similarly to `both' and `neither' it has dual meaning) e.g. I haven't written to any of my relatives about the marriage. I haven't written to either of my parents. You can ask either of us to help you. - `any' in its stressed form occurs in 'assertive territory' with the meaning `it doesn't matter which / who / what: e.g. He will eat any kind of vegetables. / He will eat anything. Any dog might bite a child if teased. Any offer would be better than this. Anyone who tells lies is punished. NEGATIVE PRONOUS - the compound pronouns -- nobody, no one, nothing - negative determiners and pronouns -- none, neither - also `few' and `little', although not morphologically negative, are negative in meaning and syntactic behaviour, they can be intensified by `extremely' and `very': e.g. I have received no urgent messages. None (of the students) has / have failed. Neither accusation is true. That's none of your business. I said nothing about it. There were few visitors at the exhibition. (=not many) Little of the original building remains today. (=not much)