Doplňte vhodná slova (slovesa jsou v přítomném čase). příklad: She is at home. 1. Where ___ they from? 2. Hello. What ___ your name? __ am Peter. 3. What ___ his phone ______ ? 4. What is ____ job ? He is ___ accountant. 5. Are they _______ ? No, they are single. 6. She ___ __ student. Napište opak. příklad: happy- sad / unhappy 1. old - _______ 2. expensive - ___________ 3. easy - _______ 4. husband - ______ 5. answer - _______ Seřaďte slova. příklad: Don´t know I. I don´t know. 1. Like do they chocolate? _________________________________________ ? 2. Ten to bed she at goes always. _________________________________________ . 3. Much are how oranges these? _________________________________________ ? 4. letters to people he delivers. _________________________________________ . 5. You the tell time me can, please? _________________________________________ ? Dejte sloveso do správného tvaru (slovesa jsou v přítomném čase). příklad: She ..................(work) now. She is working now. 1. We ___________ (have) two sons, David and Thomas. 2. Thomas ________________ (work) as a teacher. 3. David ________________ (not work) every day, because he ___ still ___________ (study) at university. 4. They ___________ (not come) to ___________ (see) us very often. Napište v minulém čase. příklad: Are you at home? Were you at home? 1. can help you. _____________________ . 2. They are here. _____________________ . 3. I am at home. _____________________ . Spojuj tužkou správné dvojice PODSTATNÝCH JMEN: * OVOCE +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |ŠVESTKA | |apple | | | | | |TŘEŠNĚ | |plum | | | | | |CITRÓN | |banana | | | | | |JAHODY | |lemon | | | | | |JABLKO | |pear | | | | | |HRUŠKA | |pineapple | | | | | |BANÁN | |strawberries | | | | | |ANANAS | |cherries | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |* ZELENINA | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |KUKUŘICE | |rice | | | | | |BRAMBORY | |carrot | | | | | |MRKEV | |tomato | | | | | |RÝŽE | |pea | | | | | |RAJČE | |potatoes | | | | | |PAPRIKA | |onion | | | | | |CIBULE | |paprika | | | | | |HRÁŠEK | |corn | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | |* RŮZNÉ POTRAVINY | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |KNEDLÍK | |cheese | | | | | |ČOKOLÁDA | |bread | | | | | |SÝR | |chocolate | | | | | |CHLÉB | |dumpling | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Spojuj tužkou správné dvojice PŘÍDAVNÝCH JMEN: | | | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |ŠPATNÝ | |far | | | | | |BLÍZKÝ | |high | | | | | |DLOUHÝ | |short | | | | | |ŠIROKÝ | |low | | | | | |SMUTNÝ | |nice | | | | | |DALEKÝ | |narrow | | | | | |VESELÝ | |sad | | | | | |DOBRÝ | |good | | | | | |MALÝ | |long | | | | | |HEZKÝ | |near | | | | | |KRÁTKÝ | |bad | | | | | |VELKÝ | |great | | | | | |NÍZKÝ | |ugly | | | | | |VYSOKÝ | |happy | | | | | |OŠKLIVÝ | |wide | | | | | |ÚZKÝ | |little | | | | | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+