1. Precti si text a urci, zda nasledujici tvrzeni jsou pravdiva. What is the time? It is 7 o`clock. The Browns are at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner. Jane is washing the dishes. Mr Brown is sitting in the living room. He is reading his paper. Tom is watching TV. There is a nice cartoon on. Eve is in her bedroom. She is doing her homework. It is quite easy for her. The Briwns are at home. True _ False _ Mrs Brown is in the livingroom. True _ False _ Mrs Brown is watching TV. True _ False _ Jane is washing the dishes. True _ False _ Mr Brown is reading his paper. True _ False _ Tom is watching TV. True _ False _ Eve is doing her homework. True _ False _ The homework isn`t easy for her. True _ False _ 2. Nasledujici tvrzeni napis v zaporu a preloz. ˙ We are talking to Mr Brown. ˙ John writes his homework in the afternoon. ˙ Our teaher was very angry. ˙ My mother can prepare delicious food. ˙ We like going to school every day. 3. Napis anglicky pomoci nekolika vet, co delas kazde rano. 4. Najdi skryta slova, serad je podle abecedy a uzij je ve vetach. S U M M E R A P W I N T E R R I B F Q W A I N C O L D I N D L S Q X N G Y S U N N Y A U T U M N Q 5. Na každém řádku označ slovo, které tam nepatří. ˙ morning, name, evening, night ˙ Hi, How, Where, What ˙ Italian, British, Japan, American ˙ Hi. Thanks. Fine. Good morning. ˙ two, twenty-eight, seven, sixteen, six 6. Odpověz na otázky. One +twenty=.................. Two+two=...................... Fourteen+six=....................... Seventeen+one=.................... Nine+four=...................... 7. Ze zadaných slov poskládej věty. 8.Doplň chybějící věty v následujícím rozhovoru.. A:..................................................................................................................................... B: Not bad. And you? A:...................................................................................................................................... 8. Pospojuj co k sobě patří. 55 five 99 ninety 15 fifty-five 90 nineteen 50 fifty 19 nine 5 fifteen 9 ninety-nine 9. K jednotlivým obrázkům napiš jakou mají barvu. 10.Vyřeš hádanku. Four people work in an office: two women and two men. Anne likes Catherine, but she dislikes the two men. Peter does not like the person that Anne likes, but he likes Anne. Catherine likes only one person. John likes two people. One person does not like Anne. Who is it?