Test z Angličtiny 1. Překlad: Přelož text z angličtiny do češtiny. My name is Andrea. We have big house. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. There is a big bed in my room! There is also a kitchen and a dining room downstairs. We have lots of flowers in the house. My brother John has own room upstairs. He is always playing with the computer. My hobbies are sport and music. I like swimming in our swimming pool. My favorite pop group is Green Day. 2. Které z těchto vět jsou pravdivé? Odpovědi hledej v textu z úkolu č.1 Andrea's brother John don't like to play computer games. True | False Andrea likes swimming. True | False We don't have any flowers in the house. True | False I share my room with my brother. True | False 3. Zakresli do obrázku kolik je právě hodin. It's twelve o'clock. It's half past six. It's quarter to five. It's quarter past twelve. 4. Přelož z češtiny do angličtiny Včera jsem byl/a v kině. Včera jsem byla plavat. Byl jsem v Americe. Měl jsem krásné kolo. 5. Spoj slova, která k sobě patří. When I found my favorite book. Where He is in my favorite restaurant. What It's my father. Who We are flying by Boeing 747. How We meet at twelve o'clock. 6. Napiš anglicky a slovy následující slovní spojení 9 jablek 38 banánů 100 korun 856 euro 10 žlutých slepic. 7. Doplň slovo do věty. My name is .............................. I live in .............................. My favorite color is .............................. My best hobby is .............................. My family have .............................. members. Vypracovala Markéta Dusíková a Lucie Čepová.