Link: OLE-Object-Data Pavla Chytrá, Petra Ponczová, Petra Konečná 1) Doplň HAVE nebo HAS : You HAVE a beautiful T -- shirt. She _______ got a brother. They ______ got a dog. I _________ got a computer. Mr Hill _______ got a car. Mark ________ got a motorbike. 2) Spoj správně čísla ke slovům: 20 twenty 30 eighteen 15 seventeen 17 thirty 80 fifteen 18 eighty fifty thirteen 3) Vyber správné slovo, podtrhni ho: Mr Lee WORK / WORKS in a bank. She COME / COMES from London. Andrew WATCH / WATCHES TV in the evening. He ISN_T / AREN_T in a hospital. My parents LIVES / LIVE in a big house. He doesn_t WORK / WORKS in a hospital. 4) Vlož slovesa v přítomném průběhovém čase / Present Continuous: Tony _IS READING a book . ( read ) I __________ my homevork. ( do ) The boys __________ to school ( go ) Jane ___________ . (get up ) Nancy __________ . (dance ) We ___________ . ( swim ) 5) Doplň IS, AM, ARE : They ARE in London. We ________ in Australia. You _________ on holiday . Jane _______ at the door. This postcard ________ from Tony. He ___________ in Prague. 6) Napiš správně čas: 21: 30 It is HALF PAST NINE. It is ______________. It is _____________ . It is ______________ . It is _____________ . It is ___________ .