Anna Matušková 104820, Jana Pavelová Didaktický test 1. Zakroužkuj názvy částí těla T-shirt hair face trousers car hand finger eye nose neck egg leg ball 2. Doplň: WHO, WHAT, WHERE ________ is in the tree? ________ is the pony? _________ is crying? ________ can you see in the tree? _________ is Mark standing? _________ is Jane calling? 3. přiřaď k sobě opaky small wide short narrow open new dirty fast hot near large fat old clean closed thin cold far long slow _short____ __long____ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 4. Poskládej skládačku Oválný popisek: You can drink lemonade from this +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |----------------------------------------+-+---+-+-------------------------------------------| |Oválný popisek: You drink your coffee | | | | | | | | | |or tea from this | | | | | | | | | |----------------------------------------+-+---+-+-------------------------------------------| | | | | |Oválný popisek: You cut your food with this| | |-| |-| | | | | | | | |----------------------------------------+-+---+-| | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------------------------+-+---------------------------------------------| |Oválný popisek: You can eat ice cream or | |Oválný popisek: You eat your food from this | |soup with this |-| | | | | | | |-| | | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Oválný popisek: You use this to put meat and vegetables into your mouth 5. Jaká zvířata se skrývají ve slovech? Rozlušti je OYMEKN _________ HAWEL__________ TANLEPEH __________ GRIET ______ SONBI _________ ILORLAG__________ ROSHE_________ THRESOIC___________ BREZA_________ NEPUGNI__________ 6. Poznáš kolik je hodin? Podle časových údajů dokresli hodiny se správným časem It is seven o'clock It is nine o'clock It is quarter to eleven It is three o'clock It is half past six It is quarter past three Elipsa: TURE7. Spoj k sobě patřící části Elipsa: PY Elipsa: YEL Elipsa: HAP Elipsa: BR Elipsa: OWN Elipsa: PIC Elipsa: BA Elipsa: ICE Elipsa: LOW 8. Seřaď slova do vět 1. snowing wind's it's and blowing the ________________________________ 2. boat waiting the is the for wind ________________________________ 3. happy all the children are ________________________________ 4. are clouds there sky the in ________________________________ 5. like here the what's weather ? ________________________________ 6. sitting grass in the frog the is ________________________________ 7. got you have kite a ? ________________________________