Uhrová Didaktický test 1) Doplnit Where ......... you from? ......... you at home? He ......... from Germany. The picture ......... very nice. Where ......... John now? It ......... an English bool. I ......... here, in the classroom. We ......... on holiday. 2) Utvořte otázky k následujícím větám a) This is a Czech book. b) This colour is red. c) The dog is under the table. d) She is at home. e) My favorite colour is green. f) I am from Czech republic. 3) Doplňte anglický název barvy 4) Utvořte větu my / is / brother / this football / good / is / Jim / at favorite / my / is / math / subjekt is / a / not / large / room have / house / a / they / got / big 5) Npište slova, která nepatří do řady fater -- mother -- sister -- table Good bye -- Hallo! -- Bye bye! -- See you Lucy -- Tom -- Peggy -- Alice English -- volleyball -- football -- badminton nice -- banana -- strong -- good Look .- Read. -- Picture -- Sing 6) Napište alespoň 8 vět o své rodině