Worksheet 1 - Answers Ex. 1 - countable (C), uncountable (U), concrete (Con), abstract (A) 1. sailor – C, Con 2. grass – U, Con 3. chair – C, Con 4. brick – Con, C or U 5. chicken – Con, C or U 6. cake – Con, C or U 7. stone – Con, C or U 8. gossip – A and U, C and Con (a person) 9. warmth – A, U 10. homework – A, U Ex. 2 1. wrong – Camping …. 2. right – cake in general, not a particular one 3. right – a beauty as a noun referring to a woman 4. wrong – here ‘paper’ is uncountable, = some paper, a piece of paper, a bit of paper 5. wrong – music is uncountable, here meant in general 6. wrong – art is U 7. right 8. right 9. wrong – much luggage – U in English 10. wrong – for advice / for some advice – advice is U in English 11. right – we are describing something that happened to us 12. wrong – information is U in English Ex. 3 (sample answers) 1. C – It was a fascinating experience to hear him play the piano. U – He doesn’t have much experience in taking care of children. 2. C – The log has left some hairs on the carpet. U – She brushed her hair. 3. C – She gave me a box of chocolates. U – She likes drinking hot chocolate. 4. C – Have a good time. U – There’s plenty of time. Ex. 4 Ex. 5 1. dirt, dust 1. herd 2. tea, coffee 2. lump 3. lightning, wit, inspiration 3. grain 4. laughter, applause, thunder 4. flock 5. anger, coughing, laughter 5. pair 6. marmalade, jam 6. atom 7. salt 7. blade 8. smoke, steam or hair 8. peal 9. coffee, cocoa 9. stroke 10. water, rain 10. wink 11. books, plates, rubbish 11. hive / swarm 12. soda, pepper 12. bunch 13. medicine, sugar 13. species 14. soap, chocolate, gold 14. period