1 How many students need special education in Finland, how many per cent of student? 2. How long is it the current practice in Finland? 3. What is the beginning in the pre-school education. Who does perceive the problem generally? The parents, the teachers or other specialist? 4. Is there a good contact between the affected people? Cooperation between parents, teachers, specialists. 5. Finally, whose is this task to make the individual education plan? 6. About the results. What chance is it to over the difficulties? 7. Is it possible for Finish high educated students with some disabilities after their success high studies work back in education system to teach other students who need special education? 8. How to explain to students/pupils in the class, where is/are placed student/s with disabilities, that integration disabled people into real world (class) is useful for both sides? How does it work in Finland? Some experiences from your praxis will be welcomed. 9. Is your school system predominantly influenced by the philosophy of integration of students with some disabilities or difficulties, into normal school or does your school system mostly prefers education in some kind of special schools? 10. How is your education system divided in children or students ages? (like which year the compulsory school begin and how long it lasts). 11. How do you divide education for children with special needs? 12. Is there possibility for parents to teach their kids on their own at home? 13. What are the latest changes in law system concerning children with special needs? 14. How long does it take to study special education? Do you study just one specalisation or too subjects like math and English etc. 15. Is the finish system an "integrative System", or are there special schools for some disabilities? If yes who decides to which school a child goes, integrative or special? What is the percentage of children being taught in integrative. 16. Is there a problem in Finland with children with a migration background, who for example do not speak Finish? If yes, are there special classes or courses?? 17. How is special needs teaching for pupils with learning difficulties (or specific learning disorders) organized? If there is a special subject or the pupils work extra (after the regular education or during the education, in any other room with a specialist)? 18. In Germany we have sheltered workshops (Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung) for people with disabilities who can't be placed at the regular employment market... Is there something like that in Finland, too? 19. We would like to know about some historical milestones of Finish special education. When was the special needs education system included into the general education, what were the important law system changes. When did you start with integrations...