Dear students, Please have a look at the resources below. I hope you will find at lest some of them interesting. Afterwards do the task at the bottom of the page. Those of you who have not done the colloquium yet, please write to us to agree on a date. It will probably be in the afternoon (after 4 P.M.) form Monday until Thursday. Thank you and best regards, Helena Here we go…… General information on Autism: National Autistic society – read section About autism – What is autism? Wikipedia – (leave out sections Patophysiology, Neuropsychology, Screening, History) Autism Speaks - video on diagnostics Register and have a look at a few videos showing the diference between a healthy and autistic child. Autism checklist: refurl= Nxc8Bbm-EOyjQM:&tbnh=89&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dautism%26um%3D1&start=2&sa=X&oi=images&ct=image &cd=2 Teaching children with autism: Structured Teaching: Strategies for Supporting Students with Autism? – Have a look at the main points. Student Schedules Have a look at a few picture from structured teaching in praktice: A good source for specific information: Autism World Your task: Think about 5 questions about autism. Each will have 4 options, one of them will be correct (highlight the correct question). Put the question on IS (Odpovědníky --- testbank --- Test on Autism) by 22 May 2008 12:00. And answer the following questions: What are the three main diagnostic criteria for autism? Write at least three educational methods used for children with autism. Autistic children may display some type of disruptive behaviour (tantrums or self-mutilatory behaviour). Write one way it can be eliminated by educational methods. What is the TEACCH Programme?