Inside Out Intermediate strana 1 z 29 Inside Out Intermediate MACMILLAN UNIT 1-Fame (p. 4- -5) amazing /a'meizirj/ úžasný; ohromující Argentinian /a:d33n'tmi3n/ argentinský related /bi n'leitid/ (be ~) být spřízněný dual nationality /dju:al nasja'naslati/ dvojí občanství jewellery business /d3u:alri biznis/ obchod(ování) s klenoty modelling /müdlin/ modeling outdoor life /autdo: laif/ život blíž přírodě recording /ri'koidirj/ nahrávka relation/relative /n'leijn/relativ/ příbuzný discuss /dis'kAs/ diskutovat; povídat si move /mu:v/ přestěhovat se Close up (p. 6) advert /asdv3:t/ reklama; inzerát perform /pa'foim/ účinkovat; hrát remind (sb of sth) /ri'mamd/ připomínat (komu co) We visited some amazing places My best friend is Argentinian. Are they related? I've got a dual nationality. (= a citizen of two different countries) I've recently started a jewellery business. She sometimes does some modelling. We love the outdoor life. It's a recording of an interview. They're visiting a relation/relative. Discuss these questions. When did you move to Spain? She appeared in a car advert. He will perform Candle in the Wind. You remind me of someone. Noughts and crosses (p. 7) grid /grid/ noughts and crosses /no:ts an 'krosiz/ mřížka; tabulka mlýnek (hra); piškvorky Marka cross in the grid. Let's play noughts and crosses. Language reference (p. 8) permission /pa'mijn/ request /n'kwest/ suggestion /safest/an/ dovolení, povolení žádost návrh ask for permission, make a request make a suggestion. Friends for life (p. 9) ambitious idealistic straight away ability advertisement album (the) arts attitude career close friend (the) environment finance company funk impression profession production assistant salary statement survey version drift apart fall out get on move in take part in argue click graduate /asmbijas/ /aidia'listik/ /streit a'wei/ /a'bilati/ /3d'v3:tisiri3nt/ /aslbam/ /öi: a:ts/ /astitjuid/ /ka'ria/ Maus 'frend/ /öi: m'vairamant/ /famasns 'kAmpani/ /fAnk/ /im'prejn/ /pra'fejn/ /pra'dAk/n a'sistant/ /saslari/ /steitmant/ /sa'vei/ /v3:3n/ /drift a'pait/ /fo:l aut/ /get 'ün/ /mu:v 'in/ /teik pa:t in/ /a:gju:/ /khk/ /grasd3ueit/ ambiciózní idealistický hned; okamžitě schopnost reklama; inzerát album; LP (dlouhohrající deska) umění postoj; přístup; stanovisko povolání; životní dráha blízký přítel životní prostředí finanční společnost taneční hudba obsahující prvky jazzu, soulu, blues a rocku dojem profese; povolání asistent produkce (stálý) plat prohlášení; výrok průzkum (veřejného mínění) verze rozejít se; přestat si rozumět vypadnout ven; pohádat se (~ with) vycházet dobře s nastěhovat se (z)účastnit se polemizovat; hádat se; diskutovat o padnout si do oka absolvovat vysokou školu She is very ambitious. She is too idealistic. They liked each other straight away. You need special abilities for this job. I put an advertisement in the paper. Have you heard their latest album? I'm interested in the arts. They share the same attitude. They choose different careers. Tina and Will were close friends. We should all try to protect the environment. He works for a financial company. Do you like funk music? What was your first impression? I want to get to the top of my profession. I work as a production assistant. He earns a good salary. Is this statement true or false? They took part in a survey. I don't like this version. Friends sometimes drift apart. Why did you fall out? We still get on. When do you want to move in? Did you take part in the survey? They don't often argue. We seemed to click immediately. When did you graduate? doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 2 z 29 rent /rent/ pronajmout si; půjčit si (auto) I decided to rent a flat. share /Jea/ podílet se (na něčem); sdílet We share the same house. (něco) have a laugh /ha;v a 'la:f/ smát se We often have a laugh. hit it off /hit it 'Df/ dokonale si rozumět We hit it off immediately. You've got mail (p. daring divorced grown-up adventure creation guy hamster horse-riding movie penpal survival strategy turtle waterpolo split up 13) /dearin/ /di'vo:st/ /graun 'Ap/ /ad'ventja/ /kn'eijn/ /gai/ /hasmsta/ /ho:sraidirj/ /mu:vi/ /penpasl/ /sa'vaivl 'strastad3i/ /t3:tl/ /wo:tapaulau/ /split Ap/ odvaha; odvážný rozvedený/rozvedená dospělý dobrodružství výtvor chlap; chlápek křeček ježdění na koni film; kino kamarád, se kterým si dopisujeme způsob jak přežít želva vodní pólo rozejít se Life is a daring adventure. My parents are divorced. I have two grown-up children. Life is a daring adventure. Mountains are nature's greatest creation. He's a really nice guy. I have five hamsters. She goes horse-riding every weekend. What sort of movies do you like? I'm looking for a penpal. You must learn some survival strategies. Turtles live in the sea. Have you ever played waterpolo? We split up three months ago. UNIT2-Relax (p.14) leisurely relaxed country(side) heading nap note down float according to /le3ali/ /n'laskst/ /kAntncsaids/ /hedirj/ /nasp/ /naut 'daun/ /fláut/ /a'koidirj ta/ pomalý; klidný odpočatý venkov nadpis; záhlaví zdřímnout si zapsat si; poznamenat si plout; vznášet se (ve vodě; ve vzduchu) podle We went for a leisurely walk. I'm feeling nice and relaxed. Let's go for a walk in the country. Put the words under different headings. I'm going upstairs for a nap. Note down the following words. She was floating in the water. According to the paper, he was shot. Close up/Language relaxing generally occasionally rarely regularly appointment hairdresser's eat out from time to time hardly ever now and again once in a blue moon Reference (p. 15—16) /n'lasksin/ /d3enrali/ /a'kei3nali/ /reali/ /regjalali/ /a'pomtmant/ /headresaz/ /i:t 'aut/ /fram 'taim ta 'taim/ /ha:dli 'eva/ /nau an a'gen/ /wAns m a blu: 'mu:n/ uvolňující; relaxační obyčejně; obvykle příležitostně; sem tam zřídka pravidelně sjednaná schůzka holič; kadeřník jíst mimo domov čas od času; občas zřídka kdy občas jednou za uherský rok We spent a relaxing evening at home. He generally arrives on time. They see each other occasionally. They rarely go out. Brush your teeth regularly. Don't miss your appointment. I'm going to the hairdresser's. How often do you eat out? We go to the theatre from time to time. She's hardly ever late. They eat out now and again. We see each other once in a blue moon. Sally (p. 17) sophisticated specific stressed back cover balance blurb calmness circumstances edge inner peace lie-in lunatic /sa'fistikeitid/ /spa'sifik/ /strest/ /bas k 'kAva/ /baslans/ /bl3:b/ /ka:mnas/ /s3:kamstansiz/ /ed3/ /ma 'pi:s/ /lann/ /lumatik/ kultivovaný; propracovaný; důmyslný přesný; určitý stresovaný zadní strana (knihy) rovnováha; harmonie nakladatelská reklama na záložce knihy n. v tisku ticho; klid podmínky hrana; okraj vnitřní klid poležení; lenošení šílený; pomatený He looked cool and sophisticated. Can you be more specific? She often feels stressed. She quickly read the back cover. You need some balance in your life. I read the blurb on the back cover. She had a feeling of calmness. The circumstances weren't easy. He was sitting on the edge of his seat. He had a feeling of inner peace. We have a lie-in on Sundays. You're behaving like a lunatic! doplňkové materiály pro učitele na A$1D Inside Out Intermediate strana 3 z 29 path shot sunrise thought deal with jump up sit back turn to disturb fiddle fidget regain scratch scream wave at the crack of dawn under the impression change your mind from cover to cover /pa:6/ /Jut/ /sAnraiz/ /6o:t/ /di:l wiö/ /d3Amp 'Ap/ /sit 'bask/ /t3:n tu:/ /di'st3:b/ /fidl/ /fid3it/ /ri'gem/ /skrastJV /skrhm/ /weiv/ /st öa 'kras k a v 'do:n/ /Anda öi: im'prejn/ /tjemd3 ja 'maind/ /fram 'kAva ta 'kAva/ cestička; stezka; pěšina; cesta panák (o alkoholu apod.) východ slunce myšlenka zabývat se (čím); pojednávat (o čem) vyskočit dát si pohov otočit na (stranu v knize) (vy)rušit nervózně si pohrávat chovat se nervózně znovu nabýt/získat (po)škrábat (se) (za)křičet; ječet (za)mávat; vlna za prvního rozbřesku (be ~) mít dojem změnit názor; rozmyslet se od začátku do konce Find the path to inner peace. I'll have a shot of espresso. We got up early to watch the sunrise. That's an interesting thought. There are a lot of problems to deal with. She jumped up when the phone rang. Sit back and relax! Turn to page 67. Don't disturb Mummy! Don't fiddle with your hair! She's always fidgeting. You need to regain confidence. Stop scratching your nose! Stop screaming! Stop waving your hands around! We get up at the crack of dawn. I was under the impression you'd left. Let me know if you change your mind. She read the book from cover to cover. Lexis/Language Reference (p. 18—19) exhausted exotic impatient constantly flight location give up keep on push in smell of switch off use up arrange fold invest serve in progress keep still lose your temper /ig'zo:stid/ /ig'zDtik/ /im'peijnt/ /künstantli/ /flait/ /lau'keijn/ /giv Ap/ /ki:p 'mi/ /puj 'm/ /smel av/ /switJ víl /ju:z 'Ap/ /a'remd3/ /fauld/ /m'vest/ /s3:v/ /in 'praugres/ /ki:p 'stil/ /lu:z ja 'tempa/ vyčerpaný cizokrajný; exotický netrpělivý neustále; nepřetržitě let místo; poloha; umístění vzdát se; přestat pokračovat vtlačit; vsunout být cítit; páchnout vypnout; odpojit spotřebovat dohodnout (se) složit; přehnout investovat obsloužit (be ~) právě probíhat být v klidu; nehýbat se ztratit nervy I feel exhausted. We visited some exotic locations. Don't be so impatient! The phone rings constantly. What time does your flight arrive? We visited some exotic locations. I'm trying to give up smoking. Keep on trying! I always push in in a queue. You smell of smoke! Try to switch off from work. We've used up all the spare disks. Let's arrange a time to meet. Fold it in half. He's invested the money. I serve over 100 people in a day. There's a meeting in progress. Stop fidgeting and keep still! I often lose my temper. Books, films & music (p. 20) disappointed /disa'pomtid/ disappointing /disa'pomtin/ excited /ik'saitid/ exciting fascinated fascinating inspired guess inspiring director ending fiction horror novel orchestra paperback plot /ik'saitin/ /fassmeitid/ /fassmeitin/ /m'spaiad ges/ /m'spaiann/ /dai'rekta/ /endin/ /fikjn/ /hüra/ /nDvl/ /o:kistra/ /peipabask/ /plDt/ zklamaný neuspokojivý nedočkavý; vzrušený; rozrušený; rozčilený zajímavý fascinován okouzlující; strhující dobrý tip/odhad podnětný; fascinující režisér konec; zakončení beletrie; fikce hrůza; zděšení román orchestr brožovaná kniha; levné vydání zápletka She felt really disappointed. The book was disappointing. The children are very excited. What an exciting piece of news! I'm fascinated by biographies. What a fascinating book! It was an inspired guess! What an inspiring story! She's a well-known director. The film has a sad ending. I like reading fiction. I hate horror films. Do you enjoy reading novels? An orchestra was playing. I bought a paperback at the airport. The plot was quite complicated. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 4 z 29 premier reggae review risk science fiction short story soundtrack stereo system storyline subtitles thriller judge /prémia/ /regei/ /ri'vju:/ /risk/ /saians 'fikjn/ /fo:t 'stoiri/ /saundtrask/ /steriau sistam/ /stoirilam/ /sAbtaitlz/ /Brila/ /d3Ad3/ premiéra reggae (druh rockové hudby) přehled; review risk vědeckofantastická literatura povídka; krátká povídka soundtrack (hudba k filmu) hi-fi věž děj titulky napínavý román/film soudce; soudit A world premier. She's a fan of reggae. Do you ever read book reviews? Don't take any risks. He's a fan of science fiction. It's a book of short stories. The film has an excellent soundtrack. This is a wonderful stereo system. The storyline wasn't very exciting. I don't enjoy films with subtitles. We watched a thriller on TV. You shouldn't judge people. How are you feeling? (p. 21) appropriate /a'praupnat/ cheerful /tjiafal/ confused /kan'fjuizd/ motor-racing /mautareisirj/ vhodný; příslušný veselý; radostný zmatený; popletený automobilové závody Choose the appropriate word. You're looking very cheerful. I'm confused! He likes watching motor-racing. Net reviews (p. 22) affordable appalling horrific memorable uneasy convincingly cast editor landscape performance portrayal quote tearjerker look forward to heal star based on come to mind /a'fo:dabl/ /a'po:lirj/ /ha'nfik/ /memarabl/ /An'iizi/ /kan'vmsirjli/ /ka:st/ /edits/ /md33ri/ /tendskeip/ /pa'fo:mans/ /po:'treial/ /kwaut/ /tiad33:ka/ /luk 'fo:wad t a/ /hi:l/ /sta:/ /beist mi/ dostupný děsivý; otřesný hrozný; strašný památný znepokojený; nesvůj; neklidný přesvědčivě obsazení redaktor; vydavatel; korektor zranění krajina výkon (např. umělecký) vylíčení; popis citát; citace doják; limonáda (film) těšit se na léčit hrát hlavní roli (be ~) vycházet z; být založen na The price is affordable. They had an appalling accident. She had horrific injuries. It was a memorable occasion. He makes me feel uneasy. She acted the part convincingly. There are famous actors in the cast. She's an editor of a well-known magazine. He had terrible injuries. The landscape was beautiful. Redford gave a good performance. It shows a portrayal of life in Montana Here are some quotes from the film. The film was a real tearjerker. I'm looking forward to seeing you. He has a talent for healing horses. The film stars Robert Redford. The film is based on a novel. /kAm ta 'maind/ napadnout; přijít na mysl Several questions came to mind. UNIT 3-Dating bride bridegroom broken heart crush dating agency extract hero independence regret propose (p. 24-25) /braid/ /braidgru:m/ /braukan 'ha:t/ /krAjV /deitirj eid33nsi/ /ikstrakt/ /hiarau/ /mdi'pendans/ /n'gret/ /pra 'pauz/ succeed be keen to do sth love at first sight /sak'shd/ /bi 'ki:n ta du:/ /1av at f3:st 'salt/ nevěsta ženich zlomené srdce láska (milovaná osoba seznamovací agentura pasáž; citát hrdina; idol nezávislost lítost požádat o ruku; nabídnout sňatek mít úspěch; uspět; podařit se nadšený; posedlý láska na první pohled The bride looked beautiful. The bridegroom looked very smart. Have you ever had a broken heart? Who was your first crush? Have you ever been to a dating agency? Read the following extract. He's the hero of the novel. I like my independence. Do you have any regrets? Men usually propose to women. She was determined to succeed. He was keen to get married. It was love at first sight. How we met (p. 27) gorgeous magnetic retired shy understanding /go:d3as/ /masg'netik/ /bi n'taiad/ /jai/ /Anda'stasndirj/ nádherný; skvělý neodolatelný; přitažlivý (be ~) být v důchodu plachý; stydlivý; nesmělý tolerantní; ohleduplný I think he's gorgeous. The attraction between us was magnetic. They're both retired. He's quiet and shy. Thank you for being so understanding. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na 84 Inside Out Intermediate strana 5 z 29 upset /Ap'set/ rozrušený; zneklidněný; rozčilený unfortunately /An'foitjanatli/ bohužel; naneštěstí account /a'kaunt/ popis; vysvětlení argument /ciigjumant/ hádka; neshoda burglary /b3:glari/ vloupání fate /feit/ osud ask sb out /a:sk 'aut/ pozvat někoho na rande calm sb down /ka:m 'daun/ uklidnit koho get off /get 'Df/ vystoupit (z autobusu, tramvaje apod.) ring sb up /nr) 'Ap/ zatelefonovat chat /t/aet/ povídat si; (neformální) rozhovor publish /pAbhJ/ publikovat; zveřejnit recognise /rekagnaiz/ poznat report /n'poit/ oznámit; ohlásit; hlášení wonder /wAnda/ podivovat se; divit se at once /at 'wAns/ okamžitě; najednou get engaged /get m'geid3d zasnoubit se get to know sb /get ta 'nau/ seznámit se; poznat někoho Dream date (p. 28) absent-minded /asbsant 'maindid/ roztržitý; duchem nepřítomný ancient /em/ant/ starobylý; starověký big-headed /big hedid/ domýšlivý broad-minded /broid'mamdid/ tolerantní Chinese /tjai'niiz/ Čínský easygoing /i:zi 'gauuj/ tolerantní; mírný faithful /feiBfal/ věrný generous /d3enaras/ velkorysý; štědrý hardworking /ha:d'wo:kir)/ pracovitý; pilný modest /irmdist/ skromný; rozumný narrow-minded /nasrau'mamdid/ úzkoprsý; malicherný old-fashioned /auld 'fasjnd/ staromódni; starobylý outgoing /aut'gauir)/ společenský; otevřený over-sensitive /auva'sensativ/ přecitlivělý reliable /n'laiabl/ spolehlivý; hodnověrný self-centred /self 'sentad/ egocentrický; sobecký sincere /sm'sia/ upřímný two-faced /tui'feíst/ pokrytecký; falešný witty /witi/ vtipný chat-up line /t/astAp lam/ seznamovací/balící fráze photo shoot /fautau Ju:t/ focení quality /kwülati/ vlastnost sky /skai/ obloha; nebe thief /9i:f/ zloděj join /d3om/ připojit se k; přidat se k Why are you so upset? I can't come, unfortunately. Read this account of their first meeting. They're always having arguments. They reported the burglary. Fate brought us together. He phoned and asked her out. We tried to calm her down. Get off the bus at the next stop. You should have rung me up. We chatted for a long time. They published my letter. I didn't recognise you! They reported the burglary. I wonder where they are. He recognised me at once. When did you get engaged? Where did you get to know him? He's very absent-minded. Ki is an ancient form of astrology. Don't be so big-headed! I like people who are broad-minded. Ki is a form of Chinese astrology. Our teacher is really easygoing. Have you always been faithful? She's an extremely generous person. He's loyal and hardworking. She's quiet and modest. Don't be so narrow-minded! My parents are very old-fashioned. He has a friendly outgoing personality. She tends to be over-sensitive. I need someone reliable. I hate self-centred people! She's honest and sincere. You can't trust him — he's two-faced. He's witty and amusing. He always has the same chat-up line. We met during a photo shoot. He has a lot of good qualities. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Thieves stole computers and equipment. Join us for a drink! Ki Astrology (p. 29) caring /kearir)/ charismatic /kaenz'maetik/ committed dynamic fun giving hurt impulsive isolated passionate romantic sociable /ka'mitid/ /dai'nasmik/ /fAn/ /givig/ /im'pAlsiv/ /aisaleitid/ /pasjanat/ /rau'masntik/ /saujabl/ starostlivý; starající se charizmatický; s osobním kouzlem oddaný; přesvědčený dynamický zábava; zábavný štědrý zraněný (i citově) vznětlivý; impulsivní izolovaný; osamocený nadšený; zaujatý; vášnivý romantický společenský; družný He's a kind caring person. She's a charismatic leader. He wasn't committed to the relationship. He has a dynamic personality. I like David and he's good fun. He's loving and giving. She's easily hurt. Don't be too impulsive. I felt a bit isolated. They had a passionate relationship. We spent a romantic evening together. I'm not feeling very sociable. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 6 z 29 stubborn /stAban/ tvrdohlavý; umíněný talkative /to:kativ/ hovorný; ukecaný unfaithful /An'feiBfal/ nevěrný badly /baedli/ špatně /laith/ na lehkou váhu ambition /asm'bijn/ ctižádost; touha; přání commitment /ka'mitmant/ závazek company /kAmpani/ společnost cycle /saikl/ cyklus; etapa decision /di'si3n/ rozhodnutí excitement /ik'saitmant/ vzrušení instruction /m'strAkJn/ instrukce; pokyny manner /masna/ chování; způsoby nature /neitja/ povaha; nátura status /steitas/ prestiž understanding /Anda'stasndin/ porozumění frighten sb off /fraitn...'üf/ vystrašit act /aekt/ hrát (v divadle); (za)chovat se avoid /a'void/ vyhýbat; vyhnout se criticise /kritisaiz/ kritizovat experiment /ik'spenmant/ pokus flit /flit/ poletovat offend /a'fend/ urazit scare /skea/ zastrašovat; strašit treat /tri:t/ zacházet; jednat capable of /keipabl av/ (be ~) být schopný čeho be the centre of /bi öa 'senta av být centrem pozornosti attention a'tenjn/ in control /in kan'traul/ (be ~) mít moc; ovládat behind sb's back /bihamd ... 'bask/ za něčími zády get close to sb /get 'klaus ta/ sblížit se; přiblížit se Why are you so stubborn? She's loud and talkative. He was unfaithful to his girlfriend. She treated you really badly. He doesn't treat relationships What are your ambitions? You have a strong sense of commitment. He enjoys his own company. Everything goes round in cycles. He's good at making decisions. She loves the excitement of romance Follow the instructions. She has a cool manner. He has a very generous nature. I want a job with power and status. Thank you for your understanding. Her cool manner frightened me off. Think before you act! I try to avoid confrontation. Stop criticising! He likes to experiment. She flits from one activity to another. I didn't mean to offend you. He tends to scare people. He treated her very badly. He's capable of great tenderness. She's always the centre of attention. I like to be in control. She had an affair behind his back. It's difficult to get close to her. I don't fancy yours much/Language reference (p. 30) broke /brauk/ na mizině; bez peněz mean /mim/ lakomý; zlý save up /seiv Ap/ našetřit shut up /jAt 'Ap/ být zticha Students are always broke. He was too mean to buy us a drink. I'm saving up for a holiday. Just shut up, will you! A boyfriend's worst nightmare (p. 31) charming sporty ice hockey nightmare over the moon bear in mind /tja:min/ /spo:ti/ /ais hüki/ /naitmea/ /auva öa 'mum/ /bear m 'mamd/ get together with sb /get ta'geöa wiö/ okouzlující; půvabný sportovní; vhodný pro sport lední hokej zlý sen; děs; hrůza (be ~) být štěstím bez sebe mít na paměti poznat se; seznámit se She's a charming young woman. I'm not very sporty. Eddie plays ice hockey. The whole experience was a nightmare! I was over the moon to see him again. Bear in mind that they're very young. When did you get together with your girlfriend? UNIT 4-Adrenalin scared stuck adrenalin audience charity roller-coaster traffic jam take off experience gallop ride rob no way! (p. 32) /skead/ /stAk/ /ad'renalm/ /o:dians/ /tjasriti/ /raula'kausta/ /trafik d3asm/ /teik Df/ /ik'spiarians/ /gaslap/ /raid/ /rub/ /nau 'wei/ vystrašený; vyděšený (be ~) být zaseknutý adrenalin diváci; publikum dobročinná činnost horská dráha (v lunaparku) dopravní zácpa sundat (si); zout (si) (boty); vzlétnout (letadlo) zažít hnát se; utíkat; hnát koně jet/jezdit na něčem (vy/u/o)loupit V žádném případě! I felt really scared. We were stuck in a traffic jam. He experienced a rush of adrenalin. A large audience came to the show. I did a parachute jump for charity. Did you go on the roller-coaster? We were stuck in a traffic jam. The plane should take off on time. I experienced a feeling of joy. She loves galloping on her horse. Can you ride a bike? We were robbed on the underground. Would you go skydiving? No way! doplňkové materiály pro učitele na 58 Inside Out Intermediate strana 7 z 29 Skydiving (p. 33) addicted alive cloudless glad hooked incredible mad peaceful unforgettable almost barely voluntarily cord elbow jaw motivation runway skydiving go down collide free-fall hold skydive disaster strikes do the right thing get better go blank go well take sb's breath away /a'diktid/ /a'laiv/ /klaudlas/ /gted/ /hukt/ /irj'kredibl/ /maid/ /phsfal/ /Anfa'getabl/ /o:lmaust/ /beali/ /vülantrali/ /ko:d/ /elbau/ /d3o:/ /mauti'veijn / /rAnwei/ /skaidaivirj/ /gau 'daun/ /ka'laid/ /fri:fo:l/ /hauld/ /skaidaiv/ /di'za:sta 'straiks/ /du: öa rait '8irj/ /get 'beta/ /gau 'blas rjk/ /gau 'wel/ /teik...'bre8 awei/ závislý; oddán živ; na živu bez mráčku rád; potěšený posedlý neuvěřitelný šílený; rozzuřený (po)klidný; tichý; nerušený nezapomenutelný téměř stěží; sotva dobrovolně provaz; šňůra loket čelist motivace; stimul rozjezdová/přistávací dráha skok padákem zajít; zapadnout narazit do volný pád pojmout skákat padákem katastrofa udeřila udělat správnou věc uzdravit se vynechat; vypovědět probíhat dobře vzít někomu dech He's addicted to skydiving. You're lucky to be alive. a beautiful cloudless day. I was glad to be alive. He's hooked on computer games. What an incredible experience! You must be mad! Everything was quiet and peaceful. It was an unforgettable experience. The accident almost killed him. The plane was barely big enough. They did it voluntarily. Pull the cord! I've hurt my elbow. He fell and broke his jaw. What's your motivation? The plane was waiting on the runway. Skydiving can be a dangerous sport. The sun was going down. The cars collided on the wet road. He loves free-falling. The plane will hold 3 people. I've always wanted to skydive. Disaster struck when our parachutes collided. Are you sure you're doing the right thing? I hope you get better soon. My mind went blank. Everything's going well. The view took my breath away. Lexis/A sporting life (p. 34—35) brilliant /briliant/ funny furious hilarious thrilled unsuitable absolutely fairly aerobatics athletics bungee jumping cycling judo karate rugby sailing scuba-diving snow-boarding weightlifting make up /fAni/ /fjuanas/ /hi'leanas/ /Brild/ /An'suitabl/ /asbsa'luitli/ /feali/ /eara'bastiks/ /ajB'letiks/ /bAnd3Í: d3Ampirj/ /saiklirj/ /d3u:dau/ /ka'ra:ti/ /rAgbi/ /seilirj/ /sku:badaivirj/ /snaubo:dirj/ /weitliftirj/ /me i k 'Ap/ vynikající; báječný; velmi nadaný legrační; divný zuřivý; vzteklý veselý; legrační rozechvělý; uchvácený nevhodný; nepřiměřený rozhodně; úplně dosti; docela vzdušná akrobacie (lehká) atletika bungee jumping cyklistika; jízda na kole džudo; judo karate ragby plachtení; plachtařský sport potápění jízda na snowboardu vzpírání vytvořit; vymyslet We had a brilliant time. He told a funny joke. She was absolutely furious. The film was hilarious! They were thrilled to hear the news. Is boxing unsuitable for women? You look absolutely fantastic! He's fairly tall. I do aerobatics. She's always been good at athletics. Have you ever tried bungee jumping? I go cycling at weekends. He does judo once a week. She goes to a karate class. We play rugby at school. They often go sailing in the summer. We went scuba-diving on holiday. Have you ever tried snow-boarding? I do weightlifting in the gym. Make up your own dialogues. Close up (p. 36—37) bone /baun/ desert /dezat/ laptop /la;p tup/ snake /sneik/ in trouble /m 'trAbl/ kost poušť notebook; přenosný počítač had (be ~) mít problémy s Have you ever broken a bone? A desert is hot and dry. He uses a laptop computer I was bitten by a snake. She's in trouble with the police. The Adrenalin Game (p. 39) backwards /bskwadz/ pozpátku Can you say the alphabet backwards? doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 8 z 29 truthfully board counter dare dice score demonstrate imitate take turns /tru:9fali/ /bo:d/ /kaunta/ /dea/ /dais/ /ska:/ /demanstreit/ /imiteit/ /teik 't3:nz/ pravdivě herní deska; šachovnice figurka (ve stolních hrách) výzva; zkouška nakrájet na kostky; kostky získat bod; dosažený výsledek předvést; ukázat napodobit; imitovat střídat se Answer the question truthfully. Move the counters around the board. The game is played with counters. The victim must do a dare. Throw the dice! The team with the highest score wins. We had to demonstrate disco dancing. Can you imitate any famous people? Take turns to throw the dice. Close up/Language reference (p. 40) slightly a little bit by far far more much more not nearly as similar to /slaitli/ /a'htlbit/ /bai 'fa:/ /fa: 'mo:/ /iriAtf mo:/ /nut 'mali az/ /simala tu:/ nepatrně; mírně; slabě trochu; málo zdaleka (se 3. stupněm př. jm.) mnohem (s dlouhým příd. jm.) mnohem (s dlouhým příd. jm.) ani zdaleka tak podobný Paul is slightly older than George. Katrina is a little bit taller than Eva. Russia is by far the biggest country in Europe. Football is far more popular than skydiving. She's much more intelligent than I am. Skydiving isn't nearly as popular as football. Snowboarding is similar to skiing. UNIT 5-Kids definition dinosaur God iceberg jungle ozone layer point of view robber toddler vet care for tuck in cry define yell Close up optional calendar degree grant heaven machine gun make prize professor public school qualification schooldays secondary school thumb undergraduate crash down grow up specialise in (p. 42^43) /defi'mjn/ /damaso:/ IgvdJ /aisb3:g/ /d3Ar)gal/ /auzaun 'leia/ /point av 'vju:/ /ruba/ /tüdla/ /vet/ /kea fo:/ /tAk 'in/ /krai/ /di'fam/ /jel/ steal /üpjnanl/ /kaslmda/ /di'gri:/ /gra:nt/ /hevn/ /ma'Jnn gAn/ /maik/ /praiz/ /pra'fesa/ /pAblik sku:l/ /kwülifikeijan/ /sku:ldeiz/ /sekandri sku:l/ /Q\mJ /Anda'grasd3isat/ /kraf 'daun/ /grau Ap/ /spejalaiz in/ /still/ definice; formulace dinosaurus Bůh ledovec džungle ozónová vrstva stanovisko; hledisko zloděj batole zvěrolékař; veterinář starat se o uložit (někoho do postele) plakat; křičet formulovat; definovat ječet; vřískat (p. 43-44) nepovinný; volitelný kalendář stupeň; akademická hodnost dotace; grant nebe; nebesa kulomet výrobní značka cena; výhra profesor soukromá střední škola (GB): státní střední škola (US) vzdělání; kvalifikace školní léta střední škola (GB) palec (u ruky) student; vysokoškolák spadnout; zřítit se vyrůst(at) specializovat se; zaměřovat se (u)krást; odcizit Read the following definitions of a mother. Dinosaurs are now extinct. I believe in God. Huge icebergs were floating on the sea. Tigers live in the jungle. Pollution is destroying the ozone layer I understand your point of view. Police caught the bank robbers. Toddlers are between 1—3 years old. A vet looks after sick animals. A mum is someone who cares for you. I'll come upstairs and tuck you in. Don't cry! Define 5 things from the list. Stop yelling at me! A relative pronoun is sometimes optional. A calendar tells you what date it is. Luis has a degree in engineering. A student grant is money given to a student. God lives in heaven. A machine gun is a dangerous weapon. What make is your car? Congratulations! You've won first prize. She's a university professor. He went to an expensive public school. What qualifications do you have? I have happy memories of my schooldays. A secondary school is for students aged 11—18. Don't suck your thumb! Undergraduates are students who are studying for a degree. The books crashed down on his head. I grew up in a large industrial town. The university specialises in technical subjects. A robber steals things. Definition auction (p. 45) auction /o:kJn/ aukce The items are for sale in an auction. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 9 z 29 bib bull bully dummy midwife/-wives mock exam nappy swot truant stay away bid /bib/ /bul/ /buli/ /cUmi/ /midwaif/waivz/ /irmk ig'zasm/ /naspi/ /sWDt/ /tru:ant/ /stei a'wei/ /bid/ bryndáček býk týrat; zastrašovat; šikanovat dudlík porodní asistentka/bába zkouška na nečisto plenka šprt ulejvák; flink nechodit do školy; zůstat doma nabídnout Babies wear a bib when they eat. There was a big black bull in the field. Don't be such a bully! The baby had a dummy in its mouth. A midwife helps to deliver babies. When do your mock exams start? Babies have to wear nappies. She's a real swot — always studying. A truant stays away from school without permission. He stayed away from school for a week. How much did you bid for it? The Bicycle (p. actual best-known brave exaggerated fabulous glorious graceful jaunty scarlet senior swift casually clearly suddenly bash bicycle clips chest fighter pilot handlebars hope longing shoulder slope term village green flash by back-pedal pedal stare tremble whizz at full speed bring sth alive stop dead without hesitation 47—48) /aiktjual/ /bestnaun/ /breiv/ /ig'zasd33reitid/ /fasbjalas/ /glo:rias/ /greisfl/ /d3o:nti/ /ska:lat/ /shnia/ /swift/ /ka^uali/ /kliali/ /sAdnli/ /baeJV /baisikl klips/ /tjest/ /faita pailat/ /hasndlbdiz/ /haup/ /lünin/ /Jaulda/ /slaup/ /t3:m/ /vilid3 'gri:n/ /flajj bai/ /baskpedl/ /pedl/ /stea/ /trembl/ /wiz/ /at ful 'spi:d/ /brin ... a'laiv/ /stup 'ded/ /wiöaut hezi'teijn/ skutečný, opravdový dobře známý; významný statečný; odvážný přehnaný; nadsazený báječný nádherný; úžasný půvabný; elegantní furiantský jasně červený starší; dříve narozený prudký; náhlý nenucené; náhodně; neformálně jasně; zřetelně náhle; neočekávaně silná rána; těžký úder svorka na nohavice (pro jízdu na kole) hrud stíhací letec zábradlí naděje; doufat touha rameno svah semestr; pololetí náves mihnout se šlapat dozadu pedál zírat chvět se; klepat se strachy svištět; hvízdat v plné rychlosti oživit náhle/prudce zastavit bez otálení; bez váhání Find the actual words he uses. He's one of the best-known children's writers. You've been very brave. He uses exaggerated language in his descriptions. What a fabulous idea! It was a glorious summer day. She looked so graceful. He wore his cap at a jaunty angle. They wore scarlet school caps. He's one of the senior boys. She made a swift movement with her hand. She waved casually as she went past. You must speak clearly. It suddenly started to rain! He received a bash on the head. He wore bicycle clips on his trousers. She folded her arms across his chest. He was a fighter pilot in the war. Keep your hands on the handlebars! My hope is to become successful. I had a longing to have a bike like that. She fell and hurt her shoulder. We climbed up a steep slope. When does term start? We crossed the village green. He flashed by on his bicycle. He started back-pedalling quickly. She suddenly began pedalling backwards. It's rude to stare! We were trembling with fear. He went whizzing down the hill. They rode past at full speed. He uses exaggerated language to bring the story alive. He stopped dead when he saw her. She answered the question without hesitation. The Great Mouse Plot (p. 48) drawback drawing drunk illustration pickup set out start out head own along the way /dro:bask/ /dro:in/ /drAnk/ /ila'streijn/ /pik Ap/ /set 'aut/ /sta:t 'aut/ /hed/ /aun/ /a'k>n öa wei/ nevýhoda; nedostatek kreslení; kresba opilec ilustrace vyzvednout vyrazit udělat první krok mířit; směřovat vlastní; vlastnit po cestě; cestou There's just one drawback. Look carefully at the drawings. A drunk stood at the bar. The book has some lovely illustrations. I used to pick up some friends along the way. They set out across the village green. I would start out alone. They headed for home. She owned the sweet shop. He picked up his friends along the way. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 10 z 29 UNIT 6 - News/paparazzi (p. 50—52) compromising /kmnpramaizin/ kompromitující enormous /i'no:mas/ obrovský; nesmírný ever-growing /eva'grauirj/ stále rostoucí huge /hju:d3/ obrovský; obrovitý modern-day /müdn'dei/ dnešní; současný obvious /übvias/ zjevný; snadno viditelný unacceptable /Anak'septabl/ nepřijatelný unflattering /An'fla tarirj/ nelichotivý tearfully /tiafali/ plačtivě; uslzené assault /a'so:lt/ napadení; pokus o znásilněr black eye /Mask 'ai/ modřina; monokl breed /bri:d/ druh; typ (člověka) celebrity /sa'lebnti/ známá osobnost; celebrita character /karakta/ postava (vlit. a film. díle) concern /kan's3:n/ starost gossip /gDsip/ klepy; šířit klepy lens /lenz/ objektiv politician /pDli'ti/n/ politik the press /öa 'pres/ tisk public property /pAblik 'propati/ veřejný majetek royalty /roialti/ smetánka; horních deset tiší scandal /skandl/ skandál scooter /sku:ta/ skútr sum /sAm/ suma; částka tabloid press /tabloid 'pres/ bulvární tisk term /t3:m/ výraz; termín tunnel /tAnl/ tunel; chodba drive away /draiv a'wei/ odjet spy on /spai Dn/ sledovat; tajně pozorovat strap sb in /strap ... 'in/ připoutat (v autě) outside /aut'said/ před (budovou) acquit /a'kwit/ zprostit čeho air /ea/ vyjádřit; ventilovat (názor) arrest /a'rest/ zatknout; zajistit (podezřelého) ban /ban/ zakázat beg /beg/ prosit; naléhavě žádat charge /tja:d3/ obvinit; obžalovat chase /tjeis/ pronásledovat harass /haras/ obtěžovat; pronásledovat promote /pra'maut/ dělat reklamu; propagovat provoke /pra'vauk/ dráždit; provokovat pursue /pa'sju:/ stíhat; pronásledovat shout /Jaut/ (za)křičet; řvát splash /splaJV otisknout v nápadné úpravě close to Maus ta/ téměř; blízký follow sb's example /fDlau...ig'za:mpl/ následovat vzor get your revenge /get ja ri'vend3/ pomstít se go out of your way /gau aut av ja 'wei/ namáhat se; obtěžovat se invasion of privacy /m'vei3n av 'privasi/ zásah do soukromí leave sb alone /li:v...a'laun/ nechat koho na pokoji out of control /aut av kan'traul/ (be ~) vymknout se kontrole up to a point /ap tu: a 'point/ do jisté míry voice your opinion /vois jar a'pmian/ vyjádřit svůj názor They take photos of people in compromising poses. The photos cost an enormous amount of money. Invasion of privacy is an ever-growing problem. They used a huge telephoto lens. Modern-day photographers are very aggressive. It was obvious her privacy had been invaded. Their behaviour is unacceptable. They take photos of people in unflattering poses. She tearfully asked them to leave her alone. ÍThey charged him with assault. He gave the reporter a black eye. Paparazzi are an aggressive breed of photographer. Madonna is an international celebrity. He was the main character in a Fellini film. Write to us about your concerns. Are you interested in celebrity gossip? The photo was taken using a huge lens. Do you read about the private lives of politicians? The press published details of the scandal. Do you believe celebrities are public property? ;A lot of people like reading about royalty. Newspapers love publishing scandal. Photographers followed her riding scooters. Newspapers pay huge sums of money for these photos. The tabloid press specialises in scandal. The term "paparazzi" comes from an Italian film. She was killed in a tunnel in Paris. She drove away at high speed. Stop spying on me! They didn't give her time to strap the baby in. Photographers waited outside her hotel. Baldwin was acquitted of the charges. Write to us and air your views. The policeman arrested her. Should tabloid newspapers and magazines be banned? She begged them to leave her alone. He was charged with assault. They chased her through a tunnel in Paris. We were harassed by paparazzi. She was in Rome promoting her film. Celebrities are constantly provoked. They pursued him at high speed. "Hi" she shouted. The picture was splashed over the front page. The photo was sold for close to a million dollars. Other papers must follow their example. He soon got his revenge on photographers. They go out of their way to provoke people. This invasion of privacy must stop. Leave me alone! The paparazzi are out of control. I agree up to a point. Click on the button to voice your opinion. News in Brief/The passive voice (p. 53—54) rocky /roki/ skalnatý unlucky WUki/ nešťastný break down /breik daun/ zhroutit se let sb down /let...'daun/ nechat koho na holičkách turn round /t3:n 'raund/ otočit se He fell into a rocky ravine. You've been very unlucky. He broke down and cried. They let me down several times. She turned round to see who it was. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 11 z 29 agent /eid33nt/ agens ambulance /asmbjulons/ sanitka attacker /o'tasko/ útočník burglar /b3:glo/ (domovní) lupič; zloděj camper /kasmpo/ táborník customs /kAstamz/ celní úřady; celnice demonstrator /demon'streito/ demonstrant; účastník demonstrace drama /drama/ divadelní hra; drama fugitive /fju:d33tiv/ uprchlík jail /d3eil/ vězení passive /passiv/ trpný rod ravine /ro'vhn/ průrva; strž speeding /sphdirj/ překročení povolené rychlosti theft /Geft/ krádež wanted list /wDntid list/ seznam hledaných osob claim /kleim/ tvrdit edit /edit/ připravit k vydání; vydat face /feis/ stát k někomu čelem handcuff /hasndkAf/ pouta; nasadit pouta heat /hi:t/ ohřát; teplota (stupeň zahřátí) mistake /mi'steik/ splést si question /kwestjon/ vyptávat se; vyslíchat rescue /reskju:/ zachránit; záchrana search /S3:tj7 (pro)hledat sentence /sentons/ odsoudit sob /SDb/ vzlykat; stkát stab /staeb/ bodnout; bodnutí disturb the peace /dist3:b öo 'pi:s/ rušit klid find sb guilty /faind ... 'gilti/ shledat koho vinný take pity on sb /teik 'pití Dn/ slitovat se nad kým Headline news (p. 54-55) extra /ekstro/ navíc freak /friik/ mimořádný; extrémní mysterious /mi'stionos/ tajemný; tajuplný; záhadný severe /si'vio/ krutý; drsný announcement /o'naunsmont/ oznámení disappearance /diso'piorons/ zmizení drought /draut/ sucho; období sucha engagement ring /m'geid3mont nrj/ zásnubní prsten harvest /ha:vist/ sklizeň; úroda headline /hedlam/ titulek; nadpis lottery /lütori/ loterie nose ring /nouz nrj/ náušnice do nosu octogenarian /üktod3o'neonon/ osmdesátník peace talks /pi:s to:ks/ mírové rozhovory probe /proub/ sonda; kontrola row /rau/ hádka spokesman /spouksmon/ mluvčí storm /sto:m/ bouře show off /JoU 'Df/ předvést; ukázat announce /o'nauns/ oznámit; ohlásit bar /ba:/ zakázat přístup quit /kwit/ skončit; dát výpověď soar /so:/ vyletět nahoru (např. ceny) split /split/ rozejít se wed /wed/ uzavřít sňatek be based on /bi 'beist Dn/ být založen na; not available for /nüt oveilobl fo nemoci se vyjádřit z důvodu comment 'kmnent/ nepřítomnosti) The agent of a verb is the person or thing that performs the action. You better call for an ambulance. The attackers ran off. Burglars stole L20.000 worth of goods. Campers put their tents up in the fields. Have you ever been searched by customs? Five demonstrators were arrested. The drama happened when a man tried to jump from the plane. Sanders is a fugitive who escaped from jail in 1975. She was sentenced to six months in jail. Put the following sentences into the passive. He fell into a rocky ravine. She was stopped for speeding. There was a theft from a police station. Is he still on the wanted list? He claimed that 7 was his unlucky number! Try to edit these newspaper stories. He turned round to face the attackers. Police officers handcuffed her. Heat the acid to 100°C. Sorry, I mistook you for someone else. Police are questioning the man. Climbers had to be rescued from the mountain. Customs officers searched the car. The judge sentenced him to 8 years in jail. He suddenly started sobbing. She was stabbed in the back. Demonstrators were charged with disturbing the peace. The judge found him guilty. We took pity on her and invited her in. Invent any extra information you need. A freak storm destroyed the crops. Police are investigating the mysterious disappearance of a large sum of money. There has been a severe drought in Africa. When will he make the announcement? The child's parents are worried about his sudden disappearance. Severe droughts have destroyed the crops. She was wearing an engagement ring. The harvest has been ruined. Read the following newspaper headlines. He won 16 million on the lottery. She was banned from school for wearing a nose ring. An octogenarian is between 80 and 89 years old. Peace talks end in failure. Minister quits in missing cash probe. She had a row with her boyfriend. A spokesman for the minister said he was not available. The storm destroyed thousands of homes. She showed off her engagement ring. She announced that she was leaving. She was barred from school. England team coach quits! Job figures soar. Hollywood couple to split. Octogenarian towed. Write a broadcast based on these headlines. The minister was not available for comment. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 12 z 29 on a happier note Am a 'ha;pia naut/ (a teď) něco veselejšího On a happier note, the couple have announced their engagement. Personal news/A letter from Berlin (p. 56—57) trapný; nepříjemný otrávený; naštvaný vlastně očividně v poslední době mezera embarrassing fed up actually apparently recently gap promotion wedding anniversary break down call off hear from look after cancel deserve limp resit /im'basrasirj/ /fed 'Ap/ /asktjuali/ /a'pasrantli/ /rhsantli/ /gajp/ /pra'maujn/ /wedirj asm'v3:san/ /breik daun/ /ko:l 'Df/ /hi a f ram/ /luk ccfta/ /kaensl/ /di'z3:v/ /limp/ /ri:sit/ apart from that /a'pa:t fram 'öaet/ by the way /bai öa 'wei/ Hi! /hai/ I'm sorry to hear that, /aim 'sm-i ta hia öaet/ loads of /laudz av/ Lots of love /lDtsav'kv/ Lucky you! /kki 'ju:/ Not too bad /nüt tu: 'baed/ pleased with yourself /pli:zd wiö ja'self/ Well done! /wel 'dAn/ What's the matter? /wDts öa 'maeta/ povýšeni výročí svatby porouchat se zrušit; odříct dostat zprávu (od koho); ozvat se starat se zrušit; odvolat zasloužit si kulhat; belhat se (~ an exam) znovu dělat zkoušku nehledě na to mimochodem Ahoj. To je mi lito. hodně; velké množství (neformální pozdrav na závěr dopisu) Ty máš štěstí. Docela dobře. spokojen sám se sebou Výborně! Co se stalo? How embarrassing! What's the matter? You look really fed up. Actually, it's my birthday. Apparently, Giorgio's gone back to Italy. I haven't seen you recently. Fill in the gap with a word or expression. Congratulations on your promotion! I forgot our wedding anniversary. My car's broken down again. They've called off the wedding. It was great to hear from you! I've been looking after my mother. We've cancelled the wedding. You deserve your promotion. Why are you limping? When do you resit the exams? Apart from that, everything's fine. By the way, have you heard the news? Hi, Steve. How are you? "My father's not well." "I'm sorry to hear that." I've learnt loads of new things. Lots of love, Pia. "I've just won L100." "Lucky you!" "How are you?" "Oh, not too bad." Why are you looking so pleased with yourself? "I passed my driving test." "Well done!" "What's the matter?" "I've lost my purse." UNIT 7 - Party/Phrasal verbs (p. 58-59) all-night /oil'nait/ busy /bizi/ life-like /laiflaik/ neighbouring previous serious unpopular enthusiastically nowadays anticipation aspect bay bedtime brass band briefcase cardboard celebrating craftsman/-men dress festival firecracker fireworks full moon fund-raising outskirts preparations /neibanrj/ /prhvias/ /siarias/ /An'pDpjala/ An0ju:zi'ae stikli/ /nauadeiz/ /asn,tisi'peijn/ /asspekt/ /bei/ /bedtaim/ /bra:s 'basnd/ /brhfkeis/ /ka:dbo:d/ /sela'breitirj/ /kra :f t sman/man/ /dres/ /festivl/ /faiakraska/ /faiaw3:ks/ /ful mum/ /fAndreizirj/ /autsk3:ts/ /prepa'reijnz/ non-stop zaneprázdněný; rušný realistický; vypadající jako věrná napodobenina sousední předchozí zásadní; pořádný nepopulární nadšeně dnes tušení; očekávání; předjímání stránka, zřetel, ohled záliv čas jít spát dechová kapela aktovka na dokumenty lepenka oslava řemeslník/ci oblečení (typické pro určité místo/přílezitosť) slavnost petarda ohňostroj úplněk shánění peněz okraj; periferie přípravy They met in an all-night café. I'm very busy at the moment. They used to make life-like statues. People from neighbouring communities came. They spend the previous year organising the festival. It's time for some serious celebrating! They made statues of unpopular local characters. People celebrate enthusiastically. Life is more stressful nowadays. There's a feeling of anticipation everywhere. The statues represent different aspects of Spanish society. The moon lit up the whole bay. Come on! It's bedtime. Brass bands play in the streets. He left the briefcase in the house. The statues are made of cardboard. It's time for some serious celebrating! Craftsmen lit candles while they worked. The children wear traditional dress. The festival is called "Las Fallas". Firecrackers exploded all around us. We stood and watched the fireworks. There was a full moon in the sky. We do a lot of fund-raising. I live on the outskirts of Valencia. The preparations take a long time. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 13 z 29 public holiday /pAblik 'hrdadei/ státní svátek reveller /revala/ kdo se hlučně baví security guard /sik'juarati ga:d/ člen ostrahy shower /Jaua/ záplava; sprška vibe /vaib/ pocit; atmosféra waste material /weist ma'tiarial/ odpadky; odpadní materiál burn down /b3:n 'daun/ shořet bring together /brirj ta'geöa/ přivést dohromady dress up /dres 'Ap/ převléknout se za (koho) get down to /get 'daun t a/ dát se do čeho go on /gau 'r>n/ pokračovat; dít se hang over /han 'auva/ přetrvávat join in /d3om 'in/ zapojit se light up /lait 'Ap/ osvětlit rise up /raiz 'Ap/ zvedat se see off /si: 'Df/ vyprovodit koho sit around /sit a'raund/ posedávat kolem enjoy yourself /m'd30i jaself/ Dobře se bav! approach /a'prautJV přiblížit se bribe /braib/ podplatit buzz /bAZ/ hučet grin /grin/ zubit se; široce se smát march /ma: t J/ pochod; pochodovat mourn /mo:n/ oplakávat; truchlit parade /pa'reid/ jít v průvodu; defilovat party /pa:ti/ chodit na večírky; pařit waste /weist/ plýtvat; mrhat after all /ccftar "oil/ koneckonců; ostatně every /evn skoro každou chvíli/každý second/minute/week 'sekand/minit/wi:k/ týden or two get back to sleep /get bask t a 'sli:p/ znovu usnout get organised /get 'o:ganaizd/ zorganizovat go up in flames /gau Ap m 'fleimz/ vzplanout ...or anything /o:r 'eni8in/ nebo podobně; nebo tak něco reach its climax /ri:tj its 'klaimasks/ dosáhnout vrcholu way past /wei pa:st/ dávno po Close up/Invitations (p. 60—61) miserable /mizrabl/ nešťastný; utrápený coldly /kauldli/ chladně agenda /agenda/ program; pořad jednání excuse /ik'skju:z/ omluva; výmluva; omluvit se service /s3:vis/ prohlídka; údržba (o stroji) structure /strAktJa/ (slovní) vazba call out /ko:l aut/ přivolat; zavolat koho (na pomoc) počkat hold on /hauld r>n/ meet up /mi:t 'Ap/ setkat se (=meeť) put down /pAt 'daun/ zavěsit (sluchátko) apologise /a'pülad3aiz/ omluvit se komu za whisper /wisp a/ (za)šeptat get lost /get lust/ vypadnout I'll believe it when I /ail bili:v it wen ai Tomu uvěřím, až to uvidím. see it! 'si: it/ It doesn't matter /it dAznt 'masta/ To je jedno. making excuses /meik ik'skju:siz/ vymlouvat se That's a good point /oasts a gud 'point/ dobrá připomínka 19th March is a public holiday. The streets are full of revellers. A security guard stood at the door. At midnight there was a shower of explosions. There's a festive vibe in the city. They burnt all their waste material. Half the town burnt down. The ceremony brought together people from different communities. They dressed the statues up to look like famous local characters. At night people get down to some serious celebrating. (Sense 1) How long does the festival go on? (Sense 2) What's going on? A feeling of anticipation hangs over the city. Everybody joins in the preparations. They used candles to light up the dark evenings. A feeling of anticipation rises up from the streets. We'll come to the airport to see you off. Don't sit around —join in! Enjoy yourself at the party! People got excited as midnight approached. They bribed a security guard. The city was buzzing with excitement. Jose grinned at me. Girls and boys march into the centre of town. We don't have time to mourn the end of the festival. They paraded beneath my window. Let's party! Stop wasting time! After all, they're too busy planning the next festival. Firecrackers go off every second or two. I couldn't get back to sleep. It takes a whole year to get organised. The statues go up in flames. You don't need to dress up or anything. The festival reaches its climax on 19th March. It's way past your bedtime! You look miserable. What's the matter? "Hello David," she said coldly. What's on the agenda for the meeting? What excuse does he give for refusing the invitation? The car needs a service. Find 3 different structures that refer to the future. She called out to Zoe, "I'm going to the cinema". Hold on a minute please. When shall we meet up? She put the phone down and called out to Zoe. Did he apologise to you? "It's David," she whispered. Tell him to get lost! "She says she's going to end the relationship." "I'll believe it when Sorry I didn't phone you." "It doesn't matter." Stop making excuses! "Do people know we've changed the time of the meeting?" "That's a good point." doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 14 z 29 Parties (p. 62—64) scary disaster engagement fancy dress party gift Halloween party host/hostess housewarming party ingredient leaving party lyrics motto number one hit party animal party pooper privacy stranger surprise party verse blow out cross out end up from memory get an early night have a good time send your apologies /skeari/ /di'za:sta/ /in'geid3mant/ /fasnsi 'dres pa:ti/ /gift/ /haslau'wim pa:ti/ /haust/haustas/ /hauswoimirj 'pa:ti/ /m'grhdiant/ /li:virj 'pa:ti/ /links/ /motau/ /nAmba WAn 'hit/ /pa:ti 'asniml/ /pa:ti 'pu:pa/ /privasi/ /stremd3a/ /sa'praiz 'pa:ti/ /v3:s/ /blau 'aut/ /kros 'aut/ /end Ap/ /fram 'memari/ /get an 3:li 'nait/ /has v a gud 'nait/ /send jar a'pülad3iz/ You only live once! /ju aunh hv 'wAns/ nahánějící strach pohroma; katastrofa; neštěstí schůzka; povinnost maškarní ples dárek; dar oslava 31. října v převlecích za čarodějnice a duchy hostitel(ka) oslava nastěhování do nového bytu/domu součást; prvek oslava při odchodu text/slova písně heslo; motto hit číslo jedna vymetač večírků divnej patron; nespolečenský typ soukromí cizí/neznámý člověk oslava připravená tajně jako překvapení sloka sfouknout vyškrtnout (ze seznamu) skončit (čím/jak) zpaměti jít brzy spát dobře se bavit omluvit se (prostřednictvím někoho) Žiješ jen jednou! The thought of going alone was scary. The party was a disaster! She had a previous engagement and couldn't go. What are you wearing for the fancy dress party? We ought to take a gift for the host. Are Halloween parties common in your country? Are you taking a gift for the host/hostess? Come to our housewarming party! What are the ingredients of a good party? Rachel's invited me to her leaving party. Who wrote the lyrics of the song? My motto in life is "you only live once". "It's my party" was a number one hit. I love parties — I'm a real party animal! He doesn't like parties — he's a bit of a party pooper! Some people prefer celebrating in the privacy of their own home. I'm not very good at talking to strangers. Have you ever organised a surprise party? The song has 3 verses. Blowout your candles! Find the extra word and cross it out. I ended up talking to Peter. Try to complete the sentences from memory. I must get an early night. Have a good time at the party! Mark sends his apologies and says he can't come. Come to the party. You only live once! Special occasions (p, though greetings card looks recipe All the best be up to your eyes big day drop sb a line Get well soon Give my love to let sb have let sb know Many happy returns! not be able to make it short notice third time lucky you're only as old as you feel! 65-66) /öau/ /grhtirj ka:dz/ /luks/ /resipi/ /o:l öa 'best/ /bi: Ap ta jar 'aiz/ /big 'dei/ /drop ... a 'lam/ /get wel 'sum/ /giv mai 'Iav ta/ /let...'has v/ /let...'nau/ /mem haspi n't3:nz/ /nut bi eibl ta 'meik it/ /Jo:t 'nautis/ /83:d taim 'Uki/ /jo:r aunh az 'auld az ja 'fill/ (na konci věty) ale (blaho)přání (tištěné) (atraktivní) vzhled (o osobě) recept (při loučení; přání úspěchu, zdraví a štěstí) být zavalený (prací) den "D"; velký den poslat zprávu; napsat někomu (poštou, e-mailem) uzdrav se brzy pozdravuj (někoho); vyřiď můj pozdrav dát (někomu něco) dát (někomu) vědět Všechno nejlepší! nestihnout to na poslední chvíli; narychlo do třetice všeho dobrého jsi tak starý, jak se cítíš I'd love to come another time, though. People often send greetings cards on special occasions. She was admired for her looks. Have you got that Christmas cake recipe? All the best for your exams. She's up to her eyes in work. When's the big day? Drop me a line and tell me your news. Sorry you've not been well. Get well soon! Give my love to Uncle Ken. Don't forget to let me have that recipe. Let me know if you want to come. "It's my birthday today" "Many happy returns!" Thanks for inviting me; I'm sorry I won't be able to make it. Sorry to invite you at such short notice. Let's hope it's third time lucky. "I'm 40 tomorrow." "Don't worry, you're only as old as you feel!" UNIT 8 (Review) captivated captivating colourful dull exasperated exasperating /kasptiveitid/ /kasptiveitin/ /kAlafl/ /dAl/ /ig'zasspareitid/ /ig'zasspareitirj / uchvácen; upoután úchvatný; podmanivý pestrý; zajímavý; osobitý nezajímavý; jednotvárný podrážděný; rozčilený přivádějící k zoufalství We were captivated by the beautiful scenery. India is a captivating country. It's a very colourful place. The holiday certainly wasn't dull. She felt totally exasperated. Children can be exasperating at times. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 15 z 29 homesick palm-fringed sliced bread stroll call for Whereabouts ...? fancy provide rearrange an assault on the senses at times dwarfed by be home to capture the imagination round the corner /haumsik/ /pa:mfrmd3d/ /slaist 'bred/ /straul/ /ko:l fa:/ /weara'bauts/ /fasnsi/ /pra'vaid/ /ri:a'remd3/ /an aso:lt Dn öa 'sensiz/ /at 'taimz/ /'dwo:ft bai/ /bi 'haum ta/ /kasptja öi: imasd3i'neijn/ /raund öa 'ko:na/ tesknící po domově; nostalgický lemovaný palmami krájený chléb procházka; procházet se (za)stavit se pro (někoho) kde asi/přibližně představit si; mít chuť poskytnout; opatřit přeskupit; uspořádat útok na smysly někdy; čas od času (be ~) vypadat malinký (vedle čeho) být domovem/sídlem zaujmout; fascinovat za rohem I felt a bit homesick at first. Visit the palm-fringed beaches of Goa! Do you like sliced bread? Let's go for a stroll. We'll call for you at about six o'clock. Whereabouts do you live? Do you fancy going out? India's diversity provides something for everyone. Rearrange the words to make sentences. A visit to India is an assault on the senses. Children can be exasperating at times. In the Himalayas, you are dwarfed by some of the world's highest mountains. Mount Olympus is home to the Greek gods. It's a wonderful place that captures the imagination. My friend lives just round the corner. UNIT 9 - Pacific Heights (p.72-74) conventional elderly fine flirtatious heartbroken long-running sparkling spiky classically originally age gap asterisk deal distributor feature greatgranddaughter greatgrandfather greatgrandmother greatgrandson half-brother half-sister managing director only child overwork recording company sales manager second cousin series sister-in-law soap soap opera soap powder son-in-law sound engineer step-brother /kan'venjanl/ /eldali/ /fain/ /fbi'teijas/ /ha:tbraukan/ /lün 'rAnin / /spa:klin/ /spaiki/ /klassikli/ /a'nd3anli/ /eid3 /asstansk/ /di:l/ /di'stribjata/ /fhtja/ /greit'grasndoita/ /greit'grasnfaiöa/ /greit' grasniriAÖa/ /greit'gras nsAn/ /ha:fbrAÖa/ /ha:fsista/ /masnid3in da'rekta/ /aunli 'tjaild/ /auvaw3:k/ /ri'ko:din 'kAmpani/ /seilz 'maínid3a/ /sekand 'kAzn/ /siari:z/ /sistarmlo:/ /saup/ /saup Dpara/ /saup pauda/ /sAnmlo:/ /saund end3i'ma/ /stepbrAÖa/ tradiční; obvyklý; otřepaný (po)starší; v letech jemný koketní zničený žalem dlouho vysílaný/hraný/v repertoáru špičatý; stojící (o střihu vlasů) klasicky původně generační rozdíly hvězdička (psaný/tištěný symbol) obchod;dohoda dodavatel; distributor rysy (obličeje) pravnučka pradědeček prababička pravnuk bratr (mající jednoho společného rodiče) sestra (mající jednoho společného rodiče) výkonný ředitel jedináček přepracovat se; přepracování hudební vydavatelství obchodní manažer dítě prvního bratrance nebo sestrenice řada; série švagrová televizní/rozhlasový seriál televizní/rozhlasový seriál prací prášek zeť zvukař nevlastní bratr (biologicky nemá společného žádného rodiče) Katy is attractive in a less conventional way. Max has an elderly mother called Edith. Annick has very fine features. She has a flirtatious smile. He was heartbroken when she left him. "Coronation St" is the longest-running soap opera. She has sparkling blue eyes. Lou has short spiky hair. She is classically beautiful. Soap operas were originally sponsored by soap powder manufacturers. There's a big age gap between the two sisters. Put an asterisk by the name of your oldestrelative. They're negotiating an important deal. They're doing business with a French distributor. Annick has fine features. How old's your greatgranddaughter? My greatgrandfather's 93. My greatgrandmother's 87. How old's your greatgrandson? My half-brother's called Sean. My half-sister's called Beth. Max is a managing director. An only child has no brothers or sisters. Max is suffering from stress and overwork. Daniel works for a recording company. Dave is a sales manager. Do you have any second cousins? "Pacific Heights" is a popular TV series. Annick is Clare's future sister-in-law. Do you watch any of the soaps? Which is your favourite soap opera? Soap powder manufacturers originally sponsored soaps. How old is your son-in-law? Daniel is a sound engineer. Daniel is Penny's step-brother. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 16 z 29 step-daughter step-father step-mother step-sister step-son streaks confide in get over hold together take after take on mother negotiate run /stepdo:ta/ /stepfaiöa/ /stepmAÖa/ /stepsista/ /stepsAn/ /strhks/ /kan'faid m / /get auva/ /hauld ta'geöa/ /teik 'a:fta/ /teik 'on/ /iriAÖa/ /m'gaujieit/ /r An/ in the process of /in öa 'prauses av/ in your early twenties in your late twenties in your mid twenties set in /bi: m jar 3:li 'twentiz/83:tiz/ /bi: in ja leit 'twentiz/83:tiz/ /bi: m ja mid 'twentiz/83:tiz/ /bi 'set in/ nevlastní dcera nevlastní otec nevlastní matka nevlastní sestra (biologicky nemá společného žádného rodiče) nevlastní syn pramínek; proužek svěřovat se dostat se z něčeho (psychicky) držet pohromadě vypadat jako; být podobný (o príbuzných) přijmout; zaměstnat pečovat (až příliš); hýčkat jednat o; dojednat provozovat; běžet be ~) právě se zabývat čím) (be ~) mít asi 20 až 23 let Sarah has 2 step-daughters. Max is Dave and Daniel's step-father. Sarah is Penny and Lou's step-mother. Lou is Dave's step-sister. Max has 2 step-sons. Katy has red and brown streaks in her hair. Everybody confides in Edith. She's never got over her mother's death. Edith holds the whole family together. Penny and Lou take after their mother. Max took Phil on as his junior partner. Penny tends to mother her sister. They're negotiating an important deal. (Sense 1) Max and Phil run a large corporation. (Sense 2) The programme has run for 40 years. They are in the process of negotiating a deal. Sarah is in her early fifties. don't say a word /daunt sei a 'W3:d/ get your name /get ja 'neim/ have second thoughts/hiev sekand '8o:ts It's all over look alike take it easy abaut/ /its o:l 'auva/ /luk a'laik/ /teik it 'i:zi/ (be ~) mít asi 27 až 29 let. Dave is in his late twenties. (be ~) mít asi 24 až 26 let Katy and Annick are in their mid thirties. (be ~) být umístěn The series is set in Pacific Heights in California. (kdeWzasazen (kam) (např. o ději knihy) neřekni ani slovo Don't say a word about this to anyone. dostat/získat pojmenování How did soap operas get their name? znovu si promyslet Daniel is having second thoughts about marrying Annick. skončit; být po všem It's all over between Katy and John. vypadat podobně/stejně Dave and Daniel look alike. nic si z toho nedělat; brát to "You should take it easy," said the doctor, sportovně Pacific Heights: Scene 1 / Close up (p. 74—76) ztrhaný; vyčerpaný džus; šťáva hřiště worn out juice pitch script suit /wo:n 'aut/ /d3u:s/ /pit// /skript/ /suit/ act out break up with go ahead go away mess up talk sth through recover spoil flooded how's it going? mind your own business Oh, dear. /askt 'aut/ /breik 'Ap wiö/ /g au a'hed/ /gau a'wei/ /mes 'Ap/ /to:k ... '8ru:/ /n'kAva/ /spoil/ /fkdid/ /hauz it 'gauin/ /mamd jar aun 'biznis/ /au 'dia/ scenár kostým (dámský); oblek (pánský) sehrát (divadlo) rozejít se dát se do něčeho; spustit odjet pryč zpackat; podělat; zpřeházet probrat; prodiskutovat uzdravit se; vzchopit se zkazit být zatopen jak to jde? starej se o sebe Jejda!; Proboha! (při překvapení/zklamání) Sit down. You look worn out. Do you want juice? Oh, no! The pitch is flooded. Read the script carefully. Lou wants to wear a suit, not a dress. Act out a part from Scene 1. Katy told Daniel she'd broken up with John. The wedding is going ahead. Why don't you go away for a few days? Don't mess up my plans! You should talk it through together. He hasn't recovered yet from the break-up of their relationship. You've spoilt my plans! We can't play — the pitch is flooded. Hello, Daniel. How's it going? Why don't you mind your own business? Oh, dear. What's the matter? Pacific Heights: Scenes 2—4 / The next episode (p. 77—79) athletic /a;8'letik/ urostlý; sportovní part-time /pa:t taim/ na částečný úvazek stunning /stAmn/ senzační; ohromující youthful /ju:8fl/ mladistvý (např. zjev) Phil has athletic good looks. Amy and Mark are part-time students. Dark hair and blue eyes is a stunning combination. Phil is full of youthful energy. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 17 z 29 campaign childcare good looks household chores identical twins prediction preview surfboard therapist working relationship belong to catch up with carry out live with take over tell sb/sth apart turn to predict involved /kasm'pem/ /tjaildkea/ /gud luks/ /haushauld 'tjbiz/ /ai,dentikl 'twinz/ /pri'dikjn/ /prhvju:/ /s3:fbo:d/ /Oerapist/ /w3:kirj n'leijnjip/ /bi'lDQ tu:/ /kast f Ap wiö/ /ken aut/ /liv wiö/ /teik 'auva/ /tel ... a'pa:t/ /t3:n tu:/ /pra'dikt/ /m'vülvd/ be up to Sth /bi: Ap ta/ have an affair (with) /ha;v an a'fea wiö/ I see what you mean, /ai si: wDt ju: 'mi:n/ kampaň péče o děti pěkný vzhled domácí práce identická dvojčata předpověď; odhad předpremiéra; nástin surfovací prkno terapeut(ka) pracovní vztah patřit (k) dostihnout provádět bydlet společně s převzít; ujmout se (funkce) rozpoznat rozdíl (mezi) obrátit se (na někoho) předpovídat (be ~ with) angažovat se; zapojit se (do) troufnout si; cítit se (na) (milostný) poměr rozumím; chápu, co myslíš It serves you/him/her /it S3:vz ju:/him/h3: dobře mu tak; to má za to right. 'rait/ It's up to you/him/her. /its ap ta je to na tobě 'ju:/him/h3:/ The campaign involved a demonstration against tests on animals. Amy and Mark share the childcare. Max is jealous of Phil's good looks. Amy and Mark share the household chores. Ella and Mara are identical twins. Compare your predictions with other groups. Try writing a preview for the next episode. Where's Charlie's surfboard? Clare is a therapist. Max and Phil have a good working relationship. They belong to an Animal Rights group. What happens when Max catches up with Daniel? At DCC tests were carried out on animals. Amy lives with her boyfriend Mark. Phil hopes to take over as managing director. They're identical twins — it's hard to tell them apart. The demonstration turned to violence. Try to predict what will happen. Amy is involved with the Animal Rights group. What have you been up to today? Charlie is also having an affair with Clare. "We could blackmail him into being with us." "I see what you mean." It serves him right for experimenting on animals. You must decide — it's entirely up to you. Close up/Language reference (p. 80—81) negative valid accountant art dealer consequence divorce rate nuclear family by the time come true /negativ/ /valid/ /a'kauntant/ /a:t di:la/ /krmsikwans/ /di'vo:s reit/ /nju:klia 'fasmali/ /bai öa 'taim/ /kAm 'tru:/ záporný; negativní odůvodněný; platný účetní obchodník s uměním následek rozvodovost nejužší rodina do doby, kdy... splnit se (o předpovědi) Are these predictions negative or positive? Are the predictions valid? She has lunch with her accountant. Tania is an art dealer. What will the consequences of these changes be? The divorce rate is increasing. A nuclear family is a family with a husband, wife, and children. What will life be like by the time you're forty? Do you think the predictions will come true? UNIT 10 - Time/Punctuality (p. 82-83) punctual unexpectedly interviewer punctuality saying time management time scale call by invite in put off spare a waste of time anything up to ... scheduled (for .../to start) /pAnktJual/ /Anik'spektidli/ /mtavju:a/ /pAnktJu:'asiati/ /seiin/ /taim 'mas md3mant/ /taim skeil/ /ko:l 'bai/ /mvait 'in/ /püt 'Df/ /spea/ /a weist av 'taim/ /eni8in Ap ta/ /skedju:ld fa .../ta sta:t/ přesný; dochvilný nečekaně reportér; tazatel dochvilnost; přesnost rčení; pořekadlo efektivní využívání času časový rámec zastavit se; navštívit pozvat dovnitř (domu/bytu/kanceláře) odkládat (na jindy) (to~) nazbyt plýtvání časem kdykoli až do (be ~) naplánovaný na better late than never /beta 'leit öan 'neva/ pozdě ale přece; lepší než nikdy in sb's opinion /m ... a'pmian/ podle mého názoru on time /ün 'taim/ (přesně) na čas piece of work /pi:s av 'w3:k/ úkol; práce the last minute /öa la:st 'mínit/ poslední chvíle How punctual are you? A friend came unexpectedly. The interviewer's name was Paul Roetsch. Do you think punctuality is important? Which of the sayings do you prefer? She's a time management consultant. What sort of a time scale were you thinking of? A friend called by unexpectedly. I invited her in. You can't keep putting things off! Sorry, I don't have much time to spare. I think computer games are a waste of time. He often arrives anything up to half an hour late. The meeting is scheduled for 9 o'clock. "Mum's just arrived." "Better late than never!" In my opinion, it's a complete waste of time! Try to arrive on time. This is an urgent piece of work. Don't leave everything until the last minute! doplňkové materiály pro učitele na 74 Inside Out Intermediate strana 18 z 29 there's no time like /öeaz nau taim laik není nad to udělat to hned If you're thinking of learning a new skill, there's no time like the the present öa 'prezant/ present. time heals all wounds /taim hhlz o:l čas zahojí všechny rány I felt terribly unhappy at the time, but time heals all wounds. 'wu:ndz/ Pronunciation/Time expressions (p. 84—85) bedtime story /bedtaim 'sto:n/ pohádka před usnutím nap /naep/ planner /plana/ a week today /a wi:k ta'dei/ a week tomorrow /a wi:k ta'mm-au/ in time /in 'taim/ just gone /d3Ast 'gun/ nothing special /nABin 'spejl/ the Monday/Tuesday / öa mAndei/tju:zdei přespříští pondělí etc after next the week/weekend /öa wi:k/wi:kend předminulý týden/víkend zdřímnutí plán(ovač) ode dneška za týden od zítřka za týden včas právě po (o čase) nic extra/zvláštního; nic moc before last bifo: 'la:st/ We always try and read the children a bedtime story. Do you ever have a nap in the afternoon? Look at the monthly planner. We're going on holiday a week today. Dad comes home a week tomorrow. I like to get home in time to see the children. It's just gone half past three. "What are you doing?" "Nothing special." She's leaving the Friday after next. What did you do the weekend before last? Things to do/Time-saving tips (p. 86—87) distant /distant/ daleký; vzdálený essential /i'senfl/ nezbytný; podstatný; hlavní high-powered /hai'pauad/ důležité (postavení); náročný (práce); vysoce postavený increased /m'kriist/ vyšší; větší orderly /o:dali/ přesný; organizovaný calmly /ka:mli/ klidně promptly /prmnptli/ okamžitě; pohotově whereas /wear'asz/ kdežto; zatímco action plan /askjn plan/ akční plán baby-sitter /beibisita/ opatrovnice dětí (v nepřítomnosti rodičů) bill /bil/ účet; účtenka; bankovka (AmE) chain /tjem/ řetěz; řetězec chief executive /tji:f ig'zekjativ/ vrcholový manažer collocation /küla'keijn/ kolokace (slova obvykle užívaná společně) comfort /kAmfat/ pohodlí database /deitabeis/ databáze depression /di'prejn/ deprese designer /di'zama/ grafik; výtvarník dry cleaners /drai 'klhnaz/ čistírna electronic organiser /ilektronik 'o:ganaiza/ elektronický diář fax machine /fasks ma'Jlm/ fax hairdresser /headresa/ kadeřník; kadeřnice hierarchy /haiar'a:ki/ posloupnost; hierarchie library book /laibran buk/ kniha z knihovny overnight bag /auva'nait basg/ malé zavazadlo na dvoudenní cestu Post-it note /paustit 'naut/ žluté samolepící papírky na poznámky areál; komplex (budov) premises /premisiz/ prompt /prompt / nápověda relief /ri'liif/ úleva; ulehčení sellotape /selateip/ (průhledná) izolepa shape /Jeip/ tvar; (tělesná) kondice standard practice /stasndad 'prasktis/ zvyk; běžný postup talk /to:k/ projev; mluva washing-up liquid /wüJinAp 'likwid/ prostředek na nádobí get by /get 'bai/ vystačit si; přežít leave with /li:v wiö/ nechat (něco) u (někoho) print out /print 'aut/ vytisknout (z počítače) Don't worry about things that are in the distant future. It's essential to write things down. She has a very high-powered job. Lists give you increased control. Type A people make orderly lists. He sat down and calmly wrote a list. She promptly forgot everything he'd told her. Men make lists for work whereas women make lists for home as well. Men tend to make action plans. We need a baby-sitter for Saturday. Remember to pay the phone bill. She runs a chain of supermarkets. He's chief executive of an electronics firm. Complete these sentences to make collocations. Making lists is a great comfort. We need to upgrade our database. Have you ever suffered from depression? She works as a designer for an advertising firm. I must pick my suit up from the dry cleaners. Do you have an electronic organiser? We need a new fax machine. What time are you going to the hairdresser? We put things into hierarchies of importance. You must return your library books. Can I borrow your overnight bag? Her desk was covered in Post-it notes. It's time to look for new premises. Use these prompts to help you. He sat down with a sigh of relief. Remember to get some sellotape. Lists dictate the shape of the immediate future. It's standard practice to wear smart clothes. I must make photocopies for my talk. Remember to buy some washing-up liquid. I couldn't get by without making lists. Remember to leave the key with Clare. Could you print that out for me? doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 19 z 29 rely on set in take back assemble block dictate grab order prioritise scribble sigh update work do the dishes get obsessed get the upper hand get things done it's a question of... set to work take control the more ... the more up to now /n'lai mi/ /set 'in/ /teik 'bask/ /o'sembl/ /btok/ /dik'teit/ /grab/ /o:do/ /prai'motaiz/ /skribl/ /sai/ /Ap'deit/ /w3:k/ /du: öo 'dijiz/ /get ob'sest/ /get öi: Apa 'hand/ /get 8inz 'dAn/ /its a 'kwestjon ov/ /set to 'w3:k/ /teik kon'troul/ /öo 'mo: ... 03 'mo:/ /ap to 'nau/ spoléhat se; počítat s nastat; propuknout vrátit (půjčené) sestavit; shromáždit ucpat; zablokovat přikazovat; diktovat popadnout; chňapnout nařídit; objednat určit/dát prioritu (na)čmárat (nečitelně) vzdychnout si; říct s povzdechem doplnit; aktualizovat fungovat umývat nádobí stát se posedlým získat převahu/kontrolu splnit úkol záleží na tom... dát se do získat kontrolu nad čím...tím... dosud Don't rely on your memory! Don't wait until panic sets in! Take the library books back. Men assemble tasks into action plans. Stress blocks the mind. Lists dictate what we should do. He grabbed an envelope and made a list. People use categories to order the world. It's important to prioritise. I scribbled his phone number on an envelope. She sighed with relief when it was over. You should update your database regularly. Different things work well for different people. We take turns to do the dishes. Don't get obsessed with making lists. Lists do help you get the upper hand on time. Lists help you get things done. It's a question of what works best for you. We set to work on doing all the jobs on the list. It's important to take control of your life. The more you have to do, the more you need a list. Up to now, I've relied on my memory. Close up/Office cultures (p. 88—89) casual /ka23uol/ flexible /fleksobl/ smartly /sma:th/ cafeteria /kajfo'tiono/ obligation office culture prohibition work place run out of be allowed to be supposed to first thing tomorrow /übli'geijn/ /üfis 'kAltJo/ /prouhi'bijn/ /w3:k pleis/ /rAn aut dv/ /bi: o'laud to/ /bi so'pouz to/ /f3:st 8in to'irmrou/ there'll be trouble /öeol bi 'trAbl/ neformální (oblečení) pružný; ohebný; flexibilní elegantní; vkusný jídelna; bufet (v nemocnici apod) povinnost; závazek ke komu firemní kultura zákaz pracoviště vydat se z čeho; dojít smět mít (za povinnost) první věc, kterou zítra udělám bude zle Do you prefer wearing casual or formal clothes? Working hours are flexible. He likes dressing smartly. You can smoke in the cafeteria. "Must" and "have to" express obligation. Different companies have different office cultures. "Can't," "mustn't" and "not be allowed to" express prohibition. Describe a work place you know. We've run out of time. Are you allowed to stay up late? You're supposed to start work at 8 o'clock. I'll phone you first thing tomorrow. If we don't finish the work on time, there'll be trouble. Language reference/To whom it may concern (p. 90—91) grateful service-oriented currently applicant application form article cough diabetic flight attendant IT recommendation requirement summer course work experience confirm enclose gain seek as required /greitfol/ /s3:vis'o:nontid/ /kArontli/ /asplikont/ /aspli'keijn fo:m/ /a:tikl/ /küf/ /daio'betik/ /flait o'tendont/ /msjolm/ /ai "tii/ /rekomen'deijn/ /n'kwaiormont/ /sAmo ko:s/ /w3:k ik'spionons/ /kon'f3:m/ /m'klouz/ /gem/ /si:k/ /asz rik'waiod/ mi vděčný se schopností jednat s v současné době žadatel; uchazeč formulář; žádost předmět; výrobek kašlat; kašel; zakašlání diabetik palubní průvodčí; steward(ka) inzulín výpočetní technika doporučení požadavek letní kurz pracovní zkušenosti (praxe) potvrdit přiložit získat hledat jak je/bylo požadováno I would be grateful if you could send more information. We're looking for service-oriented people. Worldwide Airlines are currently seeking staff. Applicants must be over 20 years of age. Fill in the application form. You must be able to lift heavy articles. That's a terrible cough! She's a diabetic. I want to be a flight attendant. Diabetics have to take insulin. She's an IT assistant. "Should" can be used for recommendations. What are the requirements for the job? I'd like to attend a summer course at your school. Applicants must have 2 years work experience. We'll write to confirm your reservation. I enclose my CV for your attention. She's gained a lot of weight recently. We're seeking friendly, service-oriented people. You must be able to lift heavy articles as required. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na 51 51 Inside Out Intermediate strana 20 z 29 goon a diet in response to put on weight take pride in /gau Dn a 'daiat/ /m n'spmis ta/ /put Dn 'weit/ /teik 'praid in/ začít držet dietu v reakci na přibírat (na váze) být hrdý na She's putting on weight — she should go on a diet. I'm writing in response to your advert. I can't stop putting on weight. You must take pride in your appearance. UNIT 11-Journey hellish meaningless remaining round-the-world armrest boredom escape excerpt seat-belt suntan come back light up live out run away from show up board broaden as if that wasn't enough bike over to ... by the time (p. 92-93) /heliJV /mhmnlas/ /n'memin/ /raund öa W3:ld/ /ccmrest/ /bo: dam/ /ťskeip/ /ek's3:pt/ /hüladei 'raumasns/ /sAntasn/ /kAm 'bask/ /lait 'Ap/ /liv 'aut/ /r An a'wei f ram/ //au 'Ap/ /bo:d/ /bro:dn/ /az if oast WDzant I'nAf/ /baik 'auva ta/ /bai öa 'taim/ pekelný; hrozný beze smyslu zbývající kolem světa opěradlo pro ruce nuda uprchnout; utéct výňatek bezpečnostní pás opálení (sluncem) vrátit se rozsvítit se naplnit; uskutečnit utíkat od čeho, před čím ukázat se; objevit se nastoupit do (vlaku/letadla) rozšířit jako by toho nebylo málo jet na kole jakmile; poté co emotionally blackmail /imaujanah 'blaskmeil/ get sb to do sth go through the process of go travelling lose your head raise money take a break take precedence over in question (to the) north/south/east/west of /get ... ta 'du:/ /gau 8ru: öa 'prauses av/ /gau 'trasvlin / /lu:z ja hed/ /reiz 'iriAni/ /teik a 'breik/ /teik 'presidans auva/ citově vydírat přimět koho k čemu projít si čím cestovat; vydat se na cesty ztratit hlavu vybrat; získat; dát dohromady peníze (na charitu) udělat si pauzu mít přednost před /m kwestjan/ (the person ~) člověk, o kterém se mluví/kterého se to týká /ta öa 'no:8/sau8/i:st/ na sever/jih/východ/západ I spent 3 hellish days and nights. Life in England seemed meaningless. Where were the remaining photos taken? I'd love to go on a round-the-world trip. One of the armrests was broken. How do you avoid boredom? Escape through travel works. Read this excerpt from The Beach. Fasten your seat-belt! You've got a gorgeous suntan. When are you coming back? The signs all lit up. I wanted to live out my dreams. What are you running away from? He showed up an hour late. Please board the plane at Gate 23. Travel broadens the mind. As if that wasn't enough her new boyfriend came to visit her. I biked over to my dad's. By the time I got on the plane, my problems had started to disappear. I emotionally blackmailed him into lending me the money. He got his friend to guess where they were taken. They were going through the process of splitting up. If I had the chance, I'd love to go travelling. He almost lost his head. We're raising money for charity. You should take a break and relax. Does your career take precedence over your family? The guy in question was coming to London to visit her. Cambridge is to the east of Oxford. Close up/Wish you were here (p. 94—95) breathtaking delighted sandy spicy touristy definitely jam peak travelling companion get around overlook be short of do well I suppose it could be you must be joking! /breOteikirj / /di'laitid/ /sasndi/ /spaisi/ /tuansti/ /defmatli/ /d3asm/ /pi:k/ /trasvlirj kampasman/ /get a'raund/ /auva'luk/ /bi: Jo:t dv/ /du: 'wel/ /ai sapauz it 'kudbi/ /ju: mAst bi 'd3aukin/ úžasný; beroucí dech potěšený písčitý kořeněný; pikantní; pálivý turisty zaplavený určitě; rozhodně dopravní zácpa vrchol; nejvyšší stupeň/bod spolucestující obejít mít vyhlídku na mít nedostatek prosperovat Myslím, že by to mohly být Ty snad žertuješ! The views over the bay were breathtaking. He was delighted to see us. We walked along the sandy beaches. The food's very spicy. It's quite a touristy place. That was definitely Sarah I saw. The traffic jams were terrible. We saw snowy mountain peaks in the distance. Who would you choose as travelling companion? How did you get around the island? My hotel overlooks the lake. They're not short of money. That new restaurant's doing really well. I suppose it could be Athens. A new car? On my salary? You must be joking! doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 21 z 29 Close up/Coast to coast (p. 96—97) back-street /baskstrht/ pokoutní; nezákonný imaginary /i'marináři/ pomyslný; domnělý improbable /im'prübabl/ nepravděpodobný overnight /auva'nait/ přes noc deal /di:l/ obchod; byznys; smlouva rainforest /rem'fürist/ deštný prales sun block /smi blük/ opalovací krém s vysokým ochranným faktorem carry on /kasri mi/ pokračovat get to /get t a/ dostat se; dorazit give up /g iv Ap/ vzdát se čeho; odejít z (pracovní místo) set off /set Df/ vydat se; vyrazit (na cestu) think back /Gink 'ba;k/ vzpomínat be soft in the head /bi 'süft m öa 'hed/ být slabomyslný; hloupý Certainly not! /s3:tanli 'nut/ Určitě ne! Jistě, že ne! find yourself /famd ja'self/ ocitnout se kde for sale /fa 'seil/ na prodej go well /g au 'wel/ dobře fungovat; "šlapat" hit the road /hit öa 'raud/ vydat se na cestu it's now or never /its nau a: 'neva/ teď nebo nikdy so he/she etc thought /sau... '8o:t/ tak si to alespoň myslel run out of steam /rAn aut av 'sti:m/ ztratit energii/sílu; přestat táhnout (o motoru) to sb's amazement/surprise /ta...a'meizmant/sa praiz/ 1 k jeho překvapení Close up/Tell us a story (p. 98—99) fellow /felau/ spolu- (žák, cestující apod) overhead /auva'hed/ vrchní; jsoucí nad hlavou whispered /wispad/ šeptaný carelessly /kealasli/ nedbale curiously /kjuanasli/ záhadně; podivně eventually /i'ventjuali/ nakonec fortunately /foitjanatli/ naštěstí gradually /grasd3uali/ postupně naturally /nastjrali/ pochopitelně; samozřejmě unbelievably /Anbi'liivabli/ neuvěřitelně aisle seat /ail si:t/ sedadlo do uličky anti-terrorist lock /asnti'teranst lük/ zámek zajištěný proti násilnému otevření zvenku cockpit /kükpit/ kabina pilota; kokpit connecting flight /ka'nektin flait/ navazující let co-pilot /kaupailat/ druhý pilot departure /di'paitja/ odjezd; odlet duty-free /dju:ti 'fri:/ osvobozený od cla/poplatků bezcelní hand luggage /hand lAgid3/ příruční zavazadlo locker /luka/ skříňka; přihrádka microwave /maikraweiv/ mikrovlnná trouba photographer /fa'tDgrafa/ fotograf Swiss army knife /swis 'a:mi naif/ druh kapesního nože puncture /pAnktJa/ propíchnutí; proražení tyre /taia/ pneumatika look back /luk 'bajk/ dívat se zpět do minulosti cruise /kru: z/ letět; plout be fitted with /bi'fitidwiö/ být vybaven by air /bai 'ea/ letadlem by rail /bai 'reil/ vlakem by road /bai 'raud/ po silnici by sea /bai 'si:/ po moři come loose /kAm 'lu:s/ povolit; uvolnit se He bought the bike from a back-street garage. The conditional is used to show that a situation is imaginary. It is also used to show that a situation is improbable. Leave your bike here overnight. That's the worst deal you'll ever make! Would you like to go to the Amazon rainforest? I wouldn't go to the Sahara without sun block. Nick thought about selling the bike but decided to carry on. The bike broke down when he got to Kansas. He gave up his job in order to do the journey. Nick bought a bike and set off on the journey of his dreams. Think back to a journey you have made. You must be soft in the head! "Is the bike for sale?" "Certainly not!" Imagine that you found yourself in Hawaii! Is the bike for sale? The motorbike seemed to be going well. Nick wanted to hit the road as soon as possible. I'm determined to do this journey — it's now or never! He'd been lucky to find the bike, or so he thought. The bike started running out of steam. To his surprise, he was offered $3,000 for it. One of the co-pilots asked his fellow pilot to help him. He put his luggage in an overhead locker. There was a short whispered discussion. She carelessly left her handbag on the table. The man had curiously disappeared. Eventually we found her. Fortunately I remembered where they kept the key. They're gradually becoming more confident. Naturally we were pleased to see each other. Unbelievably it was 50 years since they'd seen each other. Most people prefer window seats to aisle seats. The door was fitted with an anti-terrorist lock. The pilot sits in the cockpit. We have a connecting flight to catch. One of the co-pilots came out of the cockpit. Departure time is 10.30. They bought some perfume in duty-free. He put his hand luggage in an overhead locker. Put it in one of the overhead lockers. You can heat coffee in the microwave. John is a photographer. He had a Swiss army knife in his luggage. Oh no! I think we've got a puncture. I should have checked the tyres. The past simple is used for looking back at a past event. The plane was cruising over the Indian Ocean. The door was fitted with an anti-terrorist lock. In Australia people often travel by air between cities. Do you enjoy travelling by rail? Most people prefer travelling by road. The journey by sea took 12 hours. Eventually the lock came loose. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 22 z 29 go wrong /gau 'rog/ pokazit se Things started to go wrong when the flight was delayed. lock yourself out /tok jaself 'aut/ zamknout se; zabouchnout si The two pilots had locked themselves out. dveře UNIT 12-Basics (p. basically honestly cloth countable noun scissors sink slice uncountable noun spill have sth in common beauty carton dressing first course hunger knowledge oddity side salad starter tip dry-clean rip a piece of news an item of Anything to start with? Just a drop. Over here. What can I get you? 100-101) /beisikli/ /miasli/ /ktoe/ /kauntabl naun/ /sizaz/ /sink/ /slais/ /An'kauntabl naun/ /spil/ /hasv ... m 'kmrian wiö/ /bjuiti/ /ka:tn/ /dresirj / /f3:st ko:s/ /hAnga/ /nülid3/ /udati/ /said saslad/ /sta:ta/ /tip/ /drai'klim/ /rip/ /a pi:s av 'nju:z/ /an 'aitam av/ v podstatě namouduši; čestně tkanina; látka počitatelné podstatné jméno nůžky dřez krajíc; plátek nepočitatelné podst. jméno rozlít mít něco společného krása; kráska krabice (např. džusu) dresink; zálivka na salát první chod hlad znalost(i) podivín; zvláštní člověk salát (podávaný k hlavnímu jídlu) předkrm spropitné vyčistit (v čistírně) rozpárat; roztrhnout zpráva položka; kus /eni8irj ta 'sta:t wiö/ Nějaký předkrm? /d3Ast a 'drop/ Jen trošku, /auva 'hia/ Zde (je). /wDt kan ai 'get ju:/ Co si dáte? I think most people are basically good. It's OK, honestly. Don't worry. Waiter! Can you bring a cloth? "Mobile phone" is a countable noun. Can I borrow the scissors? Put the dirty dishes in the sink. Can I have a slice of bread? "Furniture" is an uncountable noun. Oh no! I've just spilt some wine. They didn't have anything in common. Film stars are admired for their beauty. A carton of milk/yoghurt, please. Would you like dressing on that? Are you having a first course? I felt as if I was dying of hunger. She has a good general knowledge. An oddity is a person or thing that is different from what you would expect. I ordered a side salad. Is everyone having a starter? Shall we leave a tip? My trousers need dry-cleaning. I ripped my jeans climbing over the fence. That's an exciting piece of news. She had at least 30 items of clothing in her case. "Anything to start with?" "I'll have the soup." "Any more coffee?" "Just a drop." "Chicken salad?" "Over here." "What can I get you?" "A lager, please." Incredible edibles (p. 105) barbecued bland chewy creamy crisp crunchy deep fried greasy roasted salted salty sweet raw tasty tinned ant cockroach cooking cricket grasshopper grub lizard locust /ba:bikju:d/ /blaend/ /tjuii/ /kri:mi/ /krisp/ /krAntJV /di:p ' f raid/ /griisi/ /raust id/ /SDltld/ /so:lti/ /swi:t/ /ro:/ /teisti/ /tmd/ /sent/ /kükrautJV /kukirj/ /krikit/ /gra:shüpa/ Igxhbl /hzad/ /laukast/ pečený na rôzni neslaný nemastný žvýkací smetanový; krémový křehký; svěží křupavý smažený (ponořením do tuku) tučný; mastný pražený posolený slaný sladký syrový chutný v konzervě mravenec šváb vaření; pečení; kuchyně ( italská ap.) cvrček saranče; kobylka larva; housenka ještěrka saranče I love barbecued sausages. Cucumbers have a bland taste. Caramels are very chewy. The fish was served with a creamy sauce. The lettuce was nice and crisp. They served a nice crunchy side salad. We ordered deep fried chicken pieces. Fried foods can be very greasy. A packet of roasted peanuts, please. Salted peanuts make me thirsty. The ham was very salty. Do you like sweet food? Raw vegetables are good for you. That soup was really tasty! Do you eat much tinned food? Ants are small brown insects that live in large groups. She screamed when she saw a cockroach in the kitchen. I love my mother's cooking! The sound of crickets filled the warm evening air. Grasshoppers can jump a long way. Grubs are small creatures like worms. Lizards like lying in the sun. The crops were eaten by locusts. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 23 z 29 plain chocolate shark /plem 'tjcklot/ /Ja:k/ hořká čokoláda žralok Plain chocolate has quite a bitter taste. Be careful! There are sharks swimming in the sea. Bedtime/Sleep survey (p. 106—107) alert cluttered significant incorrectly mentally brain brain power desktop double bed early bird life expectancy insomnia night owl research sleep disorder sleep habit catch up on file away relate to suffer from conduct file recuperate shorten sleepwalk snore store yawn go without have a lie-in instead of on average on the other hand on your back on your front on your side one in two/three/four etc /o'lsit/ /kUtod/ /sig'mfikont/ /mko'rektli/ /ment ah/ /brem/ /brem pauo/ /desktDp/ /dAbl 'bed/ /3:h b3:d/ /laif ik'spektonsi/ /m'smnnio/ /nait aul/ /ri's3:tJ7 /sli:p dis'o:do/ /sli:p 'hasbit/ /kast J 'ap Dn/ /fail o'wei/ /ri'leit to/ /sAfo from/ /kon'dAkt/ /fail/ /n'kuiporeit/ /Jo:tn/ /sli:pwo:k/ /sno:/ /sto:/ /join/ /gou wiô'aut/ /hasv o 'laiin/ /m'sted ov/ /ün 'asvrid3/ /ün öi: aöo 'hand/ /ün jo 'bask/ /d n jo 'frAnt/ /ün jo 'said/ /wAn m 'tu:/8ri:/fo:/ bdělý; ve střehu neuklízeny; zaneřáděný významný; závažný; značný chybně; nesprávně duševně mozek činnost mozku deska pracovního stolu dvojlůžko ranní ptáče průměrná délka života nespavost noční pták (o člověku) výzkum; provádět výzkum porucha spánku spací návyk dohnat odstranit vztahovat se k trpět čím vést zařadit; uložit (dokumenty) zotavit se; nabrat síly zkrátit být náměsíčný chrápat skladovat; uchovávat zívat; zívnout obejít se; existovat bez lenošit místo (něčeho) v průměru na druhou stranu na zádech na břichu na boku jeden z In order to be mentally alert you need enough sleep. Your desk is too cluttered. Try to keep it tidy. A significant number of people get less sleep than they need. People incorrectly think that the brain rests during sleep. I need to be mentally alert for my work. The brain works when the body sleeps. Increase your brain power by sleeping more! I must tidy my desktop. A double bed is a bed for 2 people. An early bird is someone who gets up early. What's the average life expectancy in Britain? Have you ever suffered from insomnia? A night owl is someone who goes to bed late. We're doing some research into sleep habits. Insomnia is a sleep disorder. They carried out a survey into people's sleep habits. I need to catch up on my sleep. The brain files away information like a computer. The percentages relate to facts in the survey. Do you suffer from insomnia? How long did it take to conduct the survey? The brain works like a computer, filing the day's events. The body recuperates when you sleep. Lack of sleep can shorten your life expectancy. Have you ever sleepwalked? I wish he'd stop snoring! The brain stores all kinds of information. People yawn when they're tired. It's bad for you to go without sleep. We usually have a lie-in at weekends. People sleep more at the weekends instead of during the week. How many hours sleep do you get on average? He's not very good at maths; on the other hand his English is excellent. I can't sleep on my back. Do you ever sleep on your front? I usually sleep on my side. One in three adults (33%) do not get enough sleep. UNIT 13- Communication/Telephone language (p. 108—111) convenient superstitious tied up answering machine bad luck beep clue enquiry front door key overdraft superstition travel agent's website get back to give away /kon'vhmont/ /suipo'stijos/ /taid 'Ap/ /amsorin mojim/ /ba;d 'Uk/ /bi:p/ /klu:/ /m'kwaiori/ /frAnt 'do: ki:/ /ouvodra:ft/ /suipo'stijon/ /travl eid3onts/ /websait/ /get 'bask to/ /giv o'wei/ příhodný; vyhovující pověrčivý zaneprázdněn záznamník smůla pípnutí záchytný bod; vodítko; tušení informace klíče od domu přečerpání (účtu v bance) pověra cestovní acjentura (plánuje cesty, zajišťuje jízdenky) internetová stránka vrátit se k (tématu/záležitosti); reagovat na (email; vzkaz; telefonát) rozdávat I'll ring you back at a more convenient time. She's very superstitious and always touches wood for good luck. I'm tied up this evening but I could see you tomorrow. Did you leave a message on the answering machine? Touching wood is supposed to protect you against bad luck. Please leave a message after the beep. Listen to the messages for clues about Richard. What's the phone number for flight enquiries? Don't forget the front door key! You're over your overdraft limit by L200. Do you have any superstitions? The travel agent's have got the tickets. For more information visit our website. Thanks for getting back to me. They're giving away free CDs. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 24 z 29 hang on help out put through deny hold be on the line by heart don't come crying to me get into trouble keep it short Who's calling? /hier) 'mi/ počkat /help 'aut/ (dočasně) pomoci /put '6ru:/ spojit (telefonicky) /dťnai/ popřít /hauld/ počkat (u telefonu) /bi: Dn öa 'lam/ telefonovat /bai 'ha:t/ zpaměti /daunt kAm 'kraurj ta nechoď se ke mně vyplakat 'mi:/ /get inta 'trAbl/ dostat se do problémů /ki:p it ' Jb:t/ zkrátit /hu:z 'ko:lirj/ Kdo volá? Just hang on a minute. Can you help me out, Mum? I'll try to put you through. If they accuse you, deny everything! She's on the other line. Would you like to hold? It's Mr Swainston on the line. I know her telephone number by heart. Don't come crying to me when things go wrong. He's always getting into trouble. If you need to use the phone, try to keep it short. Who's calling, please? Stereotypes (p. 112- bottom characteristic cleaning image mess odd jobs poll right set stereotype telly toilet cleaner vaccuming washing-up clean up form iron reinforce be in a good/bad position be sick of sth keep in touch -113) /bütam/ /kasrakta'ristik/ /klhnin/ /imid3/ /mes/ /üd 'd3übz/ /paul/ /rait/ /set/ /stenataip/ /teh/ /toilat 'klima/ /vaskjuimin/ /wDjirj 'Ap/ /kli:n 'Ap/ /fo:m/ /aian/ /ri:m'fo:s/ /bi: in a 'gud/bas d pazijn/ /bi 'sik av/ /ki:p m 'tAtJV make your mind up /meik Ap ja 'mamd/ zadek znak; rys úklid představa; obraz nepořádek; binec drobné údržbárske práce; příležitostné práce průzkum veřejného mínění právo sada; soubor tradiční/zjednodušená/ustále ná představa; konvence televize; telka čistič WC vysávání; luxování umývání nádobí uklidit tvořit žehlit; žehlička upevnit; posílit; zpevnit být v dobrém/špatném postavení mít (něčeho) plné zuby volat si; psát si; informovat se navzájem rozhodnout se Does my bottom look fat in these trousers? Men and women have different characteristics. We share the cleaning. A stereotype is a fixed image about someone or something. What a mess! He likes doing odd jobs around the house. Look at the results of the poll. Men and women should have the same rights. Men and women have different sets of characteristics. Stereotypes aren't always true. He often watches football on telly. Where's the toilet cleaner? Who does the vacuuming at your house? I cook and my boyfriend does the washing-up. Help me clean up this mess. People often form stereotypes about other people. Could you iron my shirt? Accents can reinforce stereotypes. Do you think women are in a better position now than 50 years ago? I'm sick of doing all the housework. We must try to keep in touch. Come on! Make your mind up. What do men & women really think? (p. insulting resounding beauty products finding highlight public figure collate diet summarise attach importance to /m'sAltin/ /n'zaundin/ /bju:ti 'prodAkts/ /famdin/ /hailait/ /pAblik 'figa/ /ka'leit/ /daiat/ /sAmaraiz/ /atastj im'po:tans be prepared to do sth /bi pn'pead ta du: 114-115) potupné; urážlivé naprostý; zdrcující zkrášlující přípravky závěry; zjištění nejvýznamnější zpráva/událost známá osobnost sebrat; shromáždit dieta; držet dietu shrnout ta/ přikládat důležitost / být ochoten/připraven give the thumbs-up to /giv öa Baitiz 'ap ta/ dát zelenou sth Is it insulting for men to hold doors open for women? Brazil won in a resounding 3-0 victory. Is it OK for men to use beauty products? Look at the following findings from the survey. In your opinion what are the highlights of the survey? Are you interested in the private lives of public figures? Collate the results of the questionnaire. No chocolates for me. I'm trying to diet. Write a report to summarise your findings. Do you attach importance to birthdays? How long would you be prepared to wait for someone on a first date? Women gave the thumbs-up to marriage. UNIT 14-Style/Suitsyou (p. 116-117) baggy /basgi/ neforemný; vyboulený fake /feik/ padělaný; nepravý flowery /flauri/ květovaný glamorous /glasmaras/ atraktivní; fascinující guilty /gilti/ vinen high-heeled /haihhld/ na vysokém podpatku She likes wearing T shirts and baggy trousers. Do you like wearing fake fur? He wore a flowery silk waistcoat. I love glamorous outfits. She's feeling guilty about putting on weight. He gave me a lovely pair of high-heeled boots. doplnkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 25 z 29 leather /lečb/ kůže leopard-print /lepadprmt/ potisk se vzhledem levhartí kůže loose /lu:s/ volný; neutažený loose-fitting /luis'fitin/ volný (o oblečení) odd /Dd/ lichý (číslo); divný original /3'nd3inl/ původní; originální scruffy /skrAfi/ otrhaný; špinavý short-sleeved /fo:t'sli:vd/ s krátkým rukávem silk /silk/ hedvábí; hedvábný stripy /straipi/ pruhovaný; proužkovaný tight /tait/ těsný up-to-date /Apta'deit/ moderní; současný baseball cap /beisbo:l kasp/ baseballová čepice cashmere /kaejmia/ kašmír designer label /di'zama leibl/ značkové oblečení fur /Í3'J kožešina outfit /autfit/ oblečení (pro konkrétní příležitost) polo-neck /paulau 'nek/ rolák scarf /ska:f/ šátek; šála sweatshirt /swetj3:t/ mikina top /tup/ tričko; halenka trainers /tremaz/ sportovní/běžecké boty underwear /Andawea/ (spodní) prádlo waist /weist/ pás/pas (těla) waistcoat /weistkaut/ vesta dress up /dres 'Ap/ nastrojit se; vyfiknout se go off /gau 'üf/ spustit; vybuchnout; vystřelit: zazvonit go with /gau 'wiö/ hodit se k have on /has v 'dii/ mít na sobě jump in /d3Amp 'in/ vrhnout se do; vlítnout do jump out /d3Amp 'aut/ vyskočit z look like /luk 'laik/ vypadat try on /trai 'ün/ vyzkoušet (oblečení) care /kea/ (-about) dbáto fit /fit/ padnout (o oblečení) match /maetJV hodit se k suit /su:t/ slušet; hodit se Close up/Idioms (p. 118-119) check /tjek/ kostkovaný; károvaný cord /ko:d/ manšestrový full-length /fül'lenB/ až na zem (o sukni/kalhotách) nylon /naihm/ nylon off-the-cuff /Df 03 kAf/ bez přípravy; spatra plain /plem/ bez vzoru; jednobarevný shirty /J3ltl/ naštvaný striped /straipt/ pruhovaný accessory /ak'sesan/ doplňky; příslušenství buckle /bAkl/ spona; přezka cardigan /ka:digan/ (pletená) vesta heel /hi:l/ pata; podpatek hem /hem/ lem sleeve /sli:v/ rukáv turn-ups /t3:nAps/ záložky (na kalhotách) v-neck /vi:nek/ výstřih do véčka collar /küb/ (od)chytit; drapnout (koho) buckle down /bAkl 'daun/ máknout; opřít se do (práce) give sb the boot /giv...öa 'bu:t/ dát padáka He's had that leather jacket for years. My favourite thing is my leopard-print coat. She changed into a pair of looser trousers. I like loose-fitting tops. You're wearing odd socks! His clothes are fashionable but original. She had on a scruffy old pair of jeans. He was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt. He wore a flowery silk waistcoat. Gran gave me a lovely stripy scarf. This skirt's too tight. I like wearing up-to-date clothes. He had on a baseball cap with bright orange and pink stripes. The scarf is made of cashmere. Designer labels are expensive. The coat is made of fake fur. That's a smart outfit! Polo-neck sweaters are nice and warm. She wore a stripy cashmere scarf. I always wear jeans and a sweatshirt. Which top shall I wear? Could you lend me a pair of trainers? He put on his underwear and looked in the cupboard. These trousers feel a bit tight round the waist. What a lovely silk waistcoat! Do you like dressing up for special occasions? The alarm usually goes off early. That top doesn't go with those trousers. He was wearing the same clothes that he had on yesterday. I only had time to jump in the shower. She jumped out of the car and ran into the newsagent's. Go and see what you look like in the mirror. I tried on several tops before choosing one. She doesn't care much about fashion. Does that skirt still fit you? Make sure your socks match. That colour really suits you. I like wearing baggy trousers and a check shirt. She wore tight black cord trousers. All the women wore white blouses and black full-length skirts. I don't like wearing nylon shirts. It was just an off-the-cuff remark. He had on a plain green sweater. Don't get shirty. We were only trying to help. Do you like striped shirts? I don't buy many fashion accessories. The belt had a beautiful gold buckle. If you're cold you can borrow my cardigan. These shoes have very high heels. The hem on my dress needs adjusting. Do you prefer wearing short or long sleeves? The trousers had enormous turn-ups. I prefer T-shirts with v-necks. Mike collared me after work and talked for an hour. It's time you buckled down to some work! Bill's been given the boot from work. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 26 z 29 have sth up your sleeve /ha2v...Ap ja 'sli:v/ mít něco schované v rukávu Ask Clare to help — she usually has something up her sleeve. I/he/she etc wouldn't /ai/hi:/fi: wudant bi ani za nic (vzít něco na sebe; I wouldn't be seen dead in a leopard-skin coat! be seen dead in sth si:n být někde) tighten your belt /taitn ja 'belt/ utáhnout si opasky After Christmas we always have to tighten our belts. wear your heart on /wea ja 'ha:t Dn ja mít srdce na dlani She's an emotional girl and tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, your sleeve 'sliiv/ The couple wrote alternate chapters of the book. My Dad's bald. He's tall with broad shoulders. She has a thin face and deep-set eyes. I'm slightly overweight. He's blond with pale skin. Do you like pierced noses? He has a shaved head. You look nice and tanned. She wrongly assumed I was rich. Do you like beards? How many chapters are there in the book? He has a scar above his left eyebrow. Your fingernails are dirty. He has a strong grip when we shake hands. What do you do for a living? She has a long slim neck. How did you get that scar? He had a lot of stubble on his chin. She wrongly assumed I was rich. Say we were meeting for the first time, what would be the first thing you noticed about me? Are first impressions important? I also work in the evenings to make ends meet. She was small and of slim build. We had never set eyes on each other before. We said "hello" and shook hands. Being a rock'n'roll star is very strenuous. I feel thankful to have such a wonderful family. We live in a tiny house in the suburbs. The group went through a period of real extravagance. He put the photo in a frame. Do you like my new hairstyle? I get a lot of satisfaction from my work. I wish you'd spend more time on your schoolwork. Look at that stain on my jacket. We live in the suburbs of Birmingham. Writing songs really gives me a thrill. Have you ever been on a yacht? He worried about not living up to his parents' expectations. We used to charter expensive yachts. What scares you? What you need is a good night's sleep! An old flame invited me to dinner. He's at the peak of his career. I'm all for people enjoying themselves, but they have to be prepared to work hard as well. Do you often go out on the town? First impressions (p ). 120-121) alternate /o:l't3:nat/ každý druhý; střídavý bald /bo:ld/ plešatý broad /bro:d/ široký deep-set /dhp'set/ hluboce posazený; zapadlý overweight /auvaweit/ nadváha; otylý; tlustý pale /peil/ bledý pierced /piast/ propíchnutý; děrovaný shaved /Jeivd/ oholený; vyholený tanned /taend/ opálený wrongly /ronli/ chybně; špatně beard /biad/ vousy; plnovous chapter /tjajpta/ kapitola eyebrow /aibrau/ obočí fingernails /fin ganeilz/ nehty na ruce grip /grip/ sevření; stisk living /livirj/ (do st for a ~) živit se neck /nek/ krk; hrdlo; šíje scar /ska:/ jizva stubble /stAbl/ strniště; strnisko assume /a'sjuim/ domnívat se; předpokládat say /sei/ řekněme first impression /f3:st im'prejn/ první dojem make ends meet /meik endz 'mi:t/ vyjít; vystačit s příjmem of slim/average etc build /av 'slim/a;vrid3 bild/štíhlé/střední postavy set eyes on sb /set 'aiz Dn/ zavadit pohledem shake hands /Jeik hasndz/ podat si ruce; potřást si rukama Ugly/Jon Bon Jovi/Close up (p. 122—125) strenuous /strenjuas/ náročný; vysilující thankful /eaegkfl/ vděčný tiny /tamy/ malý; malinkatý; drobný extravagance /ik'strasvagans/ marnotratnost; rozhazovačnost frame /freim/ rám; konstrukce hairstyle /heastail/ účes satisfaction /sastis'faskjn/ uspokojení schoolwork /sku:lw3:k/ úlohy; příprava do školy stain /stem/ skvrna suburbs /sAb3:bz/ předměstí thrill /Gril/ nadšení; rozechvění yacht /JDt/ jachta live up to /liv 'Ap ta/ dostát; naplnit; žít v souladu s charter /tja:ta/ pronajmout (loď/letadlo) scare /skea/ děsit need a good night's sleep /ni:d a gud naits 'sli:p/ potřebovat se pořádně vyspat an old flame /an auld 'fleim/ bývalá (známost) at the peak of... /at öa 'pi:k av/ na vrcholu be all for /bi: o:l 'fa:/ plně souhlasit s be/go out on the town /bi:/gau aut Dn öa 'taun/ vyrazit si (do města za zábavou) doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 27 z 29 don't look at me /daunt luk at'mi:/ No já to nebyl! (mě neobviňuj) have a month/year /hav a 'mAn8/jiar dát si měsíc/rok pauzu etc out aut/ l/he/she etc would /ai/hi:/fi: wud 'ra:öa/ raději by rather on the road /mi öa 'raud/ na šňůře (o umělcích) "Who's borrowed my make-up?" "Don't look at me." She decided to have a year out and travel. Mum would rather I went round for Sunday lunch than buy her a present. Pop groups spend a lot of time on the road. UNIT 15 - Age/Close up (p. 126-128) adventurous /ad'ventjaras/ anxious /aenkfas/ bare-footed desperate dreadful alternatively sanely sensibly background daisy fall merry-go-round pack finish with be a pain in the neck day after day go bankrupt hour after hour have your moments play hooky take a chance /bea'futid/ /desparat/ /dredfal/ /o:'t3:nativli/ /semli/ /sensabli/ /baskgraund/ /deizi/ /foil/ /mengauraund/ /paek/ /fmij wiö/ /bi: a pern m öa nek/ /dei a:fta 'dei/ /gau 'basnkrApt/ /auar a:ftar 'aua/ /has v ja 'maumants/ /plei 'huki/ /teik a 'tja:ns/ riskující; podnikavý dychtivý; úzkostlivý; naplněny obavami/očekáváním bosý zoufale toužit po hrozný; strašný; strašlivý nebo; jinak soudně; rozumně s rozumem; moudře pozadí; prostředí; původ sedmikráska padat; AmE podzim kolotoč krabička; balíček skoncovat to (např. vztah) otrava; (He's ~) Fakt mě štve. den za dnem zbankrotovat neustále; pořád mít světlé okamžiky chodit za školu AmE riskovat; risknout to Be more adventurous! She's anxious about the future. The children were running around bare-footed. I'm desperate to stop smoking. He's a dreadful tennis player. Ring today! Alternatively, you can ring tomorrow. He has always lived sanely. Try to behave sensibly! Tell us about your family background. The field was full of daisies. Leaves fall from the trees in the fall. Do you want a ride on the merry-go-round? He smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day. He's very upset — Gina's finished with him. Don't be such a pain in the neck! He sits in the house alone, day after day. Sadly, his business went bankrupt. Hour after hour she would sit and watch people pass by. I've certainly had my moments! We used to play hooky when we were kids. You should take more chances! Act your age/Close astonished disastrous existence fulfilling impressed lower traumatic upper vital conveniently harshly ageism ageist faith issue liar has done a lot of living mess pile power cut racism sexism shopkeeper turning-point come out with blame act your age up (p. 129-130) /a'stDni/t/ /di'za:stras/ /ig'zistans/ /ful'fihn/ /im'prest/ /laua/ /troi'mastik/ /Apa/ /vaitl/ /kan'vhnianthV /ha:Jli/ /eid3izam/ /eid3ist/ /feiG/ /iju:/ /laia/ /haz dAn a lüt av 'livin/ /mes/ /pail/ /paua kAt/ /reisizam/ /seksizm/ /Jüpki:pa/ /t3:ninpomt/ /kAm 'aut wiö/ /bleim/ /askt jar 'eid3/ užaslý nešťastný; katastrofální život (v negativním kontextu) uspokojující; naplňující (be ~) zapůsobit; ohromen nižší traumatický horní životně důležitý pohodlně; příhodně nelítostně; krutě diskriminace starých lidí osoba diskriminující staré lidi víra záležitost; problém lhář prožít si toho hodně potíže; brynda (srovnaná) hromada výpadek proudu rasismus diskriminace podle pohlaví obchodník zvrat; rozhodující okamžik vyrukovat s něčím vinit; obviňovat chovat se přiměřeně věku She looked astonished when she saw us. She told him about her disastrous existence. They had an enjoyable fulfilling relationship. He was impressed by her exciting lifestyle. Is there a lower age limit for leaving home? It was a deeply traumatic experience. Is there an upper age limit for getting married? I lost a vital document when the computer crashed. She had conveniently forgotten my name. Don't judge people so harshly! Ageism is prejudice against older people. i Are you an ageist? She had lost faith in men. Why does age have to be such a big issue? Don't be such a liar! She had done a lot of living for someone so young. She got into a mess through lying about her age. The passport was hidden under a pile of papers. There was a power cut and all the lights went out. Racism is prejudice against people from a different race. Sexism is unfair treatment of women. The shopkeeper gave me too much change. My 40th birthday marked a turning-point in my life. He came out with a lot of excuses as to why he hadn't finished his home work. I can only blame myself if the relationship goes wrong. You're too old for computer games — act your age! doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate be on your mind come clean early on for once in case the other way round mean look young for your age the sky fell in /bi: Dn ja 'maind/ /kAm 'kli:n abaut/ /3:li 'Dn/ /fa 'wAns/ /in 'keis/ trápit; sužovat (~ about) kápnout božskou záhy pro jednou pro případ; kdyby náhodou obráceně /its öi AÖa wei 'raund/ /aiv bm 'mimin ta/ mít V Úmyslu /luk 'jAn fa jar eid3/ vypadat na svůj věk mladě /öa 'skai fel m/ že se zboří svět What would you bearded offensive ridiculous unpaid aisle cheque counter do face-lift rebel taboo trolley queue up turn out beg lick regret shuffle lose touch not only that... pay a fortune think nothing more about sth up and down have done?/Sweet sixteen /biadid/ /a'fensiv/ /n'dikjulas/ /Anpeid/ /ail/ /tjek/ /kaunta/ /du:/ /feishft/ /rebl/ /ta'bu:/ /troll/ /kju: 'Ap/ /t3:n 'aut/ /beg/ /lik/ /n'gret/ /jAfl/ /lu:z tAtJ/ /nut aunli 'oast/ /pei a 'fo:tJu:n/ /8mk nAÖin mo: a'baut/ /Ap an 'daun/ (p. 132-133) vousatý pohoršlivý; nepřístojný směšný; absurdní nezaplacený ulička (např. mezi sedadly) šek pult večírek (BrE) kosmetická operace obličeje rebel tabu nákupní vozík stát ve frontě; postavit se do fronty dopadnout žebrat lízat litovat šourat se; štrachat se přestat se stýkat/volat si apod. nejen to zaplatit celé jmění nemyslet si o tom nic; nemít podezření sem a tam; křížem krážem UNIT 16 (Review) compassionate /kairťpasjanat/ soucitný juicy /d3u:si/ šťavnatý; pikantní (např. restful /restfl/ uklidňující; pokojný spontaneous /sprm'temias/ spontánní steady /stedi/ stálý; věrný unpredictable /Anpn'diktabl/ nepředvídatelný even number /i:vn 'nAmba/ sudé číslo fine /fain/ pokuta helmet /helmat/ helma; ochranná přilba ID /ai'di:/ průkaz totožnosti mankind /masn'kamd/ lidstvo sin /sin/ hřích space mission /speis mijn/ vesmírný let stupidity /stju:'pidati/ idiotství; hloupost terrace /teras/ terasa; řada domů as you go along /az ja gau a'lürj/ jak život věci přináší head back /hed 'bask/ vyrazit zpět cope /kaup/ poradit si s (with) fix /fiks/ připevnit; opravit relive /ri:'liv/ znovu zažít strana 28 z 29 I could tell that something was on his mind. Isn't it time you came clean about your age? Early on she decided she really liked him. For once I had found someone I really liked. She was frightened of inviting her friends in case one of them said something about her age. A man who has a younger partner is admired, but for a woman it's the other way round. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. Doesn't she look young for her age? I thought the sky would fall in when I told him I dyed my hair. A bearded man sat on the pavement begging. A taboo subject is one that people find offensive or embarrassing. She looked ridiculous in a short skirt. Her bag was full of unpaid shopping. People pushed trolleys up and down the aisles. He gave her a cheque for L5,000. She just put one tin of cat food on the counter. My friend had bought the dress for a special do. Would you ever have a face-lift? He was a bit of a rebel at university. A taboo is a subject that is embarrassing or offensive. We put our shopping in the trolley. Everyone was queueing up to pay. The meal turned out well. They saw an old man begging in the street. The cat licked the chicken. I regretted not telling her the truth. The old woman shuffled up and down the aisle. It would be a shame to lose touch. The colour didn't suit her. Not only that, but she looked silly in a short skirt. We paid a fortune for those tickets! I thought nothing more about it until I saw them together the following day. Shoppers walked up and down the aisles. He's kind and compassionate. . drb) Is there any juicy gossip? We enjoyed the quiet restful atmosphere. Do you like people who are spontaneous? He's the steady reliable type. She can be a bit unpredictable. 2, 4, 6, 8 etc are even numbers. I had to pay a L250 fine. Always wear a helmet when riding a bike. Do you have to carry ID cards in Britain? Landing on the moon was a great moment in the history of mankind. Greed and envy are sins. Would you like to go on a space mission? I couldn't believe her stupidity! The slopes of the valley were divided into terraces. I never plan everything — I just decide what to do as I go along. It's time we were heading back. How would you cope if you had to live abroad? He's good at fixing things. We relived the holiday again and again. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na Inside Out Intermediate strana 29 z 29 blow your nose have your hair cut in total turn your back on with a bit of luck /blau ja 'nauz/ /hasv ja 'hea kAt/ /in 'tautl/ /t3:n ja 'bask mi/ /wiö a bit 3V 'Uk/ (vy)smrkat (se) Is it true that you shouldn't blow your nose in public in Japan? nechat se ostříhat You've had your hair cut — it looks lovely! celkem I took about 50 photos in total. obrátit se k někomu zády (i It's rude to turn your back on people! přeneseně) při troše štěstí With a bit of luck, we should be home in an hour. doplňkové materiály pro učitele na