A.TUCAPSKY 1.TRISTIS EST ANIMA MEA S.A.T.B., A CAPPELLA $0.60 A.Tučapský Five Lenten Motets S.A.T.B., a cappella • No. 1 — Tristis est anima mea No. 2 — Pater mi No. 3 — Filiae Jerusalem No. 4-Eli,Eli * No„5 — Patermeus l/f í 185 /8 t xXk% m'n* •&yJA*\■-,' Suŕ. / ' f' ■'fcüDMQ'L.J.t'.^ g e.a ke(byitd, tqronto Duration: 2'00' Památce mých rodičů (In memory of my paren ts ) FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappella 1. Tristis est anima mea Andante J? legatissimo Soprano Alto Tenor Bass (for rehearsal, only) ANTONIN TUCAPS, I." ' ' I I I | ~ | I us - que ad mor - tem, as though death had come for me, izz P 3? fpS ~0 m us - que, us - as though death, as though cresc. Tri - stis est a - ni - ma Deep is the sad - ness in 18578 © 1982 by E. C. KERB Y Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured cresc. £ B9^ mf que ad_ mor death, as though death. W^T^TTT^^ tem;. had come; mf me - a ad. mor _ tern, m/pmy_soui as though death _ had come cresc. ž^m Tri - stis est_ a - n i sue/? as though death __ ^ ma P me tad 35E É=g^=gi tri' - stis est in my soul, m my soul,. Ö Č==P a, come; a - ni - ma c/eep is the f f liJ^~> |V---j«---y Tri - stis Deep is the est sad ni - ma ness, deep is the a - ni - ma me deep is the sad iNp^ a - ni - ma deep is the -e- me sad =6^* 1 ■ IJ |M-I= m a 'us - que ad mor ness, such as though death tern;. had come; IPV-^ a us - que ad mor ness, such as though' death. tern; . had come; a us ness, sad que, us - que ad mor ness, such as though death tem;. had come; me ,sad a # a us ness, sad que, us - que ad mor ness, such as though death tern; had come; 18578 &^- p m. f- Ü=iä^ "m =JJ J lir su-sti-ne - te hic, ep watch here with me, '/n/p su-sti-ne - te hic, keep watch here with me, _________mf~ W^U J J J v í Í su-sti-ne - te hie, keep watch here with me, trig) hie, ^^^g^F^ with me, mf-----= m m su-sti-ne - te hie, keep watch here with me, U t '■ su-sti-ne - te keep watch here with su-sti-ne - te hic, keep watch here with me, ------ su-sti-ne - te keep watch here with \'Zr> PP # i MĚ P 8 hic, me, 5ŽEŠE hic, me, su-sti-ne - te hie, re-main here with me su-sti-ne - te hie, re-main here with me Ě et . and et _ and m r sc í vi - gi - la - te _ let us pray to PF^ vi - gi - la te -f. let us pray, /hic , V- su-sti-ne - te su-sti-ne - te re -main here, ah! Re -main here witlf me . V su-sti-ne - te su-sti-ne - te re -main here, ah! Re - main here with hie me 18578 ~m «j me geth cum, er # e - < i —\- Jr* J J- S ^ et ví - gi - Ja - te me and let us pray to - geth _____ i dim. cum,. er,— He^^^ et vi-gi-la - te me and let us pray to - geth 3& cum, er. et vi-gi-la - te, et vi-gi-la - te Ah J Re-main here with me, re-main here with 3fe ^ m ______:________________________________dim. et vi-gi-la - te, et vi-gi-la -te, et vi-gi-la -te me and let us pray.------ Ah! Re-main here with me, re-main here with me v r w and í et vi-gi-la - te me and let us pray to - geth ^ g^ps cum, er, me let cum, us, et vi-gi-la - te let us pray to. 8 cum, pray. et_ Ah! WVn 'ľ "I -------^— vi-gi-Ja^Tte me —Re-máTnhere with me, with cum. me. . ^ me geth "TP" \ *\ et Z2T z: cum, /j et vi-gi-la - te me -er, ah! Re-main here with me, n ř > _ cum, here f^ me - cum.. vv/i/7 me. 18578 Printed in Canada Památce mých rodičů (in memory of my parents ) FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappella Duration: 2' 10' ANTONIN TUCAPSKY 2 Pater mi Moderato 18678 © 1982 by E. C. KERB Y Ltd., Toronto international Copyright Secured ca lix pa Fa trans - i - re,_________ drink - ing this bit - ter chal - ice, , Pocofy i '------------<-----------------1—i------------i— ter, si non po-test hic ther, de - liv - er me, my -a—\~m—v šfeS ca drink - ing ----- hiC CR - ÍIY trznc - I ■ —z —......-___________ bit - ter chal - ice, ' —pocof pa - .ter, si non po-test hic Fa - ther, de - liv - er me, my hic ca- Jix trans - i - re this bit - ter chal - ]Ce, Ěsfcég^fe^ si non po-test hic ca de - liv - er me, my Fa !ix,_ ther,. ------ --'------ "- «v - <_, me, my ra - me -—~._______ ,.—^ iCZ ~~poco ŕ m m. m — ' _ ^ si non po-test hic ca - '"/ö Um esr i-t-»*-. -«. , r_ 1 ca - lix Fa - ther, trans - i - re, de - liv - er ■**$ ľo m •& ni-si bi - bam il but if it must be drunk, ca - lix trans - i ^ - re, Fa - ther, de - liv - er %~ 1 Fi - li - ae Je-ru-sa-lem, no - li - te fle - resu-perme Daugh-ters of Je-ru-sa-lem, for me do notweep,do not cry; '»'m' r sed su - per j p but for your - (for rehearsal only) VOS I selves do weep,. zP- S e f 0 0-------*- Ml ip - sas fle - te for your—selves do weep- et su - per .ancLaL.__ca- sed su - per vos. -but for your- selves do weep, í ^ fi - li - OS for your sons, TT^0~7m-. ip - sas fle - te for your— selves do weep et su - per mfand al-so ~-___ii____ a sed su - per vos_______________ ip - sas but for your - selves do weep,___g}_ for your - selves do 'weep et su - per and al - so 3 < i 18778 © 1982 by E. C. KERBY Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured i i m m *«■ r í: f*. 4 Jsi? J._ * f r ŕ r?ŕ i- í T=5P P ^3= fle - te, do__weep, ves -tros in — deed, m sed__ in- deed, f, su-per in-deed, vos. for. ip - sas your - selves % É ^=fe: SĚĚ /V. N ^ / w P 3= ľEz s - :* ves -tros in—deed, fle - te, do__weep, l ** sed. in-deed, f _ su-per in-deed, vos. for. ip - sas yourselves r j y f ijvjfff -f r h^ -r?- P «j fi - li - OS----- for your sons,. ve - tros your__sons, sed__ su-per in - deed, in - deed, f vos____ ip - sas for____your—selves, é te Ě *s fcESE P S ^ w r ;\ fi - li - os__. for your sons, ves - tros your__sons, sed in - deed, su - per in - deed, vos. for. ip - sas . your- selves, J, ^=fr ^ ä t r 7""r č i «j fle - te et___ su-per fi - li-os ves - tros, wo-men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your___ sons, fi - li - os for your sons, ves wo- - tros. ■men,weep. ±- ^m pä J2l. Ft? i') J ! ^ 22 —&----- tros. weep. Ü fle - ' te et— su-per fi - li - os ves - tros, wo - men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your___ sons, fi - li - os for your sons, ves do É ^ m £ ě ''f f 1 -"C-T f: £ 5 3 fle - te et __ su - per fi - li - os ves - tros, fi - li - os wo - men, do cry, in-deed, in-deed, and for your___sons, for your sons. í=í 3f r ri) p p fle - te et___ su - per fi - li - os ves - tros, fi - li - os wo-men, do cry, in-deed, in -deed, and for your— sons, 'for your sons 18778 4 Ě *4^ Libero tm=ez J- :.r ^^ rTN •Tempo I tj l f T p- Quo-ni-am ec-ce ve-ni-ent di - es, For, behold, the days are ap - proach - ing. Libero o o o« 3E: S in - qui-bus di - cent: when— íhey vv/7/_ say: /V' PFy e —r-1—i— Be-a - tae Bless'd be the ^H-------l_ Be- a - tae Bless'dbe the P WW^ Be - a - tae BI ess'd be the Tempo I k—1_ 1 «j ) ste - ri - les, bar - ren, ^ ste - ri -les, bar . ren, ^ m ij s ste - ri - les, bar - ren, _____ P k\. -*—0-----m- m bVu ~taLe LSíe " n"~ ,eS et ven * tres Qu] non ee^nu- Diessdbe the bar - ren whose wombs^ whose wombs have^ne-ver ■ »" m -mh TÉ—r y±z4^-4- be - a - tae ste - ri - les bless'dbe the bar - ren m et ven - tres qui non whose wombs, whose wombs have 5 '* * lac ■¥: be - a - tae ste - ri - les. f 1^-T^p^ et ven - tres qui non bless'd be the bar - ren------ whose wombs, whose wombs have -a-. Be--a-tae ste - ri - les, be - a - tae ste - ri - les et qui non Bless d be the bar - ren, bless'dbe the bar - renwhose_ wombs have [2(3 L- , i r--------1 i—-i 18778 ní. A tempo mf K) S ■+ + e giv'n runt, birth, -y- TZx t=t ^g^=^ >' if be-a-tae ste-ri-les, be-'a - tae ste-ri-les b/ess'c/be the bar _ ,en, 6/eS5ybe ^ £ n_ ™ ^^^^m *■ Trr^ TP, T qui non ge-nu - e nev . er_ giv'n runt, be - a - tae ste - rí - les, be - a - tae ö'^; bless'dbe the bar - ren bless'dbe the •|2S?A tempo t; i / 5 *^=^ =fc ^ et u - be-ra quae non lac-ta - ve wnose Dreasts nev - er gave suck, nev - er gave ^ §= et u - be-ra quae whose breasts nev-er gave runt, suck, non suck, lac - ta - ve - runt, nev - er gave suck, ~7 et u - be-ra quae non whose breasts nev-er gave suck, lac - ta - ve - runt, nev . er gave suck, =íj*= -0- t ~7—r be - a - tae, be they bless'd, ~i* "m- be - a - tae, be they bless'd, be - a - tae, be they bless'd s^e - ri - les pt ĺ. bar _ ron, ľ lU " be_ra quae non !ac-ta-ve - runt, be - a - tae, ren whose breasts nev - er gave suck, nev - er gave suck, be they bless'd £3 r^ 18778 6 m 33: ESO Libero 'M mi O J* Jf 4 j ^ o Tunc in - ci - pi-ent di-ce-re mon - ti -bus-Then some w/7/ start to ask of the moun - tains: ^ ^3 tv IS Ov be - a - tae! be they ___ bless'd! 3t ^ 1 ; ::*' -c be - a be they o tae! bless'd! — CT' l£=T=tE ■ľ 4. RF v be - a be they ^^ taei bless'd! ^ ^ be - a - tae be they — b/ess'ď "Ca - di "Fall, moun -» — KJ te su-per nos," et col - Ii-bus: "O-pe-ri - tl tarns, fall on us, and of the hills: "Cov-er us, cov- ^ ■t - i i . m y. ==r -» — "Ca - di - te / "Fall on us. su-per nos, fall on us". "O-pe-ri - ti "Cov ■ er us a 8 i 1—4 "Ca - di - te y "Fall on us. su-per nos, fall on us", "O-pe-ri-t f "Cov- er us a. k gp^£ "Ca - di - te f "Fall on u£, su-per nos, fall on us", "O-pe-ri - "Cov - er us ar h zw^E. -^ m r" "Ca - di - té Tempo I "Fall -on .us, su-per nos,' fall on us", i—"1 "O-pe-ri- t( 'Cov ■ er us ar, 8778 Meno mosso nos."_ Qui - a Si non vi bu-ryus." For if, when the tree J — *—Jr T ri - di is green, fi - gno haec fa - ci-unt, -things such as these are done,. nos." — bu -ry us." m ^^hegJreeTgŕL, ' J gr£n. Jigs" ISV^JseVJrEr a nos."__ bu-ry us." § ľľ^a- ^ P ?nľtf A"™ ľ " ri:di ü - g^haec ror jf, the tree_ be - ing still green, things such as, ifrf ^rnrP nos."_ bu -ry us." a ~ ^ Meno mosso •<» i--------- =S * J*- P Qui-a si non vi-ri-di Ií-gno haecf«i-unt It, the tree is green, the tree is green, such as these when - - L- XP\ ^0=*^ in___ a what are they m ^ ri - d°/ in a - ri-do quid fi to do^ what, when the wood will be P, . ,: /et? | ldry?\ ZM=± *.U * in. what are they___ to__ do,. t T*-^ r SP * > » in. *—ir do quid fi et? do^whenjhe wood,__when the wood,__will be dry? ■SP— in. m =Ä=S a - ri - do, — in___ zee et? «,rh C'~Uiľt' in— a-ri" do _ quid fi - et such as these, what are they to do-whe en the wood will I n 331 fi i>e et? -: dry?' 18778 sucr, ÍXcP , Z'\— jf " n " ao------in— a - ri - do quid fT finese, what are they to do,whenthewood,when_thewood,whenthewood is dry? • ■P~ ===—PP } Printed in Canoda Památce mých rodičů (In memory of my parents J Duration: 2'DO" FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappella 4 B, Eli ANTONÍN TUCAPSKÝ Soprano Alto Tenor Bass (for rehearsal only) mp—i. 18873 © 1982 by E. C. KERBY Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured j? f=r *j =£ IP m ^# ^ lam - ma sa mf bac ta ni. m fj ^ g ■p g^# lam - ma sa bac ta ni. #^¥ S ě=íě *= ■^ -m n lam -ma sa - bac - ta - ní, sa - bac - ta P ^m ni. 18878 o co jZgJ sempře m o 3 ^—' 'r-i De - us me - us,. Fa - the r, Fa - the r. P ^ &- rJ* &\ ,mf «~ n =*S- ^ =W—ŕ-^- ii - qui - síi me, _Jhr^_sak - en me, f f ■£= "4- S I Ü n fe3S ut quid de-re - li - qui - sti why hast thou- for - sak -. enJ. í J á í ?S= =í íz± De - us me Fa - tber, Fa PFf us. . ther.. S A .£. É f ^. T é^m * ľ U-J me, me, ■ t r- í< De - us me Fa - ther, Fa. r *z+±- us. ther. $ ac kerby ltd. ■""%-. 198 DAVENPORT ROAD | TORONTO, ONTARIO » CANADA M5R 1J2 - Tel.:(416)922 9934 CB-) ^E 18878 Printed in CanOi Památce mých rodičů ( In memory of my parents) FIVE LENTEN MOTETS for Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices, a cappeila Duration: 2' 15" ANTONÍN T U CAPS K Y Soprano Andante tranquillo 2> 5. Pater meus ^^^^^^m Tenor (for rehearsal only) 13978 © 1982 by E. C. KER8Y Ltd., Toronto International Copyright Secured com - men - do Spi / now de - liv n - tum er my me spir um. it. com - men - do Spi / now de - liv ■+- PP ^ i 8 m nf ri - tum er my_ r me spij_ um. it. ~dim. m TT tu keep mf as /ng com - men - do spi - ri - tum / now de - liv - er my me spir m ů r»rr r '* in _ ma - nus /n - to thy tu keep - as. ''ng com- men - do /___ now de spir liv urn. it. P^ ri - turn er my É Un poco animato nvp- É Con-sum-ma-tum est. Now has come the end. TTVp # ^ ^ Ff 5rr ir8- TTVp' Con-sum-ma-tum est. Now has come the end. OTy- 3^P x Con-sum-ma-tum est. Now has come the end. TTVp wm fe Con-sum-ma-tum Now has comejhe_ div. ™f'. mm m # ^ me- urn. sp/r - ;'ř. Con-sum-ma tum est. Now has come the end. Un poco animato Con-sum-ma-tum Now has come the 18978 á ££ I m m mf ■ \P F Hfř con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come tlie end ^^H con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. est, end, nx :m est end. ĺj* r r 'r í con-sum-ma-tum est,' now has come the end, con - sum - ma - turn now has come the m con-sum-ma-tum est, now has come the end, ľ r ' f1 r -ri: na-rum e«. con-süm - m; m - ma - tum now has come the 2f sostenuto m con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. g con-sum-ma-tum est.; now has come the end.. 2 = ,UP-J Molto tranquillo Pa Fa SP Pa Fa HP ter fher, ter ther, > :dc 2± est,. end, con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. P~ est,. end. rrw con-sum-ma-tum est. now has come the end. sostenuto ¥ Pa Fa unis. JZ£D 3= O Pa Fa ter ther, ter tner, ^ Molto tranquillo 18978 ! m i-------S— in ma - nus tu in -to thy keep as com-men -do / now de - J * 0 m ma - nus tu in -to thy keep com - men - do / now de - me - -us, Fa - ther. in ma-nus tu - as_ in - to thy keep - ing _ com - men - do I now de g^Eg S ž ± -* **. ÉiĚÉ in ma - nus tu - as in - to thy keep -ing 1 spi liv KJ 8 Spi liv ,, spi er my spir_ n - tum me Jt, my spir urn. it. n-turn, spi - ri-tum me er my spir - it, my spir - urn. /í-. com - men - do spi / now de _ //v n - tum me -er my spir - it. T8978 Printed in Cnnnrln Antonín Tučapský - Pět postních motet i. Smutná je duše má až k smrti. Zůstaňte zde a bděte se mnou! 2. Otče můj, nemůžeš-li ode mne odejmout tento kalich, aniž bych jej pil, buď vůle tvá. 3. Dcery jeruzalémské, neplačte nade mnou. Plačte samy nad sebou a nad svými syny. Neboť hle, přijdou dny, kdy řeknou: Blahoslaveny neplodné a životy, které nerodily, a prsy, které nekojily. Tehdy řeknou horám: „Padněte na nás" a pahrbkům: „Přikryjte nás", neboť děje-li se toto na stromě zeleném, co se bude díti na suchém? 4. Bože můj, Bože můj, proč jsi mě opustil? 5. Otče můj, do rukou tvých poroučím ducha svého. Dokonáno jest!