Introduction to Special Needs Terminology 1. What senses does a healthy person use? __________________ ___________________ __________________ ___________________ ____________________ 2. Find Czech equivalents to the following expressions: special needs education students with special educational needs special teacher/educator special schools hearing impairment/disability visual impairment/disability intellectual/mental impairment/disability physical impairment/disability/(handicap) speech (-language) impairment/disability multiple handicap specific learning difficulties/disabilities behavioural and emotional difficulties sensory disabilities (involving sight/hearing) mild moderate profound/severe A person with ... a hearing impairment ________________________ a visual impairment ________________________ a intellectual impairment is called ________________________ a physical impairment ________________________ a speech impairment _______________________ 3. Put each of the illnesses under the appropriate cathegory: hearing impairment visual impairment intellectual/mental impairment ________________ ________________ ________________________ ________________ ________________ ________________________ physical impairment speech impairment multiple handicap ________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ ________________ Down syndrom stammering / stuttaring glaucoma multiple sclerosis deafblindness damage of hearing cells dysarthria cerebral palsy damage of the auditory nerve near-sightedness/ far-sightedness 4. Have a look at the pictures. What aids help the people to overcome their handicap? white cane crutches wheel chair sign language the Braille (system) tactile maps wheel chair lift cochlear implant Picture showing fingers moving over a tactile map. A B C D E F G H Class discussion: 1) Do you have any personal experience of meeting and helping a person with some kind of impairment? 2) What do you think are the most difficult things to do/ situations to deal with when you are a) a visually impaired person b) a hearing impaired person c) a physically impaired person? 3) What is your opinion on the relationship of the impaired people and the mainstream intact population in the Czech Republic? Do you agree that the position of people with different handicaps in the Czech Republic is equal in the area of working opportunities, education, free-time activities and the overall quality of their life?