Angličtina pro pedagogy A SZ7BP_1AB1 Spring semester 2010 Course Introduction Organisation of Language Education at the Faculty of Education n Compulsorily-optional subjects: n Bachelor’s programme: level B1(=PET) n Angličtina pro pedagogy A (spring, 1 hour a week, 1 credit, „zápočet“) n Angličtina pro pedagogy B (autumn, 1 hour a week, 3 credits, exam) n Master’s programme: level B2 (=FCE) n Angličtina pro pedagogy C (autumn, 2 hours a week) n Angličtina pro pedagogy D (spring, 2 hours a week) Angličtina pro pedagogy A: General Information n Prerequisite: Entrance test A2 n Developing language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening n Grammar revision + vocabulary extension n Focus on topics related to EDUCATION Syllabus n W 1: Introductory class n W2 - 4 n Education in the CR compared with other systems. n Revision of present simple + continuous, past simple + continuous, prepositions of time and place. n W5 - 7 n Psychological development. Growing up with focus on adolescence. n Revision of present perfect simple + continuous, expressing „future“ in English. n W 8 - 10 Mid-term test n Interpersonal relations. Who knows you better? n Revision of adjectives – personal qualities, comparatives, superlatives. n W11-13 n Non-verbal communication. n Revision of modals. n W14: Credit test (grammar, vocabulary, expressing opinion). Literature & Materials n English-Czech dictionary for classes n Vacek, Hendy: Analýza odborného anglického textu, MU Brno, 2006. n IS: Studijní materiály n Učební materiály=>Dvořáková=> Education… n (+ complete syllabus + requirements) Credit requirements q Attendance (min. 80% = max. 2 absences) q Active participation in classes q Completed in-term assignments (homework, 2 reading comprehension sheets) q Meeting all deadlines! q Oral mini-presentation (W 4) q Mid-term test (W 8) (passing limit 50%; if the student doesn’t pass the test for 50% or he/she doesn’t sit the test, then he/she needs to achieve 70% to pass the final test) q Credit test (W 14) q The student who has not completed continuous assessment and all the requirements during the particular semester can not be credited! Credit test n Structure n A) Grammar part n B) Thematic part n Vocabulary n Understanding a piece of an unknown text – key words, summary, expressing personal opinion n Passing limit – 65% Language support n Libraries: n Faculty of Education, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Social Studies… n Knihovna Centra jazykového vzdělávání (CJV) MU, Rektorát Žerotínovo nám., 5th floor, door 555 (dictionaries, video-cassettes, DVDs, magazines…) n English Library, Solniční street, 1st floor (branch of MZK – Kounicova street) Info about the teacher n Mgr. Daniela Dvořáková n Office: building C, door P12 n Office hours: n Thursdays n Email: