Key to Exercises UNIT 62 62.1 2 'I doubt it' is also possible. 3 I hope so. 4 I suppose so. 5 I think so. 6 Yes, I hear (that) she is. ('So I hear' is also possible; see E) 7 I guess so. 8 He says so. 9 I promise (that) 1 will. 10 I'm sure (that) you will. 62.2 2 ...he said not. 3 ...I suppose not. or ...I don't suppose so. 4 I don't think so. ("1 think not' would be rather formal here.) 5 1 don't expect so. ('I expect not' is also possible, but rather formal. It also expresses a more definite belief that Alex will not be staying.) 6 I suspect not. 7 It doesn't appear so. or It appears not. 8 I assume not. 9 ...I didn't say so. 62.3 2 Yes, they are. 3 Yes, it has. or So it has. 4 Yes, you did. 62.4 Possible answers 2 So I understand. 3 So I gather. 4 So it appears. 5 So he tells me. UNIT 63 63.1 2 She was asked to teach more classes, and was happy to do so. 3 My French hosts gave me snails to eat, but I did so very reluctantly. 4 The company wanted to build a dam on the site, but they were prevented from doing so by local opposition. 5 All EU countries agreed to implement the new regulations on recycling plastic, but so far only Finland and Austria have done so. 6 The water freezes in the cracks in rocks, and as it does so it expands. 63.2 1 do so 2 do (not "do so ; habitual action) 3 doing so 4 do (not 'do so ; 'enjoy' refers to a state) 5 does so 6 do (not 'do so ; 'smell' refers to a state) 7 do (not 'do so ; habitual action) 8 did so 63.3 2 such research 3 such claims 4 such a project 5 such destruction 6 such tactics 63.4 Example answers 2 ...into research of this kind. 3 like this (or these) ... 4 ...this kind of project... 5 ...this sort of destruction... 6 ...these tactics... UNIT 64 64.1 2 Yes, we should have booked tickets-in advance, or Yes, we should have booked tickets-in advance. 3 Yes, we might be staying in -New Zealand permanently, or Yes, we might be staying in New Zealand permanently. 4 Yes, I'm sure they will nave-been taken by now. or Yes, I'm sure they will have been taken by now. or Yes, I'm sure they will have been -taken by now. 5 No, I haven't-had dinner yet. 6 Yes, I am going to Stevens-party. 7 Yes, I would nave-misscd-tne-train, or Yes, I would have 8 No, I can't see him anywhere. 9 No, he couldn't have been looking, or No, he couldn't have been looking, or No, he couldn't have been looking. 64.2 1 do 2 have (done) 3 does or has ('does' replaces 'he never writes'; 'has' replaces 'he has never written') 4 do 5 (do) 6 hasn't or doesn't 7 is 8 have (done) or did 9 have or do 10 (do) or (be) ('do'replaces'pay for the meal'; 'be' replaces 'be enough to pay for the meal') 64.3 2 would/ might be 3 might/ should (be) 4 should (be) 5 might/ would be 6 should/ would be ('should' without 'be' is also possible, replacing 'says') 7 would/ might be 8 might/ would (be) UNIT 65 65.1 1 b claims to 2 a expected to b expected it to be 3 a used to b used to be 4 a need to be b need to 5 a appeared to b appeared to be 65.2 1 opportunity (to) 2 hated to 3 refused (to) 4 choose to 5 determined (to) 6 deserved to 7 idea (to) 8 delighted (to) 9 prefer to 10 afford to 65.3 1 ...if you like to. 2 / (or'd like to.) 3 ...she doesn't want to. 4 / (or ...if she'd like.) 5 / (or ...where I want to.) 6 ...if you don't want to. (However, 'if you don't want' is sometimes used in colloquial speech) 7 (or ...if they want to.) 8 ...I'd like to very much. 9 like, (''d like to' is also possible) 10 I didn't like to. 11 / (or want.) UNIT 66 66.1 Suggested corrections are given 2 a lone figure or a figure walking alone 3 / 4 a happy/cheerful person or a person who was always glad and smiling 5 his sleeping daughter or his daughter, who was asleep 6 frightened passengers or passengers on board who are afraid 7 ✓ 8 a similar age 9 ✓ 10 The girls, who were sorry for their behaviour, apologised to their teacher, or The girls apologised to their teacher because they were sorry for their behaviour. 66.2 1 a utter/ inevitable b inevitable. 2 a unsafe ('domestic' would only be possible here if we wanted to emphasise that the equipment was for use in the home (i.e. domestic) rather than another kind of equipment) b domestic/ unsafe 3 a educational/ entertaining b educational/ entertaining 4 a serious b serious/ underlying 5 a legal/stupid b legal/ stupid 268 Key to Exercises 66.3 1 all the people concerned 2 As the minister responsible 3 the opposite effect. 4 the apparent approval 5 a responsible adult. 6 the only available room or the only room available 7 the house opposite. 8 and concerned teachers 9 financial advice available UNIT 67 67.1 The most likely answers are given 1 almost/ practically complete 2 a very professional 3 mainly cotton 4 absolutely excellent 5 very clear 6 completely illegal 7 very popular 8 an almost permanent 9 very attractive 10 exclusively/ mainly male 11 very visible 12 mainly/completely/largely underground 67.2 Suggested answers: 2 I'd be incredibly upset. 3 I'd be rather angry. 4 I'd be a bit embarrassed. 5 I'd be extremely annoyed. 67.3 Suggested corrections are given, but others are possible 1 extremely old 2 / 3 absolutely useless 4 very happy 5 'reasonably unique' is unlikely; more likely is, for example, 'almost unique' 6 / 7 ✓ 8 quite small 9 perfectly comfortable 10 ✓ 11 reasonably quiet 12 virtually impossible 13 / 14 really terrible 15 simply awful 16 / 67.4 1 -fas4y/ really 2 really/ fairly (both correct) 3 fairly/ really 4 pretry/ very (both correct) 5 -very/ pretty 6 pretty/-very- 7 really/-fa«4v- 8 really/ very (both correct) 9 pretty/-vefv- 10 fairly/ pretty (both correct) UNIT 68 68.1 The most likely answers are given 2 an empty 8 a critical 3 very late 9 late 4 very critical 10 original 5 a straight 11 very straight 6 false 12 very false 7 very empty 68.2 2 a highly technical b technical 3 a very human b human 4 a largely academic b academic. 5 a private b intensely private 6 a diplomatic b extremely diplomatic 68.3 Possible answers are given 2 ...nice and quiet. 3 ...lovely and soft. 4 ...nice and juicy. 5 ...good and ready. UNIT 69 69.1 2 ...the problems identified, (or ...the identified problems.) 3 Interested visitors... 4 ...the sheet provided. 5 ...with flights included. 6 ...the resulting publicity... (or ...the publicity resulting...) 7 ...any remaining cheese, (or ...any cheese remaining.) 69.2 Some possible participle adjectives are given 1 that achieved/ recorded 2 those grown/ produced 3 those produced/ manufactured 4 that recorded 5 those living 69.3 2 well-resourced 3 nerve-wracking 4 far-reaching 69.4 2 were wide-ranging 3 is clean-shaven 4 eye-catching UNIT 70 70.1 1 to reduce to cheat or cheating knowing to leave to see (or to know) to underestimate or underestimating to open or opening talking earning to resign or resigning to panic turning 9 10 11 12 70.2 1 stupid going or stupid to go 2 confident that he wouldn't get lost 3 / 4 guilty shopping 5 was concerned to learn 6 / 7 / 8 busy drinking 9 was sorry to (have) upset me/ was sorry that he'd upset me ("was sorry for upsetting me' is also possible) 10 wasn't prepared to admit 11 / 70.3 2 It was wonderful to hear such a magnificent performance. 3 It was mean of you to eat all the cake and not leave any for me. 4 It was unreasonable of them to complain about the exam results. 5 It was awkward to get the top off the jar. (or get the top of the jar off.) 6 It was simple to put up the shelves. 7 It was unprofessional of him to criticise the head teacher in front of the staff. 8 It was kind of you to give birthday presents to the children. 70.4 Possible answers are given I It made me furious listening to his lies. 3 It made me sad that we wouldn't be working together again. 4 It made me ashamed to learn how badly we treated immigrants in the 1950s. 5 It made me nervous hearing the dentist's drill as I sat in the waiting room. UNIT 71 71.1 1 repeatedly 2 in/ with despair ('despairingly' is also possible) 3 in/ with anticipation 4 reputedly 5 disappointedly 6 in a relaxed way/ manner/ fashion 7 determinedly 8 in/ with satisfaction ('in a satisfied way/ manner/ fashion' are also possible) 9 in an organised way/ manner/ fashion 10 agitatedly 71.2 I most b mostly short b shortly directly b direct wide b widely highly b high 269 Key to Exercises 71.3 1 / 2 me in a friendly way/ manner/ fashion. 3 / (or ...fine...) 4 ...flatly refused. 5 / ('...very clear' is also possible in informal contexts) 6 ... in a cowardly way/ manner/ fashion... 7 ...justly renowned. 8 ...slowly turned... 9 'thinly' is grammatically correct, but some people would use 'thin' in informal contexts 10 ...loudly applauded... UNIT 72 72.1 1 more scared 2 deeper or more deep (for emphasis) 3 more pretty 4 colder or more cold (for emphasis) 5 stronger 6 more real 7 longer; more winding 8 more naughty 9 more bored 10 harder 11 truer or more true (for emphasis) 12 more right 72.2 1 more useless 2 more complex 3 more clever or cleverer (more usual) 4 more exciting 5 more wealthy or wealthier (more usual) 6 more worried 7 more recent 8 more pleasant or pleasanter (more usual) 9 more dirty or dirtier (more usual) 10 more powerful 11 more alert 72.3 'the' can be left out in 2, 4 and 5. 72.4 1 in 2 of 3 of 4 in or of (both are possible) 5 in UNIT 73 73.1 2 The Downtown Hotel is not such a pleasant place to stay as the Strand Hotel, or The Downtown Hotel is not as pleasant a place to stay as the Strand Hotel. 3 The President's address to the nation is as important a speech as he is ever likely to make in his career. 4 It wasn't such a big problem as I first thought, or It wasn't as big a problem as I first thought. 5 Theresa's dog is as ferocious an animal as I've ever seen. 6 She's not such a fluent Greek speaker as she claims to be. or She's not as fluent a Greek speaker as she claims to be. 73.2 1 as many as 5 as little as 2 as few as 6 as few as 3 as much as 7 as little as 4 As many as 8 as much as 73.3 2 + a Her handwriting was so untidy as to be nearly illegible. 3 + e The bookcase was so heavy as to be almost impossible to move. 4 + c The CD was so badly scratched as to be unplayable. 5 + f The plot of the novel was so complicated as to be completely incomprehensible. 6 + b The difference between the results was so small as to be insignificant. 73.4 1 How serious an injury 2 as serious as 3 bad enough to 4 S or not as fit as 5 not such a good player as or not as good a player as 6 go so far as to say 7 sufficiently well or well enough 8 as speedy a recovery as possible UNIT 74 74.1 1 I expect Sue to win the race easily. 2 He regretted missing the concert greatly, or He greatly regretted missing the concert. 3 I secretly hated playing the piano... (more likely than i hated playing the piano secretly, although my parents thought I loved it.' This would mean that my parents thought I loved playing the piano secretly.) 4 He calmly started to walk across... or He started to walk calmly across... 5 She kindly offered to do the work. 6 Ray hurriedly finished speaking and sat down, or Ray finished speaking hurriedly and sat down. 7 I simply don't remember putting it down. 8 We look forward to hearing from you soon. 9 They deliberately tried to ignore me. or They tried to ignore me deliberately. 10 I don't pretend to understand the instructions completely. 74.2 2 She waited nervously until her name was called, (manner + time) 3 The road climbed steeply through the mountains, (more likely than ...through the mountains steeply) (manner + place) 4 As a punishment she had to be at school early for the next two weeks, (adverb + prepositional phrase; both time) 5 As I left, I locked the door securely, (object + adverb) 6 We're travelling around Australia during the summer, (place + time) 7 The house is by the river, just downstream from the bridge, (adverb + prepositional phrase; both place) 8 She was able to describe accurately the exact details of the house where she had lived as a baby, (adverb + long object) 9 In hospital she had to lie for a week with her right leg suspended in mid air. (time (short) + manner (long)) 10 He swam rapidly for a few minutes and then got out of the pool, (manner + time) 11 If you leave now, you should be at home by nine o'clock, (place + time) 12 They enjoyed themselves immensely at the party, (object + manner + place) 74.3 2 / or Next, vigorously beat the eggs in a small bowl. (Both of these are more likely than Next, beat the eggs in a small bowl vigorously). 3 I thought I'd securely locked the luggage, or 1 thought I'd locked the luggage securely. 4 I stopped playing tennis regularly... (more likely) 5 / or Rafter was beaten easily in the final./ Rafter was beaten in the final easily. 6 She always brings sandwiches from home. 7 No, they moved away last year. 8 The local residents welcomed warmly the decision... or The local residents warmly welcomed the decision... 9 / UNIT 75 75.1 2 a I was brought up to earn money honestly... b Honestly, I'm perfectly capable of putting up the shelf myself. 3 a She admitted frankly... b Frankly, I went to sleep during his lecture... 270 Key to Exercises 4 a Seriously, I don't know what I'd have done... b 1 tried to speak seriously to him... 5 a Clearly, he wants me to take the job. b I'd had very little sleep the night before and was having difficulty thinking clearly. 6 a Plainly, he was feeling ill at ease. b She always dressed plainly... 75.2 1 enormously/ significantly 2 from time to time/ rarely 3 easily/ scarcely 4 almost/ 5 next/ at the bus stop on College Road 6 often/ on many occasions 7 -hardly ever/ every week 8 «K«l)t/ rarely 9 -nearly/ entirely 75.3 1 Mi a m 4 nifti'i 2 «"Et'" 5 "2'a'3' 3 ™ 6 wa« UNIT 76 76.1 2 ...and out jumped Nick. 3 Outside the door stood two small children. 4 In the park the boys were playing cricket, despite the muddy conditions, (no inversion) 5 Inside the church the choir was singing one of my favourite carols, (no inversion) 6 Around her neck hung a jade necklace. 7 Down the hill the horse ran quickly, (more likely than 'Down the hill ran the horse quickly.') 8 ...and up the tree it climbed. 9 ...and in marched a delegation from the striking workers. 10 ...across the room it flew, (no inversion) 11 ...away swam the fish. 12 the corner was a very old grandfather clock. 13 Around the town she drove (no inversion) for hours looking for the gallery, until in a side street she spotted (no inversion) the place. 14 Through the window Megan watched sadly, (more likely than Through the window watched Megan sadly.') 15 In the office Ann found (no inversion) it difficult to concentrate, but at home she worked (no inversion) more efficiently. 16 In Japan they saw (no inversion) a volcano erupting, and in Indonesia they experienced (no inversion) an earthquake. 17 On one side of the village green is a 16lh century church and opposite stands a 15,h century pub. 76.2 2 ...last week I had a holiday, (subject-verb inversion is not possible: 'last week' is an adverb of time indicating a period; does not take inversion (see C)) 3 ...first came a welcoming address by the head of the organising team. 4 no time were members of the public in danger. 5 No change; the adverb 'daily' can't go in front position. 6 ...seldom can a politician have changed his views so quickly as Beckett. 7 came a blizzard, preventing us from leaving the hut. 8 next Friday we'll be in Japan, (subject-verb inversion is not possible: 'by next Friday' is an adverb of time indicating a definite point; does not take inversion (see Q) 9 No change; the adverb 'hourly' can't go in front position. 10 ...hardly ever did I hear him raise his voice in anger. 11 ...twice a week I play squash, (subject-verb inversion is not possible: 'twice a week' is an adverb of time indicating a definite frequency; docs not take inversion (sec C)) 12 No change; the adverb 'quarterly' can't go in front position. UNIT 77 77.1 1 very much 2 much/ very much 3 very/ very much 4 much/ very much 5 very much 6 much/ very much 7 very 8 very/ very much 9 very much 10 much/ very much 77.2 1 too 5 very/ too 2 very/ too 6 too 3 very 7 very 4 very 8 too 77.3 1 ...and he even offered... 2 I will only be... 3 ...on the basis of price alone. 4 ...and even the smallest donation can make... 5 ...he has even asked Claire... 6 Only John knew... (or John alone knew...) 7 Advertising alone... 8 Admission alone... UNIT 78 78.1 A number of positions for these adverbs are possible, depending on the wider context and the particular emphasis that the speaker/ writer wants to give. The first answer hclow gives perhaps the most likely position in many contexts, and then alternatives. 2 ...Presumably, the idea is to welcome visitors from other countries, or The idea, presumably, is to welcome.../ The idea is, presumably, to welcome.../ ...other countries, presumably. 3 The builders generously agreed to plant new trees to replace the ones they had dug up. or Generously, the builders agreed.../ The builders agreed generously to plant... 4 Most people rightly believe that the prisoners should be released. or Rightly, most people.../ Most people believe, rightly, that... 5 Obviously, she knew more about the robbery than she told the police, or She obviously knew.../ ...told the police, obviously. 6 He carelessly broke the window when he was painting, or Carelessly, he broke... 7 She bravely picked up the spider and put it outside, or Bravely, she picked up.../ She picked up the spider bravely... 8 Interestingly, this was the only map I could find that includes the village of Atherstone. or This was, interestingly, the only map... 78.2 2 ...outwardly she looked remarkably calm. 3 ...environmentally it is no longer the problem it once was. 4 ...industrially it is relatively undeveloped. 5 ...visually the performance was stunning. 6 ...financially we'd be much better off if we moved there. 7 ...politically he claims to be a socialist. 8 ...technically she could be sent to prison. 78.3 Suggested answers are given 2 In geological terms, limestone is a relatively new rock. 3 The building is similar to the opera house in Milan in terms of architecture. 4 From a grammatical point of view the essay was well written, but its style was inappropriate. 5 The election was clearly rigged and the result is a severe blow to the country as far as democracy is concerned. 271